President bunker hid out while the protests happened in DC over the weekend like an old lady does in her basement during a hurricane. It's not a bad tactic and smart in case there was some kind of breach but makes President cheesecake look like the kind of President he would love to kill on Twitter.
Anyway, the protests are obviously being infiltrated by loonies many of whom don't seem to have BLM at their core. Wonder when Trump will speak to the nation
Sunday, May 31, 2020
Saturday, May 30, 2020
Take on the secret service
Trump praised the secret service for their response yesterday night implying that there were people ready to scale the fence. Most of what he implied was later "clarified" sure by the secret service as the idea that a bunch of blood thirsty twenty somethings had their canines and AK47's ready fo attack was not something they wanted to stand behind
We will see what happens tonight but between this and COVID it would have been a good time to get a seat on that SpaceX rocket earlier today
We will see what happens tonight but between this and COVID it would have been a good time to get a seat on that SpaceX rocket earlier today
Friday, May 29, 2020
Take on the George Floyd condolences
Trump finally spoke out agains the killing of George Floyd and it was a tone death as usual. Obviously nobody expected eloquence out of this guy but as usual he couldn't show announce of sorrow just being able to string together some words to praise his family. Obviously Biden did a much better job at the entire thing because, well, he's a normal human.
The protests continue, the press is getting arrested and the entire country isn't paying attention to Covid..which is probably just fine with Team Trump
The protests continue, the press is getting arrested and the entire country isn't paying attention to Covid..which is probably just fine with Team Trump
Thursday, May 28, 2020
Take on TwitterTrump
Trump is ready to go to war with his biggest social media platform and nobody quite knows who will gain anything from this. Twitter started to fact check the president, albeit sparingly, and Trump didn't like it one bit. He's a very sensitive man and when you hurt his feelings, he gets angry and threatens to leave.
Of course he's got no legal recourse to shut down twitter but even he knows that but I'm sure his idea is to posture to get Twitter to back down.
Maybe Twitter should double down and delete his inflammatory attacks also.
Of course he's got no legal recourse to shut down twitter but even he knows that but I'm sure his idea is to posture to get Twitter to back down.
Maybe Twitter should double down and delete his inflammatory attacks also.
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Take on KellyanneCupcake
Kellyanne decided to die on an interesting hill today. She tried to make a point that people stand in line for a cupcake, so they shouldn't be afraid to stand in line to vote. There is so much wrong with this most notably that the percentage of people willing to stand in line for cupcakes for hours has to be about as rare as seeing Trump string together a coherent thought.
More importantly, cupcakes can be bought online which is sort of like...a mail in ballot.
But again, let's try to make voting harder for people especially in states that may not support her husband as it seems nobody has an issue sleigh Floridians allowing mail in votes and I sort of doubt they'd have an issue with West Virginia or Alabama too
Either do this or open the pooling stations for 9 days, from Saturday through the following Sunday
More importantly, cupcakes can be bought online which is sort of like...a mail in ballot.
But again, let's try to make voting harder for people especially in states that may not support her husband as it seems nobody has an issue sleigh Floridians allowing mail in votes and I sort of doubt they'd have an issue with West Virginia or Alabama too
Either do this or open the pooling stations for 9 days, from Saturday through the following Sunday
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Take on the fact checked president
Trump's tweets started getting fact checked by Twitter and as expected Trump went after them. Thr fact we feel like we need to fact check the president of United States speaks volumes about the position We didn't always agree with our president and often disagreed but never before has a president gotten involved with such petty pissing matches. Of course this isn't new to anybody but it does speak to the bigger issue which is that we aren't at a point where we don't trust the president, it's that we don't even take him seriously. There are 100k dead Americans but instead of focusing every ounce of energy on that, he's picking fights with Jeff Sessions, Barack Obama and Joe Scarborough.
