Friday, August 14, 2009

when is a nazi also a socialist? when they are pushing for health-care reform

I know the American Public isn’t all that bright but this ‘Death panel’ thing is really showing how gullible people are. I am not one who says we should move to socialism but there are obviously a lot of things wrong with our health-care system today. The costs are running away from us and the argument I hear from my Insurance buddies is always that the private sector can do a better job controlling costs than the public option will. This might be true but you can’t use this argument and then also say that the public option will limit your choices when obviously this goes against the entire thought of the kind of socialism that these people preach against. See you can’t have it both ways; you can’t call people a socialist and then say that their ‘socialist’ plans will be Nazism. For one thing you can’t take two political philosophies which are more contradictory and secondly when you throw around words like that it usually means your arguments are weak to begin with.

But for the sake of argument lets discuss it all.

1- What is so ironic is that the defenders of the private sector will tell you that the public option will limit your choices…. What is funny though is that if you are running a ‘for profit’ company, it is your job to find ways make more profit whether this is through cost-savings or cost-cutting. So it is ironic that the private sector derides the public option because they say you will be limited in options knowing that if the private option is doing what they should for their shareholders than of course they would be limiting expensive options.

2- The entire socialism thing falls on death ears if you are also going to say that this public policy will force death-panel’s upon the sick, elderly or weak. Isn’t this what true capitalism is based on? Survival of the fittest. The complaint about socialism is that the lazy and weak people will get the same kind of health-care that the hard-working ones will.. but then explain the death-panel argument?

3- People who will argue that you should be allowed to carry a concealed gun as this is a basic human right will also say that Euthanasia should not be a human right. How can carrying an Uzi into a church be considered a right but a person riddled by cancer can’t make the humane decision to end their lives. We do this for dogs or cats why not for humans?

The entire Death Panel thing is totally idiotic and proves how dumb the people who regurgitate talk radio really are (from either the left or the right). If you don’t like the public option that is fine but don’t bullshit about it. If the public option is so bad, how hard could it be to convince other’s of that fact without making up pure lies.

Here is the Righetti Death Panel
“pro-death across the board”:

pro death-penalty, pro choice, pro euthanasia

Let people who should die...DIE (just make sure they did it)

Let people who want to die...DIE

Let women make their own choices about their bodies

and while we are at it

Somebody set up some traps to kill those poodle sized rats I’ve been noticing in the subways.

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