Thursday, November 30, 2023
Take on the cybertruck
I gotta say that the Cybertruck is one of the ugliest things I've ever seen but the fact it looks like a tuna can isn't the worst thing. Every commercial decision involving Musk means you are giving money to a total madman I can't figure out how he hasn't gone completely bankrupt but the day is coming and it's closer to happening with every crack of that armor
Wednesday, November 29, 2023
Take on the hungry former president
Liz Cheney asked Kevin McCarthy why he went to Mar-a-Lago after the election to which he responded that he was worried about Trump as he had not been eating. We know a thing or two about Trump but from the looks of him, he's not one to miss too many meals. So I commend Kevin for going to protect our country from a dude who would go nuclear with his hangar
Tuesday, November 28, 2023
Take on terrible air traffic
With a report of Sunday being the busiest day in US history in terms of airport travel, I'm reminded again that although Thanksgiving is a great holiday the experience around it is just miserable.
It takes 3x as long to get anywhere, you spend six hours avoiding any meaningful conversation and you are forced to eat dried out turkey and flavorless mashed potatoes
Sometime we need to go back to zoom
It takes 3x as long to get anywhere, you spend six hours avoiding any meaningful conversation and you are forced to eat dried out turkey and flavorless mashed potatoes
Sometime we need to go back to zoom
Monday, November 27, 2023
Take on Elon Musk’s visit with Netanyahu
There are really no more vile humans than Elon Musk and Bibi Netanyahu and the two decided to have a photo-op to try to quell the uproar of Musk's antisemitism makes for one photo I won't be hanging up over my mantle.
We know he's a loathsome piece of hot trash and Musk isn't any better but to have these two try to repair each other's lame images in this way is typically classless and predictably self serving
We know he's a loathsome piece of hot trash and Musk isn't any better but to have these two try to repair each other's lame images in this way is typically classless and predictably self serving
Sunday, November 26, 2023
Take on George Grimace Santos
George Santos is looking more and more like Grimace every single day. He's about the same size, has the same goofy smile and loves eating cheeseburgers. The only issue is that Grimace is a mostly joyful character while Santos is a lying bag of dog piss.
And if gets expelled, it will be a good day for the Republic.
And if gets expelled, it will be a good day for the Republic.
Saturday, November 25, 2023
Take on the most dangerous thing in the world
The most dangerous thing for a nearly 48 year old man is a dishwasher and a sneeze. Today I was doing the dishes at about 6:30am when I felt the beginnings of a sneeze sneaking up. I knew I was in trouble but having already grabbed a few plates, the only thing I could do is hold on for dear life. See my back hasn't felt totally right in a few weeks and even the thought of sneezing while bent over makes my sciatica flare up.
Here I am, with four dishes and the sneeze comes. Immediately my back becomes as tight as a snare drum and it wasn't for massive amounts of alcohol tonight, I'd be hiding in my room
At least I didn't break the dishes.
Here I am, with four dishes and the sneeze comes. Immediately my back becomes as tight as a snare drum and it wasn't for massive amounts of alcohol tonight, I'd be hiding in my room
At least I didn't break the dishes.
Friday, November 24, 2023
take on consumer spending
When I hear people complain about the economy when speaking about Biden, I'd like them to look at consumer spending. If the economy was so damn bad, why are people lining up at 10pm to buy a 70 inch flat screen and buying video games and makeup and hand bags and whatever the hell comes to their mind. We are a consumer economy, we know that but the idea that our economy is doing so badly while still spending like a drunken sailor is a bit much.
Thursday, November 23, 2023
Take on the need respiratory illness,
When China announces that there are no unusual or novel pathogens behind a new respiratory illness, you couldn't be faulted for being a bit skeptical. We all lines through the hell that was Covid and don't think we as a society could go through it again mainly as half the country would refuse to comply all together in a way which would make the initial Covid deniers seem pedestrian
So let's hope this time this is just a normal seasonal flu thing but somehow I'm not holding my breath
So let's hope this time this is just a normal seasonal flu thing but somehow I'm not holding my breath
Wednesday, November 22, 2023
Take on the explosion
Obviously we all immediately assumed it was one king of terror attack when news broke about an explosion on that bridge connecting Canada to the US. I was ready to cancel our Thanksgiving plans and order Chinese food tomorrow but then as the news kept coming out, it seemed it wasn't -in fact- a terror attack but some dude who got a bit too excited on his way to a KISS concert. So I guess we are stuck eating turkey after all
Tuesday, November 21, 2023
Take on Speaker Mike Johnson meeting with Trump at Mar-a-Lago
The fact that Mike Johnson has to make a pilgrimage to kiss the ring of Donald Duck tells you all you have to know about the GOP. They don't have an agenda other than courting Trump's supporters and their bigger goal is just to put Trump back in the driver seat. From then outside looking in, it's so corrupt and so anti American but they have somehow convinced them all that their blind loyalty is actually cloaked patriotism.
