Sunday, February 7, 2010

Like a high speed conversation on dial-up.

You know TOR is an equal opportunity hater, finding flaws in fat people, badly dressed ones, Russians, people who give bad wedding gifts, Baptists, chicks who wear flats with dresses, guys who wear the full LanceArmstrog gear when going biking, Republicans, Democrats etc.

But what really gets in my craw are slow-talkers as they hijack the pace of a normal conversation. There is nothing I dread more than watching the world pass you by as when you are caught in a conversation with somebody speaking at dial-up pace who can't get a coherent thought past his lips.
Just yesterday at dinner, the waiter came out to read the specials and spoke so slowly I was afraid the appetizers would get cold. The speech pattern is so forced that the patrons next to us-with a different waiter- were chowing down on banana cream pie before our main-dishes arrived.

There are people I will literally avoid at parties because I feel like poking myself in my nutsack out with an ice pick when they get caught up in a sentence. I always feel like I'm stuck in a spider's web as I frantically rack my brain to come up with some-how to pull myself out looking for any possible out of the trap.
Forget real brains this is an issue of social intelligence. I see this inability to keep a conversation moving akin to torture.

I realize that in NYC our speech pattern maybe a bit faster than the rest of the country and people will blame it on a cultural or a geographical thing but the slow-talkers pattern trumps them all.

Mind control is one scary concept but lack of personal mind-to-mouth control has brutal consequences.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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