Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Shoot me up

So everywhere you turn you see quacks standing on soap-boxes saying that the flue shot is dangerous. Now I don't know for sure but I do know that every-year I get the shot I don't get the flu which is pretty good. Now you know how we at TOR feel about the H1N1 hysteria so I am not going to be one that runs to the emergency-room with a sore throat but we do believe that we should be practicing preventative medicine including flu shots.
See this country is too reactionary; the yentas and house-wives get too fanatical about the common cold but these are the same bon-bon eating slobs who feed their kids excess sugar and fried food. You can't have it both ways; you have to see health as a life-goal not something that comes up only when you have a runny nose.

Then again the only thing this "preventive" step has done for me is prevented me from getting lunch since I have been sitting here for almost an hour and when my pervert doctor does eventually see me, he'll be all too happy to fondle my sack.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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