Thursday, April 22, 2010

Is that a coffin?

I oftentimes see cars with these huge plastic things strapped to their roofs and wonder what the hell compels anybody who is not on a camping trip from driving around town with some plastic coffin tied to the roof. I see them everywhere lately as if they are procreating like Gremlins which has done nothing to make them appear slightly hip which has not deterred anybody apparently.

As if there isn't enough indignation in driving a Volvo or a Subaru this thing makes you look like you are driving a double-decker station-wagon. You have five rows of seats, a trunk the size of a dumpster and you are driving back and forth to ballet lessons and tee-ball practice, what do you need an extra 40 cubic feet of space for?

These thing offer nothing in the way of aerodynamics so you are probably crawling down the highway in the center-line at 15mpg but I wonder what exactly are people lugging around in these things?
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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