Sunday, November 29, 2009

The scam

TOR continues its expose on the scam pulled by Babies R Us... A few months ago after we kept receiving the same crib off our registry from different people we started to get skeptical. It wasn't as if a stork clerk had messed up because the cribs were bought using various methods of purchase two online and three from three different stores in three different states. 5 identical cribs later it became apparent that there was something rotten in Denmark and it didn't take much legwork to start identifying the scam. Babies R Us would sell certain items off their registry and then not take them off or show them as "sold". Of course when two women walk into a gala wearing the same dress it usually leads to some fireworks now imagine five women walk into a shower with the identical gift.

See the consultants working on the marketing schemes for Babies R Us figured out that there were a number of "big ticket" items which many people would want to buy including the crib, the stroller or the bedding and realized that most people would return the items to the store for store credit and at $150 per crib the store credit adds up quickly.
When I bitched and moaned at customer service they assured me it was a temporary glitz in the system for our specific registry but just this weekend a friend bought a "big ticket" gift from another unrelated registry and two days later the item was back on.
I knew it was a scam when I walked into a store lugging a 50lb crib and the lady at the returns desk said completely unprompted "returning because you got more than one on the registry?"
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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