Monday, November 20, 2023
Take on the very happy public birthday
Two things happened today…Biden and his entire executive team decided to join threads and the entire Democratic operation decided to embrace his age.
In a very coordinated attempt, every last operative used the opportunity to wishhim a happy birthday which I assume is meant to make sure the GOP doesn't claim their are hiding his age.
In a very coordinated attempt, every last operative used the opportunity to wishhim a happy birthday which I assume is meant to make sure the GOP doesn't claim their are hiding his age.
Sunday, November 19, 2023
Take on the ride seat mats
I'm flying out this week and the lady in front of me decided that she should hang her stupid puffy jacket all over the back of the seat. Now I'm in the awkward position of either having do ask her to move that dead rodent off of my scream or basically watch four episodes of Modern Family with a opossum in the top left corner
Saturday, November 18, 2023
Take on the successful launch
CNN's headline this morning reporting on the successful launch of Starship which is obviously a big deal if the plans to get to Mars are ever going to be realized. But the follow up post was a bit less optimistic.
I guess losing the spacecraft was as a potential consequence which they thought might happen but losing the payload while touting a successful launch does seem like you are burying the lede.
I guess losing the spacecraft was as a potential consequence which they thought might happen but losing the payload while touting a successful launch does seem like you are burying the lede.
Friday, November 17, 2023
Take on the antisemitic Elon Musk
Has anybody's career arc been more pronounced that Elon Musk? The world admired him for his vision for space travel and his leadership for electric cars even if he didn't actually invent either. But rhe criticism that he only got rich off of others idea never bother me, if somebody invented a way to turn water into wine today, you'd still need a visionary to bring it to market and then a salesman to sell it, and there is no doubt that Elon can sell. The issue is that he went from media darling to third rail
Grotesque almost overnight and his latest public obsession with antisemitism seems to fit the lifestyle pretty well when you consider he was a white dude growing up in apartheid South Africa.
Grotesque almost overnight and his latest public obsession with antisemitism seems to fit the lifestyle pretty well when you consider he was a white dude growing up in apartheid South Africa.
Thursday, November 16, 2023
Take on George Santos
I gotta say if a screenwriter came up with the George Santos storyline it would be thrown out on being completely unbelievable. Between the game jobs at major banks, the holocaust survival, the blatant lies on his biography, he had audacity which we haven't seen.
The way a man come up with the kinds of stories he did and then sell them as facts to a huge audience without anybody noticing any of it until it was all too late is sort of impressive.
Add to that even when the lights were shining brightest, he couldn't resist the urge to continue his quest of peddling self falsehoods and spending campaign funds on various personal items just adds to the mystique.
But I gotta say the suckers who donated to this guy's campaign who now find out he spent it on Botox and OnlyFans has to be sweetest justice ever.
The way a man come up with the kinds of stories he did and then sell them as facts to a huge audience without anybody noticing any of it until it was all too late is sort of impressive.
Add to that even when the lights were shining brightest, he couldn't resist the urge to continue his quest of peddling self falsehoods and spending campaign funds on various personal items just adds to the mystique.
But I gotta say the suckers who donated to this guy's campaign who now find out he spent it on Botox and OnlyFans has to be sweetest justice ever.
Wednesday, November 15, 2023
Take on Deshaun Watson’s shoulder surgery
There really is no bigger piece of crap than Deshaun Watson and the fact that this dude's season ends prematurely again is sweet sweet justice. I know we shouldn't ever cheer for injuries but I also don't think there is any good reason he's the highest paid QB with his record…screw him
Tuesday, November 14, 2023
Take on the near fight in the senate
I used to alway assume the House was a bunch of wannabe misfits while the Senate was reserved for a sort of gentleman's club(not that kind)
When I caught the near fight between a sitting senator and the head of the teamsters Union, I was embarrassed not just for the people involved but by the institution itself. What would our forefathers think of this king of behavior with the hallowed halls of congress.
Then I realized that back in the 1700's these guys would have settled this by rowing across the river and settling it with a duel, so maybe we have made progress
When I caught the near fight between a sitting senator and the head of the teamsters Union, I was embarrassed not just for the people involved but by the institution itself. What would our forefathers think of this king of behavior with the hallowed halls of congress.
Then I realized that back in the 1700's these guys would have settled this by rowing across the river and settling it with a duel, so maybe we have made progress
Monday, November 13, 2023
Take on the tip calculator
It's so obvious that websites are so low on good quality content that they constantly reuse the same boring articles about daylight savings or best turkey dishes or how to beat the heat.
But nothing is lamer than this CNBC article about how your $500 Apple Watch can also double as tip calculator. This is insanely stupid and is basically a Seinfeld clip for 2023
But nothing is lamer than this CNBC article about how your $500 Apple Watch can also double as tip calculator. This is insanely stupid and is basically a Seinfeld clip for 2023
Sunday, November 12, 2023
Take on Tim Scott
Tim Scott dropped out of the GOP race, as the party seems now more than ever to rally around Trump. I've been only half watching the primary mostly because we all know that Trump will take this thing. Tim Scott never had a shot, neither does Christie and the funny Indian guy news to go away. But this is Trump's race to lose and I don't think he will.
