Sunday, November 15, 2009

Forced castrations

Discussing the act of -and difficulty of- having babies with some friends got me to thinking that it's so difficult for some-people who are well equipped in their life situations to have babies while so many people ill-equipped are pumping out kids every day of the week.
I know we live in a free country but I truly believe that if you have screwed up with one set of kids and owe all sorts of child-support and alimony that you shouldn't be allowed another chance to procreate. I'm talking forced castration or at least beta-ray sterilization. We do it with stray cats, we should do it with stray dudes too.
I'm sorry if I sound like I'm starting a police state but in football you need to put pressure on the Quarterback if you hope to contain the offense and procreation amongst the stupid, the incompetent or ill-equipped should be no different.
They make you take a test to get a drivers license and made you passing typing to get a high-school degree but the only thing we had to do when we took the baby from the hospital was sign a waiver that we watched a TV program about 'baby-shaking syndrome". How they let a guy who's fathered kids multiple women without taking real responsibility walk out with a baby when you can't order Dominos without giving your name, address and phone number is beyond me. If you don't qualify to get a BestBuy credit card you shouldn't qualify to procreate!!!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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