Sunday, July 12, 2009

summer blues

For many people the summer time is the opportunity to get out and wash away the winter blues. The weather improves, the sun shines and all of a sudden people have energy again. In anticipation for the three months of heat, gyms get crowded as people start working out to lose inches off their waistlines in April, so as spring springs eternal, summer breeds optimism. Most baseball teams are still within striking distance in the early summer and with the long days most people seize the opportunity to extend their days and utilize the light-hours to get together with friends. But when you have a summer which starts with 26 days of rain in June you wonder what happened to the summers of yester-year. I am not a soap box guy but I do know for certain that the weather patterns we are getting now is not the same as the summer weather I remember getting as a kid. The fact that it rains everyday in NYC and did not rain in Seattle or Amsterdam for a month should tell you something.
Now I cannot tell you that I have any experience with greenhouse gasses (other than creating them through flatulance) but I do know that it rains every day and I hate the humidity that precedes it. Even yesterday which started beautiful was hampered by the evening shower, it is like I was transplanted to Florida against my will
I applaud Obama for finally showing US leadership in climate change initiatives even if the Krugman and Friedman elite claim the commitment to a 17% reduction is not adequate. It is amazing that there is even a movement that is now heard in Washington and this 17% commitment is only the first step.You can't reach for the skies when you can't even see it.

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