Saturday, November 11, 2023
Take on RFK jr.
I assumed RFK jr was going to be a Jill Stein type candidate, claiming to be a liberal but likely on the take from his Russian handler. But the more we hear, the better his polling and he's looking like he could be a true spoiler at this point. Granted he hasn't been vetted yet and nobody has seen him on the national stage but when his numbers of likely voters is like 24% while Biden only gets 35%, it's scary.
And with all of this mess. You know when are going to get stuck with Trump again.
And with all of this mess. You know when are going to get stuck with Trump again.
Friday, November 10, 2023
Take on mayor Adams
When your mayor is having his electronic devises seized, you kind of realize your entire city is screwed. The decline of urban civilization is way over stated and unfair to normal city living but the fact our city is run by this piece of trash doesn't help the average New Yorker feel any better even if he's not at fault for the junkies and the terrible lines at Starbucks
Thursday, November 9, 2023
Take on Joltin’ Joe
We all hate Joe Manchin both democrats and republicans alike. I've said for years that Manchin in just a Dino but if people can be honest…that worked. There is no chance a normal Democrat wins West Virginia, so anybody who bitches about him will soon find out that having him on your side is a lot better than not having him around at all For one thing, it's one less seat towards a majority one that is already razor thin. Two, his policies don't perfectly align but they sure as hell will align a better than Billy Joe from the moonshine truck who will be taking his place .

Sent from my iPhone
Wednesday, November 8, 2023
Take on the Third Republican debate
I can't actually be bothered to watch the so called race for second place, so won't be tuning into the Republican debate. I'm not actually interested as you can't actually debate the star of the party without the head of it in attendance. But CNN is desperately trying to draw some attention to it with their lame speaking clock. So far Scott is eking out Haley which is about as exciting as watching Christie devour a donut
Tuesday, November 7, 2023
Take on the Amazon archive order conundrum
To this day I don't understand why Amazon which is maybe the largest tech company in the world has to make it so ungodly difficult to hide an order from view. With the holidays approaching and most immediate families sharing an account it is beyond stupid that you must log into a desktop browser in order to archive an order. This means you cannot archive an order from a cellphone or from their own stupid Amazon app. God Bezos, not only are you a total dork, you can't even do the basics right
Monday, November 6, 2023
Take on the fraud case
How are we living in a country where the opposition party's likely nominee is fighting multiple trials for corruption, fraud and starting an insurrection and still leads in the polls. This country needs healing, we all acknowledge that. but until one party stops holding their nominee to account for a lifetime of criminality, we can't even begin
Sunday, November 5, 2023
Take on the latest polls
For a long time I've thought that the best opponent for Biden was Trump as all of Biden's shortcoming that the GOP would use against him are ones Trump has also. But the fact that Biden trails Trump in five swing states scares the hell out of me. I don't get how Trump seems like a good option to anybody but to think that states that Biden won would now go to Trump is insane to me. Nothing about the calculus should have changed but somehow January 6th or the multiple trials didn't tarnish him at all and instead maybe bolstered his support
Saturday, November 4, 2023
Take on Kim G
There really is no uglier human both extreme ally and internally than Kimberley Guilfoyle. She was once upon a time really pretty. This was back and. when her politics weren't ugly either. But since she started shagging up with Donny Cocaine, it hasn't been good for her skin..or her hair, or face, or eyes or cheeses or anything. She looks like the Stay Puff Marshmallow Man
Friday, November 3, 2023
Take on the gag order
The gag order against Trump seems to go from being enforced to being frozen to being reinforced to being refrozen about a dozen times. I hate Trump but feel like this gag order sends the wrong message. They should let the idiot speak, he does more damage to himself every time he opens his stupid mouth to reveal his next level of stupidity
Thursday, November 2, 2023
Take on baseball
People will say they are baseball fans but they aren't. Nobody is a baseball fan. People are fans of their baseball team and that is it.
Look at other sports, the NFL draws people for a preseason game, I have friends who watch random NBA games every night but nobody watches the World Series their biggest event. And if nobody is watching that they sure as hell aren't watching some random Blue Jays-Royals game in July
The truth is that the NFL could put up Bears Cardinals tonight and get a bigger audience than last nights World Series game.
Look at other sports, the NFL draws people for a preseason game, I have friends who watch random NBA games every night but nobody watches the World Series their biggest event. And if nobody is watching that they sure as hell aren't watching some random Blue Jays-Royals game in July
The truth is that the NFL could put up Bears Cardinals tonight and get a bigger audience than last nights World Series game.
Wednesday, November 1, 2023
Take on Santos
The Republicans are stuck with George Santos because they are too chickenshit to actually do anything that would show any moral clarity. They have proven themselves to stand for nothing but themselves even in the direct line of corruption and lies…but what do you expect from people who would support Donald Trump
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