Saturday, August 31, 2024
Take in the Wells Fargo worker
We are a point in our country where people are literally dying at their desks and nobody notices for a weekend. This poor lady worked at Wells Fargo and died at her desk on a Friday and it wasn't till the following Tuesday that anybody notice and it was only because of the smell
Friday, August 30, 2024
Take on Trump’s position on Roe.
You just know that Trump has some pretty continent experiences with abortion which is why he can't seem to make up his mind as to what is the position to take. We aren't sure what his ultimate plan is but I'm sure it's one of those where wink wink somebody like him is allowed to pay for one but the regular folk are not. And these evangelical nutbags will eat it up.
Thursday, August 29, 2024
Take on the US Army rebukes Trump incident at Arlington National Cemetery
The fact that the orange menace would even think that taking a thumbs up photo at a military cemetery tells you all you need to know. Not only is it completely inappropriate for the fallen solider but the entire group was literally standing on top of other graves in order to do so. I have to think that at some point, veterans have to see this guy for the clown he is.
Wednesday, August 28, 2024
Take on the Arlington cemetery photo op
When Trump decided to use Arlington cemetery for a photo-op, it was yet another disgusting example of his behavior but once again the GOP stayed silence. These guys don't care about suckers and losers because they see Trump as their knight I shining armor. I am disgusted by what has become of our party.
Tuesday, August 27, 2024
The on Rudy Coffee
When you go from America's mayor and a presidential hopeful to a guy hawking a Folgers knockoff, it might be time to call it quits. We know that after three divorces. Rudy is struggling but we also know that there is no chance that anybody with any self dignity would stoop to this level. I don't actually see anything wrong with the branding part but you just know he won't sell more than a few thousand of these things? He's likely been convinced by some conman that this is a good idea which it might be it it just feels like another case of our elderly person getting swindled.
Monday, August 26, 2024
Take on the Gray Lady
Every month I shell out my hard earned money to pay for my NY Times subscription and every month I feel like I'm getting less for my money. Their "both side-ism" has gotten out of control, their guest columnists are becoming a parade of right wing nuts and their regular columnists are tired and boring. I'm so ready for another paper of record.
Sunday, August 25, 2024
Take on Trump’s limited schedule.
It's so obvious that Trump is at that stage I. His life when he doesn't want to work that hard anymore. He doesn't want to go to a diner in Wisconsin or a VFW in Georgia. He wants to play golf, eat well done steaks and anger tweet. We are all sick and tired of his act and I'm starting to think that he's getting bored of it. Maybe it's time for him to take some time off.
Saturday, August 24, 2024
Take on RFK jr
The fallout of the RFK jr. withdrawal continued today with most sane people seeing the insanity of one megalomaniac endorsing another. I'm sure Trump has promised him some cabinet position but I have to hope RFK jr got it in writing because I would trust Trump to keep his word
Friday, August 23, 2024
Take on RFK Jr
RFK Jr just keeps getting worse. this has to be hustled Crispy Chris Christie moment by putting his tail between his legs and kissing the ring. For somebody who comes form such an impressive lineage to endorse Trump has to be the largest black eye since Teddy decided he didn't need headlights
And I really hate Cheryl now.
And I really hate Cheryl now.
Thursday, August 22, 2024
Take on JD’s crappy haircut.
How could the vice presidential candidate for a major party show up at a donut shop with a haircut which looks like it was done with a rusty lawnmower.
This is where the GOP has failed itself, by nominating this idiot, they got stuck with a heartless, soulless dork but sadly that doesn't bother them. What does bother them is that he looks like the kind of guy who gets kicked in the balls and then asks the bully to do it again, just this time harder. He's such a strange bird.
Sent from my iPhone
Wednesday, August 21, 2024
Take on Bill
As good as Day II was for the Democrats, Day III has been anything but exciting. Obama so wildly outperformed whatever big Bill as up to. I know with his vegan diet he is supposed to be doing really well but he hardly sounded lucid and mostly looked like a stiff fart would blow him over. We can't use the prime time slots for a guy who can't hold the room anymore, or if we do he's going to demand a fluffer.
Tuesday, August 20, 2024
take on Michelle.
No Ameican who has never held public office has more respect from her country than Michelle Obama. Before Kamala was anointed, the name that came up more often in conversations than Michelle's. One thing that today proves is that there is no bigger star in this parry than Michelle
I wouldn't want to to be the schmuck to have to follow her tonight.
I wouldn't want to to be the schmuck to have to follow her tonight.
