Saturday, November 14, 2009

The guy who looks like he forgot to shower is going on trial

So the 9-11 mastermind comes to New York to be tried for the murder of 4000 people and the city tabloids are giddy with their coverage as the plaster his mug on their front pages. They obviously have a pulse of a country which is blood thirsty after having just put the DC Sniper to death. asked whether he should be tried in New York and as somebody who generally appreciate the circus that comes with national stories you would think that TOR is in full support to have the trial in down-town Manhattan but this editorial board would prefer it to be held far far away.
The biggest issue is that there really aren't any thing you will out of this. If it becomes a trial like Slobodan Milosevic went through it'll just give a forum to the kind of psychopath who shouldn't be allowed a public access show

Secondly finding a jury of his peers might be hard unless we can dig up Hitler, Stalin, Genghis Khan and Dick Cheney.

I know people love closure although I can't see how anything clear of actually personally escorting Bin Laden to his 80 virgins will bring any closure. Just getting him to his virgins would be great especially if he shows up expecting chicks who look like they can make $800 a night at FlashDancers and instead leave him in a room full of female Pittsburgh Steeler fans.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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