Saturday, January 16, 2010

Out of Touch and In

This is the thing about communication.   It's great to be in touch 24-7 until the point when you are no longer in touch 24-7 when it feels liked somebody snuck into your bedroom and sawed off you arm.     I landed in Europe 12 hours ago and for the first time in 5+ years was met with a blank cell-phone screen.   Something about a missing or incorrect SIM card but the issue which may or may not be a simple one to fix had lead to the most pressure packed day of my life.

It's a sad state, when you realize that you are completely dependent on contact with the outside world, that being away from a computer for 10 hours means the world may have ended and you not known about it.

I've been around the world and back, although I'm the kind of person who is almost completely frozen by the concept of overseas travels.   It's not that the travel bothers me, the flight annoys me or the foreign countries don't interest me, it's that I hate to be disconnected.   I'm not sure what it stems from but my buddies will tell you that I have an unnatural need to be involved with everything going on.

What I'm most annoyed with is the antiquated technology of Verizon Wireless, who couldn't adust my SIM card issue -which wound up being only due to a typo on the part of one of their associates- because the billing cycle for the day had started..    I'm out of contact for 24 hours because some chick typed 143 instead of 134 and their only excuse is to blame it on technology

 I thought technology was supposed to make our lives easier

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