Come on Pres, when people take that the position that the president isn't one to take seriously anymore, we have lost the war as a country
Trump's tweets started getting fact checked by Twitter and as expected Trump went after them. Thr fact we feel like we need to fact check the president of United States speaks volumes about the position We didn't always agree with our president and often disagreed but never before has a president gotten involved with such petty pissing matches. Of course this isn't new to anybody but it does speak to the bigger issue which is that we aren't at a point where we don't trust the president, it's that we don't even take him seriously. There are 100k dead Americans but instead of focusing every ounce of energy on that, he's picking fights with Jeff Sessions, Barack Obama and Joe Scarborough.
Come on Pres, when people take that the position that the president isn't one to take seriously anymore, we have lost the war as a country
Monday, May 25, 2020
Take on masked Biden
Vice President Biden came out of the bunker this weekend to pay his respects on Memorial Day and was photographed doing what we have all been asked to do...wear a mask. Brit Hume immediately scolded him as if wearing a mask makes him less manly because when it comes to protecting lives looking manly seems to be the driving force. If the president would don a mask, it would make a difference with the sycophants and they may just socially distance a bit more and wear masks more often which a couple of thousand lives
But Trump is too vain, Brit is too concerned about appearances even though he looks like the weird jam I find between my toes and our country is screwed.
But Trump is too vain, Brit is too concerned about appearances even though he looks like the weird jam I find between my toes and our country is screwed.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Take on Biden’s latest ad
Trump's feelings were hurt when he saw the ad the Biden campaign put out of him playing golf as the death toll mounted. This is the strategy the Biden camp should be going with, less Biden and more Trump. The strongest case for Biden is that it's a vote against Trump, it's a vote for decency over debauchery, it's a vote for normal over chaos and it's a vote for a heart over fear
Let's see them out our ad after ad like this, get Trump's panties in such a bunch that his Depends start riding up his five hole
Let's see them out our ad after ad like this, get Trump's panties in such a bunch that his Depends start riding up his five hole
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Take on 45 playing golf.
I never cared that W played golf, never cared that Obama did and I won't care if Trump does either. It's never been about the golf for me, everybody needs an outlet. The optics are obviously terrible with 100,000 dead Americans and the fact he does it at his own private clubs is more than a bit troubling but the act oF good Doesn't get my panties in a bunch.
But what I do think is fair game is using Trump's own words about Obama during Ebola to ask about his own actions now. Obviously Trump feels no shame or embarrassment out of those tweets and his followers don't see the double standard mainly because Trump is white and Obama is not
We can only hope the next five years will have a tan suit or a coffee cup be biggest controversy in our county
But what I do think is fair game is using Trump's own words about Obama during Ebola to ask about his own actions now. Obviously Trump feels no shame or embarrassment out of those tweets and his followers don't see the double standard mainly because Trump is white and Obama is not
We can only hope the next five years will have a tan suit or a coffee cup be biggest controversy in our county
Friday, May 22, 2020
Take on Trump’s account
Kayleigh Ann McEnany displayed Trump's personal account number on a check during an announcement. I'm sure this was unintentional but it was interesting to think that he uses Capital One. There is nothing wrong with thy bank but I just would have imagined he was a JP Morgan Chase kind of guy being that he is a billionaire. I wonder if he has one of their Capital One credit cards too, the one with the funny commercials
Anyway, hope his account didn't get hacked.
Anyway, hope his account didn't get hacked.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Take on Trump in a mask.
Trump finally wore a mask and covering 3/4 of his face was a. I've improvement. I don't think the mask lasted that long but at least it avoided getting people from having to breathe his wretched breath and look at his nasty teeth. This is where we are, Trump doing what every normal America has been doing for three months gets tremendous praise, he's like a deranged dog who constantly needs treats to make sure he doesn't pee on the rug
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Take on the Right View
The Trump campaign is launching a new show to combat The View called The Right View. I can't imagine a less interesting group of commentators than the ones pegged for this show. You get Kim Guilgoyle whose claim to fame is sleeping with Jr.
Lara Trump Shias claim is even worse as she had to sleep with Eric. Something called Mercedes Schlapp which I think was a failed electric model Daimler came out with and Katrina Pierson who is somehow worst than all of them.
This show should suck
Lara Trump Shias claim is even worse as she had to sleep with Eric. Something called Mercedes Schlapp which I think was a failed electric model Daimler came out with and Katrina Pierson who is somehow worst than all of them.
