Saturday, April 11, 2009

The two day hangover

You know you had a big night when the next morning a large black coffee can't get you through the day. Nothing works as you fight the fog built up in the head and the entire feeling is as if your body has been drained of all its energy by those lightning bolts the Emperor shoots

Then there are the days when even the Emperor's bolts seem like child's play.. When the force is so strong that it first wipes you out and then meticulously eats away any piece of hidden energy you have stored away. After a normal night of drinking you can usually rally the next day and at least save face but after an epic night there is no rally anymore it is just a slow death.

The normal cures (grease and water) are no match and even the seemingly fair-proof "start drinking again" can't overcome it. This is the hangover which is so debilitating that it puts you out of commission for two days. When you wake up two days later and still feeling like Hacksaw Jim took a 2x4 to the inside of my head you, you know you are fucked but you also know you had a big night..

Then you vow to never have one like that again.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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