Monday, October 12, 2009

I wish homelessness upon you

Have you noticed how often people use Facebook status to pat themselves on the back? There is some bald-prick who I knew from a former life who will often have status updates about him giving away an umbrella or going to a soup-kitchen and literally one day had an update about how he pulled a guy from a burning car. I commend this bald-prick for his good-deeds but feel sick to my stomach when I read these self-serving posts.

Well here we go again another Monday and another self-serving Metropolitan Diary entry. I’m all for being kind to strangers or homeless people but what I’m NOT in favor of is people who use this forum to pat themselves on their backs.

Dear Diary:

Some years ago, my wife and I would regularly take my parents to dinner at a restaurant they particularly liked on Madison Avenue in the upper 80s.

We usually came in from Connecticut by car. Most often, as I fed coins into the parking meter out front, a particular panhandler would ask me for a donation. He was a regular and I would often give him something. Once he even gave me a quarter when I was out of change.

One day around noon, I was walking along Madison in the 70s when I spotted my panhandler across the street. I shouted to him: “What are you doing way down here?”

His reply: “Oh, hey, man, this is my day job.”
 Keir Dullea

Thanks Keir for your wonderful story about some homeless dude who probably reeks of urine and bothers people on the subway it’s wonderful that you were able to remember him from the 100’s of other homeless people roaming the streets. I’m sure you made his day when you recognized him and his funny response shows that life hasn’t beat him down completely. But my TOR BITCH is not about your boring little story but about your self-serving line about how you 'often give him something'..  So in other words you give this dude two dimes once a month and now you are taking bows like you're Bono.

Hey Keir have you ever hear of charity being done anonymously? Next time you want to do a good deed, buy him a sandwich and then DON"T write about it in the NY Times or post it as your Facebook status. You obviously haven't as you decided to use the New York Times as your platform to pat yourself on your big fat back hope you didn’t hurt yourself and I can only hope that the next time this homeless person pees on somebody’s leg…it’s yours.

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