Sunday, July 19, 2009

So it's time

There are many ways for somebody to know they have to go on a diet but nothing is more apparent than a 33 year old dude who is having a hard time beating back father time, or better yet father donut. I have been on this yearly yo-yo thing where during marathon training season I can get down to 182 pounds when I approach 40 miles per week but when the running season ends and I cut down to 20 miles per week, the pounds creep back up and this winter I almost hit two bills.

The issue with the extra 15 is that my knees hurt when running at 190+ pounds which really is a nasty case of chicken-or-the-egg:. See my knees hurt when running cause i am a fat slob but the only way for me to lose weight is by running. The extra 15 pounds do allow me to wear my ugly cargo shorts without a belt but that is not the kind of compensation prize I want.

Well there is another familiar issue which is rearing it's ugly head..

Last night I had a hard time walking through the humid city (so much for those 4 days of nice weather).as my run earlier in the day in the humidity had my fat thighs) rubbing together for ten miles and all of a sudden I find a bunch of chafing bumps on my inner-thigh and every step I take results in yet more irritation. Now this has been so bad in previous years that I rubbed myself down with the oil and vinegar dressing from an Italian Restaurant but my only reprieve yesterday was to walk around like a cowboy. Big strides that first go east-west as they go north-south.

I do a online search and the way to avoid this is by putting lube all over my inner thighs. First they recommend running in those bike shorts and you know how I feel about that entire sport and secondly they recommend liberally spreading vaseline or lube to your thighs.
Problem is that I start many of my runs from the gym and If i want to avoid situations like these from escalating, I am probably better off not pulling out a big bottle of lube into the NYSC locker rooms

Bad Life
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