This show should suck
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Take on the declining carbon emissions
Who would have guessed that the daily carbon emission numbers would decline under Trump? When he pulled us out of the Paris Accords and pushed back against the new MPG limits, I was convinced our emissions would start to creep up again. I can't give Trump any really credit since it's purely a factor related to Covid but what I'm shocked about is that it's only 17%. It's probably down like 40% from what it was before Trump started loosening regulation like he loosens his belt when he sits down at a buffet

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Monday, May 18, 2020
Take on Trump’s reobsession with hydroxychloroquine
With it getting a little hot under the collar for Trump's Secretary of State, he decided to jump head first into the shallow end of the pool and admit that's he's been taking hydroxychloroquine. His White House doctor later released a letter where were very clandestine into whether Trump was actually taking it and there internet is already theorizing that the doctor Is giving his Flintstone vitamins and telling him it's hydroxy. Truthfully, I'm impressed he knows how to pronounce it without stumbling on it like he was Gerald Ford.
There will likely be an uptick in people using it which when mixed with bleach should produce some kind of science fair experiment in the MAGA lover's stomach.
There will likely be an uptick in people using it which when mixed with bleach should produce some kind of science fair experiment in the MAGA lover's stomach.
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Take on the dumbest Trump
It's been long debated who is the dumbest Trump and the answer is alway Eric. He doesn't just act dumb, he looks dumb and acts dumb. Today he went on some rant about how Covid is all a manufactured hoax to destroy his daddy's presidency and he sounded dumber than usual but somehow MAGA nut jobs probably loved every second of it. Although being the bum eat Trump feels a bit like the tallest midget but that's the thing with Eric, he's set the bar so low that even Trump could pole vault over it.
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Take on a real president
It's been 3 1/2 years but our country finally got to here a man who was elected as president not sound like a total self centered imbecile. Never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined a president Trump and never in my worst nightmares could I have imagined how badly it would have turned out. The incompetence and ineptitude were always there but the childish baiting and wars with the media have turned the office into the laughing stock of the world and yet somehow s42% of our people still approve.
We are so much worse off that we were four years ago as a people, a country and a world and every sign as to why points to a blubbering blob of self congratulations sitting on a golden toilet seat in the people's house.
We are so much worse off that we were four years ago as a people, a country and a world and every sign as to why points to a blubbering blob of self congratulations sitting on a golden toilet seat in the people's house.
Friday, May 15, 2020
Take on Space Farce.
Trump spent time away from important things like....the Covid virus to spend a day unveiling a flag of one of the dumbest government agencies ever formed...SpaceFarce.
If there was ever a thought that the next Great War won't be fought around meteors and stars, it should be pretty apparent now as we as a world are all up against the same virus but Trump seems content to keep spending money on something as ridiculous as SpaceForce and we can only hope it's the first thing that Biden dissolves when he takes office.
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Thursday, May 14, 2020
Take on the dumber Trump
Trump is getting dumber by the day
Today he tried to make the case that by testing you find that things are wrong and that if we stopped testing we'd have less cases. I don't think anybody cares about the number of cases, what we care about is the fact that there are now 85,000 dead Americans and that we will be at 100k by Memorial Day. The other thing is that the numbers are likely underreported and they are likely to be in the 120,000 range already.
Yeah, it's mostly older people but it seems a bit odd that the party who screamed "death panels" and claim to be pro-life and decided to throw in the towel on their main constituents so that they can go to Chilis
Today he tried to make the case that by testing you find that things are wrong and that if we stopped testing we'd have less cases. I don't think anybody cares about the number of cases, what we care about is the fact that there are now 85,000 dead Americans and that we will be at 100k by Memorial Day. The other thing is that the numbers are likely underreported and they are likely to be in the 120,000 range already.
