Monday, January 26, 2009

William Kristol's final column

Apparently Kristol's New York Times tenure ends today, ironically on the cusp of Obama's first full week. I didn't know it would end like this and I wonder if the Times has been pressured to let him go, or not renew his contract from the liberals who read the paper? When a voice gets shut out because of pressure from a dissenting group, I call this censorship!!
I don't agree with most of what he says and I know he's a pompous ass but I will miss a dissenting voice on the Op-Ed pages, and they owe it to their readership and to 'fairness' to replace him with another conservative voice. David Brooks remains the only staunch conservative voice on the entire page and quite frankly I will need more than just a Tuesday and Friday fix to see how the other side thinks.

So the new Righetti must read 5 Op-Ed columnists go as follows:
Frank Rich
Gail Collins
Paul Krugman
David Brooks
Maureen Dowd

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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