Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I wish I was in a Cone of Silence

I wouldn't mind having one of those Silence Cones to keep out the noise of MSNBC blasting day and night.

Is it just me or does it seem like the Times issue more corrections for William Kristol than all it's other columnists combined? Read another one today..

I rank the columnists in the following order in terms of "must read"

1) Frank Rich- Well informed, well written by far the only "must read" collum every week.

2) Gail Collins- the Sportsguy of the Times OpEd page
3) David Brooks- Don't always agree with him but he is well thought out although watching him on TV does make you think that blinking secret messages in morse code to McCain

4) Maureen Dowd- brings the hate equally.

5) Thomas Friedman- the question is not how we break our dependence on foreign oil but rather how he breaks his dependence on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.   Interesting topics but always feels like he is lecturing you

6) Nicholas Kristof- get your humanitarian fix

7) William Kristol-wacky Bush shill

8) Bob Herbert- calm Obama shill

9) Paul Krugman- looks like Friedman tastest like Chicken

10) Roger Cohen- I don't remember ever reading anything he has ever written

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