Thursday, January 14, 2010

Somebody explain this to me

As any avid sports-fan knows there are often times when an athlete tells a media outlet that he feels 85% or 80%

I am not exactly sure what is dumber, the question or the answer because I for sure couldn't tell you the difference of feeling 85% or 82%. It's just another example of a society where every statement has to be quantified because we are obsessed with numbers -what is the spread on that game, what is the yield on that mutual fund, what is the payout % on that claim-
But getting back to asking a person what percentage they feel at is asinine and in a physical sport like the NFL it is particularly dumb as you know that there is no 100% for these players especially late in the season when the grind of a full season has taken its toll on everybody. When Tom Brady says he's 65% does he mean 65% of his off-season level or 65% of his January level? Something tells me he's 100% when he's balls deep in Gisselle.

But forget the aspect of taking a professional athlete who gets world-class treatment for injuries, hot-tubs, ice-baths, MRI's, X-Rays, 24 care, happy ending all provided by their team, I'm almost 34 and I never feel 100%. My knees creek, my eyesight is not what it used to be, I'm grumpy and it takes be three days to get over a big hangover.

So put me down for 62% as my normal and I'll give you my number off that.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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