Saturday, June 27, 2009

Pick a team and stick with it

If you are a Yankee fan there are only a very limited amount of times you are allowed to root for the Mets. You can root for them when they are playing the RedSox but that is about it.
Well I kinda feel the same way about bisexual chicks, now you dedicated TOR fans know I am a big fan and HUGE supporter of Lesbians. I feel like the straight dude -lesbian chick connection is like that of the Allied Forces and Stalin, we join forces as we have a common goal even if we approach it slightly differently. Our mutual respect and admiration for hot chicks is unmatched specifically because we understand the others goals even if we cannot completely understand what they do behind closed doors. It's a beautiful friendship and the only cracks in it occur when one of the two groups gets greedy.
What I can't understand is some chick who one day is all into loving chicks and then the next day attracted to some sweaty, hairy, chubby dude. I don't care about the whole "falling for people" line because when it is time to get physical the differences are too stark. I am not talking about some hootchy bringing some slutty asian chick home for her boyfriend but am talking to those chicks who lead the life of a lesbian (Ann Heche) and then decide one day that maybe it's not convenient enough.
Any real sportsfan will tell you that you can't be a fan of two teams in the same sport, it's hedging your bets and quite frankly bullshit. A real fan also doesn't jump from team to the next when his team isn't doing well and the other is at the cusp of a championship, you take one team and stick with them no matter how much they suck(NY Jets).

So my message for those bisexual chicks is shit or get off the pot, if you are into the sweet flavor of tuna then slop some mayonnaise and celery into your sandwich and chow down but if you are a chick who prefers sausage and peppers then rock a large hero and pile on the grease cause we all know that sausage and tuna don't make a good combo.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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