Monday, December 30, 2024

Take on Congestion Pricing

Congestion pricing will finally come. This is after Hochul chickened out last time which showed you everything you needed to know about her. I know this is going to hurt some but for a guy who commutes into Manhattan every...single.... day, it's due time. Traffic is insane, there are way too many cars and the city is in constant gridlock. Take a train or a bus or a ferry whatever, there are a million of us who do that every day.

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Take on the miserable football team


I've watched enough football in my life to know that there is no way the Jets should return next year with this same miserable lineup hoping that a change of coaching makes the difference. If you have a conspiracy theorist as a QB who divides both the country and the locker room, there is no chance you can be successful as a football program

So please Woody don't bring back ARodge. We need a new direction, starting with you.

Saturday, December 28, 2024

The on the jean's wearing grandmaster

Saw a story about some Grandmaster chess player getting disqualified for wearing jeans. I've head about other ones who were using anal vibrators to get hints on moves but jeans?? I'm not sure what the point is but to take the world's #1 player and force him out of your Super Bowl because he's wearing jeans is idiotic.

Friday, December 27, 2024

Take on TikTok

Trump is pausing the banning of TikTok and I'm upset not for the national security perspective but because I'd very much like it to be taken off the phone of my kids. There can't be a more add tone app than that thing and I find it mesmerizing how mind numbingly stupidity is.

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Take on the crash.

When that Azerbaijani flight crashed yesterday, there was no doubt in my mind it was a Russian attack. I wasn't sure why or how but I figure there was some Russian dissident on the flight and Papa Putin wanted him dead. So when the reports started to come out that this was likely not a random crash, I was not at all shocked. I'm guessing that maybe it was a case of mistaken identity but either way, I'm sure the world will just let it be because we are all so scared of what Russia will do next. The most powerful coup reunion the world is so obviously not the most powerful when it some as to military, political, cultural or economic might yet we treat it like one.

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Take on the NFL on christmas

Maybe it was because the games were terrible, maybe it's just odd on Netflix but it didn't feel right to have NFL games on today. The NFL is king but there is something odd having these guys play on two days rest just so Goodell can make a few more bucks.
Leave Christmas for the NBA.

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

The night before

Twas the Night Before Christmas and all through the house, nobody was whining not even the mouse. The kids were in bed after another long day, and dad's on his second hazy I.P.A. A long dark drive back home is always a blast, when kids are screaming about internet lags. Car full of presents, can't see out the back while the headlights behind me pierce through the black. Half the drivers are drunk, I'm in a funk and the entire time I'm hearing my transmission make a weird clunk. How much longer they ask, I just cannot say, they complain it takes too long and I'm done with the day.

But tomorrow they'll be happy, if just for a while, they'll tell me they love me and fake me a smile.. then they'll dart up the stairs to find an iPad to play and I go on cleaning up the mess of the day. The dog will still love me and I'll hide in my bed until a fight breaks open and my face will turn red.

Merry Christmas

Monday, December 23, 2024

Take on the Matt Gaetz ethics report

There is no creepier person alive ran Matt Gaetz and still somehow Trump thought he was the person who should be leading the justice department. When the house ethics report came out, nobody was surprised as we all suspected he paid women for sex including ones who were underaged. What is shocking is that Mrs Gaetz is sticking with him through all of this.

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Take on the suspected man who lit the homeless woman on fire

I know that NYC is one of the safest big cities in the world when it comes to a per capita crime number but when situations happen like what occurred today, it doesn't quite matter that the numbers are when some psycho set a homeless woman on fire and stood around on the platform watching her burn. I've been saying for years that we don't have a crime problem, we don't have a homeless problem as much as we have a mental health one and the idea that we aren't treating and institutionalizing mentally ill people is a failure of the state.
I know mental wards aren't for the feint of heart but I'm not sure having a city fearful of getting shoved in front of a train or set ablaze is much better. The fact we closed them all years ago and just sent the people into the streets and subways is what we are dealing with today.

