Sunday, December 31, 2023
Take on Bitcoin.
I saw a sign today at a pizza shop which suggested customers use Bitcoin to pay for a slice. I'm not sure where crypto will eventually end up but I'm pretty certain it won't be to order a BBQ chicken slice and a Diet Coke.
Saturday, December 30, 2023
Take on the FSU-UGA game
We've been hearing for weeks that FSU was screwed out of an opportunity at a national championship. My thought was pretty clear, a 13-0 ACC team would likely be a 9-4 SEC team, so it's pretty unlikely anybody would have an interest in seeing them play in a national championship game. But FSU had a chance to prove all the haters wrong by putting a pounding on the Dawgs…which they did.
Now the team that has the biggest gripe would be the two time defending champs who would have very likely run the table in the playoffs.
Time to expand to 8 teams. Four automatic bids from the new power conferences plus four at large bids. Start the games earlier, get rid of a bunch of the lame Yankee bowls and just give us games we actually want to watch.
Now the team that has the biggest gripe would be the two time defending champs who would have very likely run the table in the playoffs.
Time to expand to 8 teams. Four automatic bids from the new power conferences plus four at large bids. Start the games earlier, get rid of a bunch of the lame Yankee bowls and just give us games we actually want to watch.
Friday, December 29, 2023
Take on the Cybertruck
Not only is the Cybertruck ungodly ugly, its mileage seems to be just a bit off. The promise was for a range of 300+ miles which anybody who has driving a Tesla would have told you was ludicrous but when the actual road tests showed it was bout 178 miles even with perfect road conditions, the fan boys had to have seen it.
I'm still on record as saying the Model Y is the best car I've ever driven but the fact that it gets nowhere near the 330 promised contending range model, is pretty nuts
I'm still on record as saying the Model Y is the best car I've ever driven but the fact that it gets nowhere near the 330 promised contending range model, is pretty nuts
Thursday, December 28, 2023
Take on The NY Times
Nothing is worse than The NY Times openly rooting for Biden to lose. Every other article is about how he is too old, too demented, too toothy, too touchy, too weird, too normal, too fatherly, too much of a horrible parent. But when they start feeding us headlines about how 11 skeptical Biden voters are not feeling his re-election, I have to stop.
The anecdotal crap has to go and they need to go back to investing in real reporting, not this Both Sides bull.
The anecdotal crap has to go and they need to go back to investing in real reporting, not this Both Sides bull.
Wednesday, December 27, 2023
Take on the Trump family photo
The Trump's had a family portrait and conspicuously absent was the mother hen. It's also shocking to think that Tiffany made it in and Don he's kids but no Melania. I'm not sure who is below Barron and why Don's present girlfriend looks so much like Elvira but the thing that is weirdest has got to be a photo crasher hiding behind Ivanka
Tuesday, December 26, 2023
Take on Kanye West
There really is no less interesting person alive than Kanye. I know people love him for his music which might be fine but the rest of him, his clothing, his marriages, his Taylor Swift stuff is just so absolutely boring. It's so obvious this guy just tries to stir controversy and tries to be more outrageous each time but not only is he not entertaining, he's just lame
Monday, December 25, 2023
Take on rest-stop food
When you are having Christmas dinner at a rest stop on 87, you can't complain that the option are limited. With that said, when I walked in and one of the only options were the rotating dogs which look like they've been grilling since Thanksgiving, you realize this may not have been the best call.
Christmas Day evening has never been better.
Christmas Day evening has never been better.
Sunday, December 24, 2023
Take on colorado trump
The Christmas present that many democrats have been hoping for under their tree came true with the Colorado ruling. The issue is that Trump definitely doesn't deserve to hold office again and his actions on January6th should have instantly disqualified him with voters but nothing he does seem to change their mindset unless it's to deepens their love of him.
I see two issues, one is that it's a pure political one and that nobody thinks keeping the front runner for the job off the ballot is actually a good sense of democracy but more importantly the Supreme Court with their 6-3 split will never see it and he will wind up coming back feeling unjustly vindicated.
I see two issues, one is that it's a pure political one and that nobody thinks keeping the front runner for the job off the ballot is actually a good sense of democracy but more importantly the Supreme Court with their 6-3 split will never see it and he will wind up coming back feeling unjustly vindicated.
