Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Pretty in Pink

I’ve been a father for exactly 19 days and even with the fact that I’m not sleeping enough; it’s been a great experience. I love how having a baby puts everything into perspective, I haven’t surfed for porn in weeks, haven’t gotten hammered in forever, haven’t been at work till the sun is down and haven’t woken up with a frown on my face yet.

But I do have a frown when I look over and realize my entire house looks like a pepto-bismol commercial. We all know the US consumer is a complete mindless drone and it’s on full display when you realize that 90% of the outfits you get are either hot-pink or baby-blue. Now it’s not that I have anything against pink (except when a dude wears one with a popped collar) but I hope my daughter will be able to make her own decisions and not be force-fed into pink castles and dresses.

In the big picture I guess I don’t understand why a little girl should wear only one color anyway. All your pictures will look the same and nothing will ever stand out but when corporate America decides that this is what happens and we as consumers all fall in line. It’s not much different than Hallmark holiday’s like Valentine’s Day, Secretary’s day and Father’s day. What should be a day to thank somebody for being great has turned into yet another day when a $20 dozen roses retails for $100.

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