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Take on the Trump loss

Trump finally lost. It was a few months late but I guess it's better late than never. This one was about the debt ceiling and he wanted to raise it on Biden's watch not his own. This is typical of Trump, he doesn't actually like the governance part of it, he just likes the ridiculousness of it all

Friday, December 20, 2024

Take on president Elon

The smartest thing the democrats have done since the Weird thing this summer is l the recently adopted running joke of Elon rubbing the show while Donnie has to play second fiddle. You wonder why it took them so long to get somewhere with this because it's so obvious that having all these memes with Elon larger than Trump has to irritate him to no ends.

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Take on the Jansport backpack

35 years ago, I desperately wanted a Jansport backpack and after begging and pleading I finally got my parents to drop some stupid amount of money on a bag which looked exactly like the bag every other kid had. Fast forward and my own kids are looking for the exact same backpack I had as a kid and it's still twice as expensive as any other bag. You'd think the extra money pays for better quality not just a brand but honestly in 35 years plus of making these things, they still have bit figured out that kids will jam these things full and then before you know it, the zipper will get stuck

My kid's zipper is so stuck, I need jaws of life to have a shot to open up that bag.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Take on the Canadian annex

In season 1, Trump wanted to buy Greenland which was met with more than a little skepticism. We obviously never thought we'd be back here again but here we are and now in season two and 47 is threatening to annex Canada. I'm not quite sure what our northern neighbors think of this but I have to think that all those new Canadian immigrants that come with the territory won't make Trump all that happy. Then again, most of them are white (or Asian) so maybe he won't care that much.

You'd have to think the new state (or hopefully multiple states) would lean left and we can retake congress and the presidency.

Sign me up...if nothing else it can only help our Hockey teams

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Take on the TikTok ban

I never cared all that much about alleged Chinese spying embedded within TikTok, always assuming that they are already listening. I also assume Meta and Google and whatever else is listening too, so don't believe we should have any pretense of moral clarity.
Why in happy that there might be a TikTok ban is so that my teenage kids are forced to spend time doing anything else.

Monday, December 16, 2024

Take on the FDIC

I guess if you are loving the return of Polio, you'll love the run on banks. It's like we are back in the 1930's all over again and the party is just about to start.

Today I noticed a new FDIC insured message when I opened by Citi app and first thought it was odd as they were maybe forced to do so, or maybe they were making a statement.

Turns out it's a new FDIC mandate which makes sense as a preemptive move but it does beg the question as to what the hell Trump is thinking with this. At least in the first term he was overtly nuts but now it's like this branded craziness which will destroy us.

The plans to make us back 100 years is coming together nicely.

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Take on Don Jr. and Kimberly Guilfoyle's split

When news broke that Donnie Jr and Kim Guilfoyle had broken off their engagement, I'm sure tears were shed Those were maybe by the florist or the wedding planner, as I can't imagine anybody else not being paid to run that wedding cares about either of them. Little Donnie is already with some other skank, so I'm sure papa Trump is happy enough to send the last one to Greece

Screw this entire horrible family.

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Take on endless daylight savings.

Trump is talking smith eliminating daylight savings but somehow he's got the wrong side of the argument. If we go to full time standard time, we'll never get our long summer evening nights, it will always feel like miserable winter. So please god, don't do this to me.

Friday, December 13, 2024

Take on the UFO drones

The worst thing that ever happened was the Ring community feature where people freak the hell out about a million random things. For the last few years it was random coyote sightings or a missing Amazon box but the last two weeks in NJ, we get a notification every three minutes about a drone sighting. Last night we had something like 15 notifications which made my eyes bleed and made me want to throw my ring doorbell in the river.

Get over yourself and start living life and stop staring at the sky hoping to see Alf.

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Take on the giant USB plug hole thing

Every electronic charger you get now is one of those Mini USB-C things yet every airline I've ever flown on is still only offers those gigantic USB plug holes.

I am not sure how the hell these airlines expect me to sit quietly for a six hour flight if I can't even charge my phone anymore. Time to make it into the 21st century, PanAm.