Monday, August 19, 2024
Take on the electoral college
The fact we were denied a Hillary presidency still boggles the mind. The electoral college is so screwed and has so often gotten the will of the majority wrong that you'd be crazy to think that you'd write it like this with any foresight. We are in a time and place where the entire election is going to be about a few thousand votes in some no name county in Wisconsin. I'm so ready for an overhaul of that entire system. But before that we need a sweep.
The fact we were denied a Hillary presidency still boggles the mind. The electoral college is so screwed and has so often gotten the will of the majority wrong that you'd be crazy to think that you'd write it like this with any foresight. We are in a time and place where the entire election is going to be about a few thousand votes in some no name county in Wisconsin. I'm so ready for an overhaul of that entire system. But before that we need a sweep.
Saturday, August 17, 2024
Take on Maureen Dowd
Only Maureen Dowd could turn Kamala's moment into another self fulfilling op-ed that is neither enlightening or interesting. We all know that this was a bloodless coup and Biden may have had his feelings hurt but when you are staring straight down a double digit loss to Donald McDonald, your feelings be damned. I don't care who feels badly, who feels slighted or who feels dejected. We need to win and stop placating to everybody's whims and emotions. Biden was great, he is also ancient and his frailty was on full display but worst of all, he brought about as much excitement to the race as a can of tomato soup.
Friday, August 16, 2024
Take on the weirdo
Whe I see these articles about the Trump speech veering off too, I always wonder what people expect. I think that at thus point if he would be capable of getting one coherent thought out in one breath, it would be impressive. The chances of him staying on a policy message for the duration of anything is fantastical. But the more he speaks the more deranged he is becoming and somehow those undecideds can't be happy with that
Thursday, August 15, 2024
Take on the question as to whether JD Vance wears eyeliner
You just know the Trump campaign is kicking itself for not having vetted JD Vance. This dude has flip flopped on every issue, he's got hundreds of despicable quotes to various right wing outlets and he looks like a walking drag queen. I can't tell you what the point is but I am sure a boring Rubio option would have been a lot bigger
Wednesday, August 14, 2024
Take on big balled dogs
Is there any less pleasant a sight than some short haired dog with a gigantic ball sack dangling between his legs. I love dogs but these testosterone juiced canines with balls that look like silly putty bringing the sun are ungodly u attractive and need to be put down
Tuesday, August 13, 2024
Take on the latest polls
I've never felt so differently about an election that i do now a few weeks after Trump was shot. At that point I was convinced he'd win and win by a fair margin. That photo op was political brilliance and he was going to catapult to victory until. This is what's great about Kamala she can not just bring enthusiasm, she pisses off Trump
Monday, August 12, 2024
Take on the bus riding nail clipper
Last week as in commuting into the city which is a 3 hour daily affair, some lady behind me starts clipping her nails. I have to say people who play TikTok's without headphones on a bus are destined to a place in hell only to be surpassed by those who decide to use it for a place to care for their personal hygiene. We're not in a NY sports club.
Sunday, August 11, 2024
Take on the sorry excuse of an ex president
Trump has gotten his panties in a bunch because he has been lead to believe that Kamala's rally's and crowd enthusiasm is all AI generated. I know this entire thing must be very difficult for him knowing he's on the verge of getting his large orange ass handed to him. By a powerful woman of color. His attacks will only become more vile, his insults more sexist and racist and his smell will only get worse as he gets onto a heavier campaign trail.
Saturday, August 10, 2024
Take on TC
The Olympic gold medal game between the US and Brazil was an instant classic, with great saves, a clutch goal and plenty of physical play. What I didn't appreciate was the face we had to see the head of Scientology parade around like he has any love for our county. This is a dude who helped cover up thousands of crimes, a guy whose own kid hates him and an otherwise a completely despicable human.
He doesn't represent the USA and certainly not US soccer. Please go back to the miserable L Ron hole you crawled in from.
He doesn't represent the USA and certainly not US soccer. Please go back to the miserable L Ron hole you crawled in from.
Friday, August 9, 2024
Take on the debate
Trump decided to hold true to his side of the bargain and debate Kamala on September 10th. We know this is going to be a bloodbath because Trump will come out unprepared but will use the time to spew untruths. I can't say I'm. It looking forward to Harris owning him but I'm a bit afraid that the entire Trump orbit will allow him to get away with murder once again.
Thursday, August 8, 2024
Take on Tim Walz “embellishment”
The Swift boat type attack on Tim Walz was predictable as it's the go to mode when the republicans are running a rich entitled spoiled brat against somebody who has actually served his country. What annoys me is that this type of attack is one that may work with some, ones that aren't smart enough to see the irony in their defense of lieutenant BoneSpur. Anyway, let's hope that the energy of this campaign is enough to drop this loser for good.