Saturday, December 23, 2023
The on Hoka’s
I don't know why this continues to be a trend but there really is no uglier sneaker than those Hoka things. It's not the color or the look, it's the fact they look like Ronald McDonald clown shoes. They are so gigantic looking, they make it look like an anvil dropped on your foot
Please god, stop this insanity
Please god, stop this insanity
Friday, December 22, 2023
Take on Sloppy Ron
Ron DeSantis isn't going anywhere and to anybody who is watching it's obvious he's just another Marco Rubio. His chances of winning are near nil, he's embarrassing himself every time he opens his mouth and now he decided it was a good idea to start shoving deli meat into it while giving a speech. This guy acts and looks like he's a camp counselor with his stupid vest on like he's is the head guy in charge of lake activity. The fact he can't even smile without looking like somebody is tickling his five hole is all you need to know.
Thursday, December 21, 2023
Take on Covid take 3
I've heard about unicorns, people who somehow have avoided Covid throughout it all. I seem to the opposite, it's like I get Covid just from somebody looking at me cross. I get that the fact I commute on a crowded bus everyday, working a big city and about often makes me highly susceptible but I gotta say, I get this stupid thing seemingly once per month while the rest of the world is living their best lives
Wednesday, December 20, 2023
Take on the new Covid sub-variant
For the third time in four years, Covid knocked me down. I can't explain why I seem to get infected more often than most but will say that this subvariant isn't any fun. It's basically like putting humidifier over your head and then shoving cotton balls into your nose. Who knows how long it lasts but the fact we just got boosted makes me hope it's quick but for now it feels like absolute death
Tuesday, December 19, 2023
Take on Epstein’s black book
One of the great guarded secrets is about to get revealed and many of the richest and most powerful men (and maybe women) should be scared. The Jeffery Epstein black book has long been a thing of intrigue and it sounds like with the unsealing of documents, we may finally find out who is in it. I'm guessing it's a few former presidents, at least a dozen prominent actors, many dozens of congressmen, enough star athletes to win a championship and many, many international politicians
Monday, December 18, 2023
Take on Trump’s weird Hitler obsession
The story that Trump kept Hitler's speeches bedside is something we've heard before and the most you hear him speak, the more it seems true. His latest rants don't just seemed inspired by but they seem almost verbatim when comparing them. I know somebody will point to his Jewish grandkids and his desire might not be antisemitic as much as it's his envy for Hitler's power
Sunday, December 17, 2023
Take on the Jets
The Jets haven't made the playoffs since 2010. Since that time two of my kids were born, I bought and sold two houses and I got fat and ugly. It's not just a dysfunctional franchise, it's a delusional one too. Every year they give you hope in the spring to just rip your heart out in the fall. It's not the coach, it's not the GM, it's not bad's the owner who is a Trump loving buffoon. Time to sell the team.
Saturday, December 16, 2023
take on the Staffer fired after filming sex tape in Senate hearing room
The congressional staffer sex tape was all the talk this week as some staffer took it in the five hole from a buddy raw-dog style. The video was a bit more graphic than I'd prefer but the act was in itself probably not something that ranks as a highlight for the building but we all know that had it been a consensual heterosexual act, we would be done with the story already
Friday, December 15, 2023
Take on the Rudy settlement
Rudy losing a $150M settlement was sweet music but there is obviously no way this dude can afford to pay $15M let alone ten times that. I get that it's supposed to be mostly for show but I do think that when settlements this big come out it almost means nothing, like the Alex Jones one which he seems to completely defying
Thursday, December 14, 2023
take on Bill Belichick
The patriot way was apparently just put a really good defense around the grader quarterback and win a bunch of super bowls. The problem is that without Tom Brady, Bill Belichick is sort of just another guy. He was a disaster in Cleveland, was 5-11 with Bledsoe and then Mo Lewis gave him the opportunity to ride the Brady train for like two decades and then went Brady left he went back to Cleveland Bill
Maybe Brady was underrated.
Maybe Brady was underrated.
Wednesday, December 13, 2023
Take on the Tesla recall
Tesla is recalling all its cars on the towns in the US for some software update which I'm sure is well vetted and tested. The issue isn't that there is an update. but that we are to believe that this is a shock to Tesla. I'm sure that they knew about t bur buried it for as long as they could get away with it
Tuesday, December 12, 2023
Take on the university president stories
It seems that every other article in The NY Times recently has to do with university presidents under pressure about antisemitism on their campuses.
I'm not saying it's not a story to cover but if you are claiming to be the paper of record and every article is on the same topic while we have a war in Ukraine, a recession in China, a humanitarian crisis in Gaza, Israel still reeling, an upcoming primary, a disregard by half of our country for reproductive rights, blatant worldwide authoritarianism and the Taylor Swift-Travis Kelce thing, we need a new perspective. These are private institutions, they can make their own decisions and the pressure should come from the student body, alumni and community but for some reason the Times has decided to make this their go to story.
