Saturday, July 11, 2009


So the NY State assembly is back in business after a month of wasting our tax money on their stalemate.   This shows again that the members of society who care the least about the well-being of its people are the ones that represent them in government.  
Government bureaucracy has become such a joke that getting something reasonable passed through either local, state of federal government depends solely on the ability of the constituent to have properly greased the palms of everybody from the highest office to the fluffer girls down below.

But what it really does is bring a bigger issue to the forefront.  Is there any reason other than "because this is the way it is" that the entire state of New York is represented in Albany.  First of all,  there is no way that  such a corrupt group should be representing anybody let alone a state as complicated as New York but more importantly, all of New York being represented by one state government doesn't make any sense anymore.   This is not a state of farmers and manufacturing, the interests of the city people have nothing to do with the interest of the up-staters.  It has become obvious that in order to fix state government in a place like New York you would have to decouple the City from its upstate brother.   The mentality and outlook is completely different once you get north of Peekskill because not only does not nearly the amount of money we send to Albany come back down to NY City, we are also held hostage by corruption and politicians who stifle good concepts like Bloomberg's congestion pricing ideas.     This is where we have to take a stand and break up the state somewhere North of Westchester.
  For the city folks this would work because just like going to trial and you are suppose to get a jury of your peers, I think that you should be able to be represented by people who are your peers, not some hot-head from Buffalo.   I am sick of having my city dollars sent upstream and sent back short.   I am sick of having some clown from some rural part of the state decide how NYC should handle its congestion and pollution and I'm sick of having some fat-head like Tom Golisano and his billions of dollars be able to interrupt the state senate for a month at a time and I'm sick of paying for the plight of the upstater.   We have enough problems within this city to deal with that we don't need an entire welfare state pulling at our coffers.

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