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Take on the confused elevator

I get to my hotel today and I'm floored. I thought I woke up in Michigan today but apparently I'm in Berlin because the elevator is telling they have both a Ground Floor AND a First Floor. I'm not sure what kind of mental gymnastics I need to do to make sense of this but if we ever thought socialism was coming, here is the clearest sign.

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Take on the three types of people at an airport

Long gone are the days when people looked dignified travel, somehow we have decided that going to the airport means we are basically giving up on any style. People don't even try anymore a this point, and it's rely the downfall of civilization.

I'm convinced there are only three types of people at an airport.

- the business person, dressed up nicely, clean and basically staying out of the way and just hoping to get their connection to Milwaukee.

- the guy traveling to Florida with the stupid Goofy hat on and a Hawaiian shirt on. Usually has his boarding pass in a punch around his neck and his wife screaming at him wearing a Minnie Mouse shirt and a pair of pants three sizes too small.

- the person who looks completely homeless in dirty sweats, crocs with socks and one of those shirts you get free when signing up for a Discover card.

We need dress code at these places. It's disgusting.

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Take on Assad

I was thrilled to see the Assad government overthrown not because I have any idea what the next group will do but because the Syrians deserved to have their say. My problem is that we've seen this before and usually it runs into a complete cluster. We are weeks away from ISIS running the joint.

It's with them or worse yet some new splinter faction which will make ISIS looks like teddy bears in the same way that ISIS made Al Qaeda look like a walk in the park

Saturday, December 7, 2024

Take on the end of The Michael Kay show

The Michael Kay show coming to and end feels less tragic than when we lost Mike and the MadDog mostly because while Francesa is a complete self indulging slob, he's must listen radio while Kay is every bit as self absolutes but not nearly as interesting.
I have listened to most shows for the last few years and although it has started to grow on me, the fact these guys aren't in the same studio most of the time, is the reason the chemistry feels manufactured.

Maybe try actually hanging out together next time.

Friday, December 6, 2024

Take on the ultra wealthy

Tax the Rich
Eat the Rich
The fact that Elon Musk is basically the republican version what they claim they hate most (a secret deep state running the government by pulling the financial levers) and it's all lead by Elon. I have to think that a guy willing to spend 1/4 billion dollars just to get Trump elected, must mean something.bur right now he's got the best seat in the house when it comes to influencing Trump.

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Take on assassinator

Yesterday's brazen assassin Marion of the health care executive just feels off. I'm not talking about the evils of the healthcare system or whatever justification you hear, I'm saying that the fact that we have a shooting a few blocks and a bit more than an hour before I was there, is shocking. This just doesn't happen in the US, Yeah we have school shootings, domestic violence and gang warfare but assassinations are like a thing in Russia. Who the hell do we think we are?

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Take on Navarro.

I know it wasn't a shock but really, Peter F'n Navarro?? There isn't anybody who I'd want to run trade less than this guy who basically has a mission to run us all into the ground.

Plus he's a January 6th conspirator

I'd prefer they hire Dave Navarro.

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Take on Pete Hegseth.

God, Pete Hegseth is a complete lunatic. I am sure there are worse humans somewhere but I'd be hard pressed to find too many. Not only does his own mom think he's a danger to women's his colleagues called him a drunk and an angry one at that. So please god, let's not give this psycho the keys to a Suzuki Sidekick let alone the keys to the Pentagon.

Monday, December 2, 2024

Take on these notifications on the screen

Every time I see one of these motivations on my phone after the latest iPhone iOS update, i think it's a hair or booger or piece of dirt. I don't know who thought it was necessary for us to be told how many unread messages you have for any app on this Lock Screen but if you want to give me more anxiety, you've accomplished your goal

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Take on Hunter

We don't have the House, the Senate, the White House or most state houses. We don't have the Supreme Court or any of the most powerful CEO's pushing our agenda but we always had the moral high ground.

Till Biden decided to pardon Hunter.

If we are going to act like the GOP by stooping to their level, we may as well try to actually do anything to win elections.