Thursday, October 8, 2009

Why are you always sick?

We all have those friends who no matter what time of the year, what outside temperature or what personal affliction will be sneezing and coughing at the sight of a stiff breeze. I have friends who literally get the flu 3 or 4 times per year and I have always seen their commitment to health as a losing proposition. These people will carry around a dirty tissue from October through April and complain of aches, runny noses, watery eyes etc at any given point.

Now there are hypochondriacs like a friend of mine who is convinced he's got whatever the disease de jour is.. One week he thinks he has the swine-flu and the next week he thinks he has a brain tumor

But I'm not referring to hypochondriacs (they deserve a TOR all their own) but the people who are always just sick. Man up and take off the skirt and start acting like a grownup you sissy.

Sometimes you're glad the bitch and moan cause if they didn't you might realize they were dead.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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