Yeah, it's mostly older people but it seems a bit odd that the party who screamed "death panels" and claim to be pro-life and decided to throw in the towel on their main constituents so that they can go to Chilis
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Take on Fauci’s imminent firing
It's a matter of days till Dr. Fauci is fired. After going to capital hill and testifying that he thought the Covid hunters were under-reported which conflicts with the official White House call that they are over-reported. He also said that opening up to early, like now, would likely spike the death toll again
Well Trump noticed and he started to attack Fauci. The Trump crazies have already been questioning his credibility and now lapdog @TuckerCarlson went after Fauci
This is the new game plan a large their other distractions have fallen flat. The Chinese Virus didn't really take, the Hunter Biden story is boring, "Her Emails" aren't that relevant, Obamagate has yet to actually mean anything and there are 85,000 dead Americans.
Time for Tucker to give Trump a handjob and be done with it.
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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Take on the stalled election
The presidents senior aide in law went on air and when asked about the election being held on November 3rd became every noncommittal. I have long had my fears that Trump would try to declare some kind of martial law to keep the elections from happening and this seems like the first official weather balloon his inner circle is sending out to gauge reaction. They're desperately trying to turn the national conversation from their ineptitude to a manufactured "gate" even if at this point they only have a lame name for it
Monday, May 11, 2020
Take on the weak president
Trump proved again that his machismo is just veiled racism when he was asked a tough question by a good reporter and snarled back "why don't you ask China". The first part was that asking China made no sense relative to the question as it had to do with what Trump has made into some kind of testing race. The fact the reporter as of Asian descent definitely got everybody to pay attention but what bothers me the most is still how he snarls "China". He's like the heavyweight fighter who talks a big game when he's an ocean away but you know he certainly won't throw his weight around when he's having a bigger of Lo Mein with President Xi
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Take on the 80,000 mark
With the death toll hitting 79,525 today, tomorrow is bound to be the day as we surpass the 80,000 mark. Why 80,000 is significant is because people a few months ago kept telling people that the flu kills 80,000 people per year. Think about the fact that with shutting the country down, major social distancing, shelter in place orders and a thousand other measures we are now at the 80,000 mark. Can you imagine how many it would be without it??
Saturday, May 9, 2020
Take on the lab in Wuhan
I'm not one to buy into the average conspiracy theory but one that I continue to sort of wonder about is whether the coronavirus came from a lab. I'm not suggesting something nefarious but do find it odd that the lab studying coronavirus transmissions from bats to humans was coincidentally in the same city where the entire COVID thing originated. There were reports that outside scientists had expressed worry about the way this lab was handling their studies so if this thing originated in the lab and not in the wet market it wouldn't totally shock me.
Then again, it would only embolden the theory's that this was planted for some kind of population control in China or Trojan horse in the rest of the world.
Who knows what really happened but the coincidences are....interesting.
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Friday, May 8, 2020
Take on Stephen Miller’s wife
Katie Miller who before this was best know for making the worst decision any person has ever made by saying "I do" when asked whether she wanted to have Stephen Miller has her husband is now known for something else. HIPA aside, Trump outed Katie as the staffer who had contracted Covid which could mean Stephen has it also. The entire Miller family has regular close quarters interactions with Pence and Trump which would make you think there is a chance both guys could be in trouble. Now if both ended up on a ventilator, I think Nancy Pelosi takes over
Thank you Katie
Thank you Katie
Thursday, May 7, 2020
Take on the McMichaels
Sometimes you hear about somebody and you instantly get a mental image in your head. When I first was the video of Ahmaud Arbery, I instantly knew what those dickheads would look like
Today I saw them and the two are exactly the type of low rent rednecks you'd expect to kill and innocent black man jogging down a street. The dad looks like he's fond of wearing hoods and the son looks like he's dumber than an ox
This is Trump's America
Today I saw them and the two are exactly the type of low rent rednecks you'd expect to kill and innocent black man jogging down a street. The dad looks like he's fond of wearing hoods and the son looks like he's dumber than an ox
This is Trump's America
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Take on the RDG hospitalization
The four most frightening words in the English language are either President Donald J Trump or Ruth Bader Ginsburg hospitalized. Sadly we hear both statements too often and the fear of having something happened while #2 happens, makes you want to pray to the big man that #1 isn't in charge when it does.