I'm not saying it's not a story to cover but if you are claiming to be the paper of record and every article is on the same topic while we have a war in Ukraine, a recession in China, a humanitarian crisis in Gaza, Israel still reeling, an upcoming primary, a disregard by half of our country for reproductive rights, blatant worldwide authoritarianism and the Taylor Swift-Travis Kelce thing, we need a new perspective. These are private institutions, they can make their own decisions and the pressure should come from the student body, alumni and community but for some reason the Times has decided to make this their go to story.
Monday, December 11, 2023
Take on the Toney penalty
I honestly don't understand how there is any discussion on the Kadarius Toney thing. I mean, he's a mile offsides and his complaint is that the ref didn't warn him?? I hate the NFL for all of their stupid antics but the fact that refs are giving players a heads up before calling a foul is blatantly idiotic.
Sunday, December 10, 2023
Take on the Palm scanner
I'm not ready for the future. I know we have been promised flying cars and real VR glasses but when I waked into Whole Foods and saw you can now pay with the scan of your palm, it was a bit much. I can't quite understand the rationale behind giving Whole Foods AKA Amazon even more of our data. In mean between Alexa listening in to everything we say, the Amazon servers carrying all of our data and now this palm scan, we are ready to be taken over by an army of drones
Saturday, December 9, 2023
Take on the defense of Alex Jones
When you feel the need to go out on a limb to defend Alex Jones, you've lost all credibility. Nobody has done more harm to the parents of slain children, than Alex Jones who is one of the most vile humans we have ever encountered. But here goes Elon feeling like this is the guy we need to go on a limb to give a platform to. The total collapse of X can't come quick enough
Friday, December 8, 2023
Take on the Crowds at a ‘redneck Christmas parade’
When you spend your Friday night at the Redneck Christmas Parade the fact that you plan to vote for Trump has to be a given. We get that there is an appeal of Trump from poor or uneducated white people but the idea that he stands for the little man is so counter to anything he's ever done.
Thursday, December 7, 2023
Take on another white guy
When I saw the news last night about the UNLV shooting I immediately knew this was some deranged white man. It might seem like stereotyping but when basically every single one of these seemingly random mass shootings occurs it's almost always some guy who may as well be living in his mother's basement. They are always white, they are always a man, they are always conspiracy theorists and they are basically all virgins. So here is an idea, how about a background check that looks for those four things and stop issuing them guns.
Wednesday, December 6, 2023
Take on the multiplying vases
There are certain things in my house which seem to disappear randomly like socks and iPhone chargers but the opposite seems to happen with vases. I went through a cabinet and found no less than 15 of these things and can honestly say I've never bought a single one. I'm sure they came with flowers but there isn't a bigger wasteful portion in our economy than these stupid things
Tuesday, December 5, 2023
Take on the lipstick wearing bovine used some weird graphic on top of Jake Tapper's face which got us thinking Hard to tell what they were doing but one thing for sure, he looked more like Paula Poundstone than he did Fred Flintstone
If I didn't know any better, It would seem to me they are trying to out the guy in some attempt to fire him.
<Breaking News, Latest News and Videos CNN.jpeg>
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If I didn't know any better, It would seem to me they are trying to out the guy in some attempt to fire him.
<Breaking News, Latest News and Videos CNN.jpeg>
Sent from my iPhone
Monday, December 4, 2023
Take on Cameo
When I caught the Cameo message paid for by John Fetterman of George Santos giving some advice to Bob Menendez I had to laugh. I love good shtick and. Nothing is better than when you put some real effort into it, like this one. The one thing that king of got me was that Santos got some positive publicity out of it
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Sunday, December 3, 2023
Take on the No criminality suspected in death of Brooklyn woman found in Chelsea trash compactor
A young woman was found dead in a trash compactor and somehow the NYPD came out with a statement that they don't suspect foul play. I have gone out plenty of times in my life and also done some swan dances into trash but just not sure how someone ends up in a trash compactor without somebody helping them into there.

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Saturday, December 2, 2023
Take on FoxNews
FoxNews is going after Biden for….drinking a milkshake with a straw. I can't quite understand their hatred for Biden but when they spend most of the time on something as idiotic as the use of a straw, you wonder if their audience is watching it basically like the rest of use watch SNL.
Friday, December 1, 2023
Take on the Trump immunity ruling
I can't believe a federal judge had to spend time to rule that Trump doesn't have absolute immunity. The entire core basis is our republic has always been that we don't have a king and the Nixon era rulings about presidential power has always been a complete corruption of the constitution. At least this starts to put some limits on that
Anyway, let's hope Trump rots in the hell he's created for himself
Anyway, let's hope Trump rots in the hell he's created for himself
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