It's nearly midnight and I'm fairly sure my kids are still up. I get that Halloween is a great holiday and I've said for years they should make it in the last Saturday of October so that kids can enjoy it fully and safely. The idea of a bunch of little kids are roaming the streets when it's dark and wet doesn't ever seem safe with people rushing home from work
Add to that the concept that they have to be at school tomorrow is an even worse idea. Give us all our sanity and just make it on. a Saturday
Tuesday, October 31, 2023
Monday, October 30, 2023
Take on Bill Trump
Nobody should be shocked that Trump apparently tried to pull a Bill Clinton while in office. The former president allegedly had the hots for one of of Stephanie Grisham's staffers who he'd ask to join him on a bunch of trips. I'm not getting this from any really reliable sources but we all just assume that this is true.
Sunday, October 29, 2023
Take on Pence suspending his White House bid C
Pence dropping out of the presidential campaign wasn't shocking, it wasn't even really a surprise as he's about as personable as a bologna sandwich and about as principled as mayonnaise. We can't be sure he ever really believed he had a shot but the fact that it ends with such a whimper reminds us that you need at least some personality
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Saturday, October 28, 2023
Take on Mike Johnson
Mike Johnson seems like a genuinely horrible person. His stance on gay rights, abortion and J6 are despicable but the fact he's got an adopted black son who he refuses to acknowledge. My theory is he just Wants to be able to claim he's no a racist. Like saying he's got that one black friend.
Friday, October 27, 2023
Take on the Tesla of
Every single thing that I see advertised on instagram is being promoted as The Tesla of….
I get bombarded with ads for Tesla of wallets and the Tesla of belts. It's endless with the piggyback bulls hit as the idea of a pair of pants or a wallet being anything like a Tesla is laughable. But I'm just waiting for somebody to come out with a The Tesla of Electric Cars and basically blow Musk's gasket.
I get bombarded with ads for Tesla of wallets and the Tesla of belts. It's endless with the piggyback bulls hit as the idea of a pair of pants or a wallet being anything like a Tesla is laughable. But I'm just waiting for somebody to come out with a The Tesla of Electric Cars and basically blow Musk's gasket.
Thursday, October 26, 2023
Take on guns and mental health.
Enough is never enough when it comes to gun violence in this country. We have never come to grips with the danger of these semiautomatic weapons and to this day we spend more time debating them than actually doing something
From the CNN article.
Card, of Bowdoin, is a certified firearms instructor and a member of the US Army Reserve, law enforcement officials in Maine told CNN. He had recently threatened to carry out a shooting at a National Guard facility in Saco, Maine, and reported mental health issues, including hearing voices, the officials said.
One thing seems so abundantly simple and something we can all get behind. Nobody with mental health issues should be carrying a gun. So here we go, you must pass a mental health exam if you want to pack heat and pass this once per year.
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Wednesday, October 25, 2023
Take on 7/11 sushi 🍣
The idea of sushi always sounds terrific and in Japan I've often had it at a train terminal or a mall but I can't say I trust it in those settings back in the homeland. I have two rules when it comes to sushi. Never get discount sushi and never buy sushi from a non Asian.
Today I'm walking past 7/11 and see they are offering their version with a big message telling you to "treat yourself". I'm all for treating myself, just not sure I need salmonella with it
Today I'm walking past 7/11 and see they are offering their version with a big message telling you to "treat yourself". I'm all for treating myself, just not sure I need salmonella with it
Tuesday, October 24, 2023
Take on the loosy goosey financial rules
When financial statements reflect the will of the company and not the facts of the balance sheet, you have a problem. The guy who has a decent chance of running our country again is the kind of guy who would push his financial team to do just that tells you all you need to know.
His mantra of "he's just smarter" than the average schlep is such a falsehood. He's more crooked than the average schlep and because he's (supposedly) wealthy he gets away with it.
But half the country thinks this is something to be proud of.
I said it a million times. If he ran the local water board, there would undoubtedly be financial improprieties
His mantra of "he's just smarter" than the average schlep is such a falsehood. He's more crooked than the average schlep and because he's (supposedly) wealthy he gets away with it.
But half the country thinks this is something to be proud of.
I said it a million times. If he ran the local water board, there would undoubtedly be financial improprieties
Monday, October 23, 2023
Rake on Ivanka Trump at Kim Kardashian’s Birthday Party
As much as I don't understand the appeal to Kim Kardashian, her social circle now makes her even less attractive. Not only is she mostly just a dumpy looking troll whose main talent seems to have been getting caught with a sex tape which she turned into like four failed marriages, she also hangs out with social pariah.
