Thursday, March 18, 2010

Bend Over

I understand in this time of HealthCare overhaul that every doctor, pharmacist and insurance agent is afraid for their livelihood. With competing ways of how to run the health-care industry dominating the airways it seems like the commercials are a pleasant interruption. Some say that Health Care should be run like a business allowing market forces to control costs while others believe it's the responsibility of the government to provide Heath Care and that because of it's vast purchasing power it can keep costs down.

See I agree with a little of both, I think healthcare has to be run more compassionately than the straight business model and more effectively than through governmental bureaucracy because there is nothing more frustrating than sitting at a doctor's office and having to wait for 45 minutes. Why is it that this is the only business model where the customer has no say what so ever?
You can threaten to walk out, but try getting another appointment, you can threaten to change doctors but good luck getting one to accept your insurance or you can bend over and take it. The receptionists are preoccupied, the nurses overweight and the doctor's disinterested., some REAL competition would do them some good.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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