Wednesday, August 7, 2024
Take on Megyn Kelly
You have to give it to these republican pundits like Megyn Kelly. They have decided to insult Tim Walz by..criticizing that he gives our menstrual products to teenagers? I mean, they can't possibly be this out of touch, can they? I can't imagine waking up in the last few weeks and being happy having a pamper wearing orange, small handed loser at the head of my ticket.
Tuesday, August 6, 2024
Take on Coach Walz.
At 9am when they announced Tim Walz as her running mate I texted the following to my buddies
My thought is this. Walz is a very safe pick, gives the impression that there is an old white guy which the independent voter can feel comfortable with. With that said, he seems to bring the same things as Kelly and I thought Kelly has a better story. But they are afraid to lose the senate seat in Arizona. I love Pete but I believe they are afraid to splinter off the religious older black vote. They can't afford to lose a single one of that bloc. Andy Beshour is a completing sorry but they aren't going to flip Kentucky anyway and they would definitely lose the statehouse. Shapiro is a very energetic and compelling candidate but his stance on hard Israel is going away from what the party -and Kamala- wants.
I haven't changed my mind entirely but the last 13 hours have been transformative. Walz went from a guy I don't think I heard of a few weeks ago to a guy we now all want to have a beer with. I'm a bit nervous that he's going to pigeonholed as a bit hokey and unserious but what I do like is that he continues to bring energy to the ticket. He will bring a certain appearance of sensibility to the ticket although that is completely unfair to Kamala. Anyway, I'm hoping for Pete in a bigger cabinet position, maybe State?? It protects two statehouses and a senate seat. We can't afford to lose any of those.

I haven't changed my mind entirely but the last 13 hours have been transformative. Walz went from a guy I don't think I heard of a few weeks ago to a guy we now all want to have a beer with. I'm a bit nervous that he's going to pigeonholed as a bit hokey and unserious but what I do like is that he continues to bring energy to the ticket. He will bring a certain appearance of sensibility to the ticket although that is completely unfair to Kamala. Anyway, I'm hoping for Pete in a bigger cabinet position, maybe State?? It protects two statehouses and a senate seat. We can't afford to lose any of those.
Sent from my iPhone
Monday, August 5, 2024
TKd on the Supreme Court
I always believe there was value in the lifetime appointments for Supreme Court justices as it kept a level of independence over the judiciary but the more I think of it, the higher court so often doesn't reflect the morals of the people, that the system is antiquated and is in need of change. Biden's calls for a reformed Supreme Court seem completely reasonable in today's hyper politicized state and the idea of having nobody above the law, seems like something every citizen would recognize from their civics classes. Anyway Thomas is a corrupt, woman hating, sexual assaulting, Trump supporting pig. Screw him and his billionaire cronies.
Sunday, August 4, 2024
Take on the Olympic compressed schedule
I'm all for athletes competing through adversity etc but what has shocked me for years is that the Olympics could easily make it easier for multiple event athletes to compete by spreading events out further. There is no reason that these swimmers competing in multiple events should be doing a 50 meter butterfly heat and then turning around and doing a 200 meter backstroke finals fifteen minutes later. The last week won't have any swimming, and the first week had no running. They have three weeks. They should use them and keep the athletes fresh.
Oh and don't make them swim in some nasty river.
Oh and don't make them swim in some nasty river.
Saturday, August 3, 2024
Take on the empty rally
There is some sweet justice in Kamala selling out an arena that a few days later Trump has trouble filling up halfway. His rallies are starting to look more and more like they should be held in a morgue. Nobody is coming out to his rallies as even his most ardent supporters are exhausted for having to work the mental gymnastics to convince themselves he's not a totally horrid human.
Friday, August 2, 2024
Take on the VP search
I'm a Pete guy but would be happy with Kelly or Shapiro or whoever but what I can them to grasp are these articles implying that the US isn't ready for a Jewish vice president or a gay one. When Kamala is the top of your ticket, you've already alienating the white supremacy wing of the GOP. Those are the same idiots that would not stand for Pete or Shapiro, I doubt they would make any difference at all. Let's stop pretending the VP carries any real weight when it comes to elections. I do think the right one is invaluable as a partner for Harris were she to win but the mentality that it would swing a voter is ludicrous to me.
Thursday, August 1, 2024
The on the commander in hate
I don't think I get the Trump calling Kamala non-black. I mean, as much as I hate him he actually has incredible political instincts usually but this one seems to fall on its racist face. I don't know who the dog whistle is for as I don't think k the skinheads weren't going to vote for her either way but it does feel a bit odd
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