She doesn't seem to have any discernible talents but now her lack of anything is paired with her lack of any moral judgment. Her celebrating her birthday with Ivanka makes you want to pump your face full of Botox and your ass full of cheese
She doesn't seem to have any discernible talents but now her lack of anything is paired with her lack of any moral judgment. Her celebrating her birthday with Ivanka makes you want to pump your face full of Botox and your ass full of cheese
Sunday, October 22, 2023
Take on the Taylor Swift thing
The he Taylor Swift obsession with these Chiefs games is getting a little much and by a little much I think it's totally overblown and annoying. Yeah, she's super successful and the world wants to know about her very move and everybody was sort of into it for the first few weeks of this Kelce thing but come on, can't we move on already? Seeing her talking with Mahomes wife is god awful television and nobody will convince me otherwise
Saturday, October 21, 2023
Take on the weather curse
It's time to move. I cannot take another miserable rainy weekend where nothing can get done, the fields are a swamp and I'm forced to be stuck in the house. I see articles trying to explain the weird phenomenon which has basically ruined every weekend since before Labor Day and everybody has their theory. I'm just sick and tired of all of it and think to myself how nice it would be to live in Death Valkey
Friday, October 20, 2023
Take on the State of NY SportsTalk
Boomer and Gio. Consistently listenable. Sort of like the Z morning zoo
DiPietro and the Psycho. So underrated, especially Wednesdays
Evan and Tiki is unlistenable
Don and Peter are so much better than when Kay isnt there. I don't understand his schedule but I have to imagine he will be back a lot now that baseball is done which is bad news. It's so much better without him.
Haven't heard BT and Sal but afraid it will sound like two Italian cousins building a deck
Richard Neer is still solid
Anita Marks is god awful, plus she's always eating on the air which is very distracting
Kim Jones needs a regular slot
They got rid of that guy who speaks about youth sports but now they just simulcast 1010 wins
That carton gambling show is ridiculous considering every other show around it. They literally now just have bookies on in the morning
Greeny sucks
JR isn't terrible,
Not sure who does overnights but it likely isn't any good.
DiPietro and the Psycho. So underrated, especially Wednesdays
Evan and Tiki is unlistenable
Don and Peter are so much better than when Kay isnt there. I don't understand his schedule but I have to imagine he will be back a lot now that baseball is done which is bad news. It's so much better without him.
Haven't heard BT and Sal but afraid it will sound like two Italian cousins building a deck
Richard Neer is still solid
Anita Marks is god awful, plus she's always eating on the air which is very distracting
Kim Jones needs a regular slot
They got rid of that guy who speaks about youth sports but now they just simulcast 1010 wins
That carton gambling show is ridiculous considering every other show around it. They literally now just have bookies on in the morning
Greeny sucks
JR isn't terrible,
Not sure who does overnights but it likely isn't any good.
Thursday, October 19, 2023
Take on Sidney Powell
There aren't many more despicable humans than Sidney Arthur Powell, so her guilty plea on election fraud is music to our ears. The issue is that I don't trust these Trumpers for a second, I don't know the angle but the though that she's turned on Don Juan is not something in buying. Find me some more evidence of her actually taking responsibility for her actions and we can talk
Wednesday, October 18, 2023
Take on Delta
Nobody knows how to burn years of good will quite like an airline. For years Delta was the gold standard of American commercial airlines. They had good planes, lots of flights and a very good domestic lounge. Then overnight theydecided to burn it all to hell by basically telling the loyal customers they had to be a lot more loyal and spend a lot more money to get the same benefits. I get the business decision as they had made themselves so lovable that everybody wanted to be invited but to burn it all to the ground seems…counterproductive
Anyway, who cares. They guys will touch the hot stove a thousand times.
Anyway, who cares. They guys will touch the hot stove a thousand times.
Tuesday, October 17, 2023
Take on Round 1
Round 1 is in the books and Jim Jordan took a beating. Sadly for Jordan, nobody likes him but wise for Jordan is that nobody trusts him.
The question on everybody's lips is.. If you can't trust a coach to protect players in a locker room, how can you protect our constitution
I can't believe these loses are going to go back to Kevin McCarthy. I hope for his sake he doesn't come back without some major concessions from the lunatic right.
