Saturday, October 4, 2008

How can you tell if your city will vote Democratic or Republican?

I've been trying to explain to a few friends why there is a certain sector of this country who completely embraces Sarah Palin while another sector is completely frightened by her. All of her "Heck Yeah", "Darnit" and "you betcha"'s seems to put the fear of Jesus in half the country while the other half hears it and just feels they are slightly closer to Jesus.Now how can you tell if somebody will like Sarah Palin.. .

I've come up with an almost fool-proof method of finding out which way politically a city will lean. If the city has both a TGI Fridays and a Chili's within 1 mile of an Applebees and an Olive Garden, then its citizens will have a higher opinion of somebody like George Bush. Basically there is a direct correlation between the total amount of sit-down chain restaurants in a 5 mile radius and whether we can save CNN some time and just paint your county red now. I like chain restaurants as much as anybody but I feel terrible for these poor people they couldn't get a really good meal in 500 miles.the amount of acid indigetion that the poor schleps who eat all those chicken fingers must have might be equal to the amount og agita the rest of wienies feel when we get stuck with George Bush

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