Saturday, October 17, 2009

Just cause we are white people doesn't mean we want to go to white plains!!!!

I'm all for parties, I am all for destinations and I'm totally game when it comes to celebrating the birthday's of my friends to celebrate but I am NOT into a combination of the three.

Let me explain. I was invited for a party by a TOR reader -who will remain nameless to protect her identity- the other day to celebrate the birthday of a friend of ours and under normal circumstances make every effort to make it out for her birthday and have a couple of drinks. Now to be fair these are not normal circumstances as the three member TOR team is not making it to any parties at this point but if we were still a two member TOR team this celebration would have been one we would have attended.

Well maybe not... It sounded like a blast until I found out from the EVITE that this thing is being thrown in White Plains, which for all intents and purposes may as well be Siberia.
Why somebody who lives in Connecticut would have her party in White Plains so that her NYC friends can make it out is like believing the Iranians when they said they stopped enriching uranium in 2004.
The party thrower isn't doing anybody any favors when it takes a ticket on the Metro North to get to a party, I have less interest in White Plains than I would in spending a weekend in Delaware and if they get even one New Yorker to make the trek I'd be surprised.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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