The question on everybody's lips is.. If you can't trust a coach to protect players in a locker room, how can you protect our constitution
I can't believe these loses are going to go back to Kevin McCarthy. I hope for his sake he doesn't come back without some major concessions from the lunatic right.
Monday, October 16, 2023
Take on the Instagram algorithm
I started on Instagram like a month ago which makes me very late to the party.
I'm not coming up with anything novel here but it's ridiculously addictive and completely unnecessary as it's such a brain suck and time waster that until you fall into it, you have no clue. But what is shocking is how fast it figured me out
Every reel I get sent is on either foot pain, black labs, girls soccer or dudes who get yelled at for not putting out the trash
I'm not coming up with anything novel here but it's ridiculously addictive and completely unnecessary as it's such a brain suck and time waster that until you fall into it, you have no clue. But what is shocking is how fast it figured me out
Every reel I get sent is on either foot pain, black labs, girls soccer or dudes who get yelled at for not putting out the trash
Sunday, October 15, 2023
Take on Suzanne Somers
Suzanne Somers passed away today which means that basically the entire cast of the greatest TV show of all time is now six feet under. Ridder's death was devastating, Somers' came way too early. Furley died, I'm assuming Roper is dead. Richard Kline might still be around, Joyce DeWitt I think is too but without googling it I don't know.
And nobody cares about Cindy or Terri.
And nobody cares about Cindy or Terri.
Saturday, October 14, 2023
Take on The Mall
This afternoon on a crappy rainy Saturday, I drove to the mall and dropped the girls off at the front so they didn't get wet. It was a miserable day but the thought of walking into that mall made me that much more miserable.
So now I'm sitting in the car and the idea of going in is so unappealing as hearing a couple of guys complain about the Giants offensive line and I've contemplated just leaving and hoping they make their way back ok.
So now I'm sitting in the car and the idea of going in is so unappealing as hearing a couple of guys complain about the Giants offensive line and I've contemplated just leaving and hoping they make their way back ok.
Friday, October 13, 2023
Take in Jim Jordan
After Scalise and McCarthy had their shots, Gym Jordan is throwing his hat in the ring. We know he will be an awful speaker but what is the most shocking thing is that nobody expects his to be any good. It's not like an option with somebody who actually looks competent. We have the worst of the worse
Thursday, October 12, 2023
Take on Gym Jordan
Steve Scalise is dropping the first r of the race for the speakership which can only be seen as a positive. The problem is that the next man up is Gym Jordan who has more than just a small troubled pass. He's spent his entire career not wearing a suit jacket while he spent the first part of his career looking away during sexual abuse. Anyway, Jordan is a total piece of crap and nobody with any semblance of normalcy would think otherwise but he's likely going be the next speaker
Wednesday, October 11, 2023
Take on the facade
They are tearing down a building on 38th street which isn't exactly newsworthy but the fact they left just the facade uo is kind of odd. I get there might be some landmark reasoning but when the facade looks like it's being held together with with rubber cement, you kind of wonder why it's worth saving. I guess it'll look cool assuming some body does't accidentally lean into it
Tuesday, October 10, 2023
Take on the Steve Scalise vs Jim Jordan battle
Steve Scalise and Jim Jordan are vying for the speakership of a battle of two of the most uninspiring options the position has ever seen.
I do get that neither one will ever become more than a footnote in history of congress as they are largely forgettable. Jordan will most be remembered for his role with molestation where he stayed quiet instead of doing the right thing. Scalise sadly will be most remembered for something far out of his control.
But the two make their pitch today, which will likely go as well as a republican debate. Doubt either gets enough support to actually win anything.
Maybe the twerp with the bowtie will get the job permanently.
I do get that neither one will ever become more than a footnote in history of congress as they are largely forgettable. Jordan will most be remembered for his role with molestation where he stayed quiet instead of doing the right thing. Scalise sadly will be most remembered for something far out of his control.
But the two make their pitch today, which will likely go as well as a republican debate. Doubt either gets enough support to actually win anything.
Maybe the twerp with the bowtie will get the job permanently.
Monday, October 9, 2023
Take on RFK jr
The QAnon crazies have been telling us for years that JFK and his son JFK jr were coming back to carry out the persecution of a global canal of pedophilic blood drinking liberal elites.
The idea has always been that the Kennedy's would be making their return not on the Mount of Olives outside of Jerusalem as the QAnon guys can't get through a screening to get a passport so instead they patiently await at an Olive Garden in outside of Topeka
But like Nostradamus predicting a world crisis after a tyrant named "Hister" establishes a master race, these quacks may just have fat fingered their prediction.
