Monday, November 10, 2008

An economic transfer of wealth worse than socialism

For all the name-calling and fear tactics from this last campaign season, there was a stone which was left unturned. After consulting a number of complex financial analysis and movements between economies of scale and analyzing how wealth from the private sector gets taken to be added into the social economic pool by the public sector I am ready to unveil my research on the transference of monies from the haves to the have-nots which is becoming more problematic than even endemic welfare.

People have never done less and gotten more, the issue is one of the largest transfers of wealth for virtually no work what so ever... my issue is the new Marxism......the 20% auto-gratuity.

On two separate occasions this weekend, I was hit with this Communist crap, the first time at some crappy ass bar who found it justifiable to add 20% to any credit card bill. What the F***, 20% to bring me three beers? You have to be kidding me!! how some bartender feels he is owed the same percentage as a "service charge" as a waiter, a masseuse or a barber, people who actually service you is beyond me.

There is no service in one of these busy bartenders what-so-ever,

no friendly smile,

no "how was your drink?",

no "can I get you something else?"

NOTHING.. this is complete horse-shit and I'm not standing for it anymore.

The second time was even worse after we sat down at an empty restaurant with a party of 10 late Sunday afternoon. Some waiter who looks like he fell out of RENT takes our order and subsequently forgets about us all together. Not one time does he come to ask us if we wanted another drink, some crushed pepper, another piece of bread anything.

Then comes the worse part, the reason you come to a restaurant.. here came the food.

The issues included

1) one out of the ten dishes ordered never comes out at all, something the waiter never acknowledges and only realizes when we complain to the bus-boy.

2) complete mistakes in food delivered, I got cooked salmon instead of the smoked salmon, a chicken sandwich down the table comes delivered sans chicken

3) the food quality, for those who actually got food, was piss-poor.

4) and worse yet my Bloody-Mary tasted like watered down tomato piss

But the biggest issue was not even the food but the fact that this sorry excuse for a human was completely AWOL.
No acknowledgment of the mistakes or the items he forgot, no apology from the management nothing plus to make a bad situation worse, I had to beg the busboy to refill my coffee and I get cranky when I haven't had at least a full liter of caffeine.

Then to add insult to injury, an hour after the first dish was served it becomes our obligation to track down this two-piece jack-off to ask him for a bill so that we can pay him for his crap food and of course we are met with another 20% auto gratuity.

What the hell is wrong with my life? I know that a large party usually has gratuity added but 20 percent for awful service and we're just supposed to bend over and take it. We've come to a point in this country when the waiter doesn't urinate in your coffee and wipe his ass with your hoagie you are thrilled. Since shitty service now basically requires 20%, what the hell does good service get.. felation from the customer?

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