Obviously, we fall comfortably within the McConnell rules (can't vote on a new Supreme Court justice in an election years) but something tells me old candle wax face won't remember that if he has chance to ram one down our throats before November
We got to keep her alive or pull a Weekend at Bernie's thing if we don't
Obviously, we fall comfortably within the McConnell rules (can't vote on a new Supreme Court justice in an election years) but something tells me old candle wax face won't remember that if he has chance to ram one down our throats before November
We got to keep her alive or pull a Weekend at Bernie's thing if we don't
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Take on the White a house coronavirus task force
The White House is taking a victory lap after saying they are disbanding the Corona task force. I'm not quite sure why this would be disbanded now, considering we just shot past 70,000 dead Americans. I don't think we were all that impressed with the TaskForce to start of with, so can't be that upset that they are now unemployed but it seems a bit presumptuous to claim victory over a virus whose peak we may not have yet seen..but then again...this is Trump
Monday, May 4, 2020
Take on the reappearance of Big Chris
Big Chris is doing his own defense about reopening America's. He went on the air today and dismissed my offered up grandma so he could hit the buffet lines. The problem for Big Chris is that even when we open up the country it will be in phases high risk people wouldn't be hitting Friendly's until like phase 10. Looking at Christie he has to be considered high risk because of his weight, his age, his general (lack of) health, likely diabetes and the fact that Mrs. Christie found him passed out face first in a full plate of pasta last week.
That's a lie, there is no way he'd pass out in a full plate of pasta.
That's a lie, there is no way he'd pass out in a full plate of pasta.
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Take on the upward revision.
Trump was forced to upwardly revise his expected death total from 60k to 80-90k which he -sort of- acknowledged as a miscalculation.
What was a bigger miscalculation was the 15 he originally said which is something people don't seem to to talk about much anymore. This person with all the information on the virus at the tip of his finger thought it would magically disappear one day snd we're still adding a few thousand per day to the rolls and that was with massive stay at home mandates
I'm also sure he was saying 60,000 not 65,000 the last few weeks, he has funny way of looking at numbers
What was a bigger miscalculation was the 15 he originally said which is something people don't seem to to talk about much anymore. This person with all the information on the virus at the tip of his finger thought it would magically disappear one day snd we're still adding a few thousand per day to the rolls and that was with massive stay at home mandates
I'm also sure he was saying 60,000 not 65,000 the last few weeks, he has funny way of looking at numbers
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Take on the Asian Giant Hornet
Haven't we suffered enough??! Today's NYT article about some crazy Asian Giant Hornet has completely freaked out the world. We're still in the middle of this Covid pandemic and now we have to worry about a bee the size of my fist coming down and stinging me in the face? I have to say that 2020 has been a crappy year and it's just getting worse
You just know that Trump is going to demand retribution from Xi For the damage the Hornets have done to our Great American Beekeepers. Watch him slap tariffs on imported hockey pucks or something random to make China pay.
But getting stung by one of these suckers is still better than having Trump as president.
You just know that Trump is going to demand retribution from Xi For the damage the Hornets have done to our Great American Beekeepers. Watch him slap tariffs on imported hockey pucks or something random to make China pay.
But getting stung by one of these suckers is still better than having Trump as president.
Friday, May 1, 2020
Take on the coronavirus projections
Like most thing he does, Trump treats the coronavirus mortality rate like a set of moving goal posts as he keeps raising his projected death toll saying now he thinks it will be 70,000 when last week he upped it from 50,000 to 60,000
I'm hoping he's right because it would basically mean we stop this thing cold in it's tracks on Wednesday or something but don't think that's going to be the case. I'm afraid we're still looking at 100,000 people and possibly more unless something miraculous happens and I'm not talking about hokus pokus it just disappears.
I'm predicting that next week he'll have a press conference in which he says "80,000 people" which coincidentally is that flu. Inner people always throw around
I'm hoping he's right because it would basically mean we stop this thing cold in it's tracks on Wednesday or something but don't think that's going to be the case. I'm afraid we're still looking at 100,000 people and possibly more unless something miraculous happens and I'm not talking about hokus pokus it just disappears.
I'm predicting that next week he'll have a press conference in which he says "80,000 people" which coincidentally is that flu. Inner people always throw around
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