Tuesday, November 11, 2008

somebody post pictures of me in my $129 jeans please

Day: Saturday Night
Occassion:  Mrs. Righetti's birthday Party
Place: Crowded NYC Bar which adds a 20% auto-gratuity.
Scene:  Righetti with the $129 jeans on standing at the bar talking about the election with a buddy "The Catfish"..  Some skanky looking hootch walks up and starts a conversations

Hot Chick: (chatty and bubbly)
Hey guys, what are you up to?

Righetti: (looking around, hoping to be rescued)..
nothing much

Hot Chick: (trying another angle)
So what do you guys do?

Catfish: (completely seriously)
I'm an attorney but not a very good one

Hot Chick: (laughing but kind of surpised)..

Catfish: (dead serious with a defeated attitude)
Yeah, I've lost every case I've ever been on.

Hot Chick: (wondering what it will take now)
Oh.. Fun place huh?

Righetti: (not making any eye contact at all)..
yeah.. fun place

Hot Chick: (getting desperate)
Oh.. So you guys here for a party or something?

Righetti/Catfish screaming almost completely simultaneously
It's my wife's birthday/It's my fiancé’s friend birthday

Hot Chick (completely defeated)
I think my friends are calling me.

Righetti to Buddy (completely relieved)
Wow that was close, I thought she'd never leave

As a married dude, it's a sad day when you realize that you are not even remotely happy about getting hit on and actually more annoyed that some hot-chick was interupts your conversation.   It was like the weight of the world lifted off my shoulders when she finally left.

I knew those God-Damned Jeans were a disaster.

Oh Yeah.. Congrats to Relief Bitcher: The Ryan Express on his engagement, soon he'll have no idea what to do when getting hit on either!!!

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