It's apparently RFK Jr. who will carry Donald Trump and his children to their holy land.
And now I despise Cheryl
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Sunday, October 8, 2023
Take on Researchers link popular weight loss drugs to serious digestive problems
The idea that Ozempic is some miracle drug with Jo side effects was always a bit rich for me. I get that it has changed the lives of many and for that I'm excited but to think this comes for free was always inconceivable on so many levels. The fact that people are having digestive problems is actually the best case scenario in my mind a few months ago. There are no true miracles.
Saturday, October 7, 2023
Take on X
The thing about X is that if Musk just gave up on it and let it run it's course, we'd have our public forum back and could delete Threads tomorrow. I know people will say Threads is nice and communal which is fine but also makes it miserably boring when every post is somebody kissing somebody else's ass. I like the vile nature on the old twitter because at least it wasn't a title echo chamber.
I'm hoping Elon can't make a debt payment and they go full takeover on this jackass.
I'm hoping Elon can't make a debt payment and they go full takeover on this jackass.
Friday, October 6, 2023
Take on the Kelce Storm
Nothing has been less interesting to me than the Travis Kelce-Taylor Swift "romance". Nobody bemuses it's real as it's obvious she's just tying to stay relevant by dating the biggest football player during a time that she couldn't promote her movie because of the Hollywood strike. We know this is all contrived TMZ bull but somehow we accept it as fact
Thursday, October 5, 2023
Take on Instagram
I got off of Twitter a few months ago and although I wish I could tell you I don't miss it, it do. Threads is horrible, Reddit is the true Wild West, I tried a few of those pop up sites but couldn't figure them out so I sort of decided to try instagram. Granted I'm way late to the party and even navigating it is nearly impossible and I have to say..I kind of hate it.
I hate that it's only feel good stories, I hate that it's allthe same cliche crap and I hate the fact hat I once viewed a video of a guy ordering a deep dish pizza and now I get blitzed with Chicago ads. Something is seriously wrong with your algorithm if you think I care about September's museum days in Chicago…I live in a suburb of New York and….it's October 5th
I hate that it's only feel good stories, I hate that it's allthe same cliche crap and I hate the fact hat I once viewed a video of a guy ordering a deep dish pizza and now I get blitzed with Chicago ads. Something is seriously wrong with your algorithm if you think I care about September's museum days in Chicago…I live in a suburb of New York and….it's October 5th
Wednesday, October 4, 2023
Take on Trump’s bald head
By all accounts, Trump's Civil Fraud trial in New York is going really badly. First there was a particularly harsh gag order which we all know he won't be able to abide by. Then his accountants testified that the Trump Organization didn't actually provide the financials they were suppose to
but mostly his day went badly when photos emerged from the back of his head which looked like a reverse landing strip. The guy has always been a grotesque figure but the view of his bald head was enough to make me lose my lunch.
but mostly his day went badly when photos emerged from the back of his head which looked like a reverse landing strip. The guy has always been a grotesque figure but the view of his bald head was enough to make me lose my lunch.
Tuesday, October 3, 2023
Take on…..Patrick McHenry
When Kevin McCarthy was ousted earlier today, some dude who looks like a cross between Dr Drew and Tucker Carlson became the speaker pro tempore. I have never heard of that term before mainly because these speakers generally have some staying power but I guess this dude was Kevin's attack poodle or something. So he doesn't just look like a total dweeb, he plays one in real life too.

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Monday, October 2, 2023
Take on Matt Gaetz
When you find yourself rooting for Kevin McCarthy in a battle royal, you know that his opponent has to be god awful. Well this is exactly where we find ourselves. Nobody like Matt Gaetz but somehow he commands more spotlight than anybody else. But what I don't understand is how a couple of these hard right lunatics are basically able to control what happens in congress. If seems like it goes against everything you know about what we are suppose to be.
Sunday, October 1, 2023
Take on Taylor Swift attending Chiefs-Jets with Blake Lively
It's 9:49 and they've shown Taylor Swift more times on TV than Zack Wilson completions. We don't have any idea of knowing what the actual impact of her coming is but my teenage daughter has never actually cared about a football game. This is when celebrities have too much juice, when the biggest sport on its prime time game basically needs a celebrity to give it real juice. Everybody knows this isn't real, it's all a way to promote the NFL and to keep her in the conversation.
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