Saturday, August 15, 2009

this is our country

Sitting at a renowned Brooklyn seafood restaurant it dawned on me that the entire experience is just not that pleasant. Between the terrible food, the terrible service and the terrible atmosphere these places have some balls to ask for $30 a plate for dinner. Maybe describing the food as terrible is a bit of a stretch but I would say the menu at Blue Ribbon is tired and played-out. The restaurant is good but the menu is very ordinary and often times they are way to conservative with their specials/ They never go out on a limb with anything out of the ordinary and the fact I've actually ordered a piece of beef at a seafood place when none of your specials sounded even remotely interesting tells you what how appealing your regular menu is.

Now my first complaint is the kind of steak you offer: somebody has to tell these people that hanger Steak tastes like dog-food and has the consistency of big-league chew. Need you be reminded that the ONLY time you should even offer this bologna tasting thing is with steak-and-eggs and even then it ruins the eggs. What really gets me is that the best thing on the menu is the fried chicken; now I'm not complaining about fried-chicken because this is one of my favorite foods in the entire world but a seafood place should be renowned for it's stripped bass or rainbow trout not it's deep friend poultry

But my biggest problem has to do with the acoustics at these restaurants. I have some terrible hearing from my years of playing in a garage band but I literally have to cup my ears so that I can hear my wife speak from across a two-top. These restaurants are so concerned about atmosphere that they seem to forget that most of the time people go to dinner to enjoy each others company, not to be deafened by Coldplay or Bjork.

And lastly please do us a favor the next time I come into your overpriced hanger-steak serving wind-tunnel, seat us somewhere away from the bathrooms so that I don't have to see every dirt-bag walking in to take a dump.

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