The Fed cut their benchmark rate today in what can only be described as a peculiar move likely influenced by a President who has been very critical of them and is looking to juice an economy heading into a re-election. It was peculiar mostly because the economy has been quite good overall although many of us are seeing cracks in the foundation.
Fed chairman's Powell sited a sluggish manufacturing and lower business investment for the reason but I think he's ignoring the elephant in the room
One main reason manufacturing is struggling is because our orange leader has dragged us into a major trade war. Not only are US goods into China now more expensive because China retaliated with their own tariffs, US Manufacturers need Chinese parts and component for the manufacturing of their products are now paying higher prices. If a US producer is now paying a 25% Duty on goods out of a China, you've directly hit their bottom line which will make their products more expensive.
So now people will be asked to pay more for a car and may not be able to afford it. And we wonder why manufacturing is down??
Want to juice your economy, drop this idiotic trade war and let manufacturing be great again
Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Take on the democratic field
We didn't watch the debate but do know the highlight of the night was Bernie looking like a lunatic with his hands up in the air.
Discussing this amongst a few people last night the entire thing comes down to this
There are two popular candidate, even if their ideas are wacky or boring : Bernie and Biden
There are three smart candidates: Warren, Harris and Mayor Pete, all three are incredibly smart
The wild card is Booker who has some appeal
Other than that , the rest of the guys are all washed up has beens or -in most cases- never beens.
Let's just cut to the chase and make this a six pony race. Smart of Popular. Sadly we can't seem to find one who is both
Discussing this amongst a few people last night the entire thing comes down to this
There are two popular candidate, even if their ideas are wacky or boring : Bernie and Biden
There are three smart candidates: Warren, Harris and Mayor Pete, all three are incredibly smart
The wild card is Booker who has some appeal
Other than that , the rest of the guys are all washed up has beens or -in most cases- never beens.
Let's just cut to the chase and make this a six pony race. Smart of Popular. Sadly we can't seem to find one who is both
Monday, July 29, 2019
Take on Trump’s Chump 9/11 memory
Trump told a bunch of 9/11 responders that he was down at Ground Zero with them which from a germaphobe and guy who seems squeamish about just about everything is about as believable as thinking that is his real hair. He of course is the same guy who said he personally saw dozens of people celebrating after the towers fell in New Jersey while simultaneously calling in from Trump Tower to brag that's his crappy building was now the tallest in the city.
Take on Big Chris’ pants
Chris Christie was at some event with Chuck Grassley this weekend and it was quite a scene. It's hard to know what they were going, it might have been a golf outing or maybe a pie eating contest but all I know is that Christie has somehow gotten fatter since leaving office
He's kind of slimmer in the belly but now he wears these ridiculous MC Hammer pants that make him look like he's smuggling potato's into a farm house
Anyway, good luck with all of that
He's kind of slimmer in the belly but now he wears these ridiculous MC Hammer pants that make him look like he's smuggling potato's into a farm house
Anyway, good luck with all of that
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Take on racist Trump
Calling a neighborhood Rat infested is about as low as you can go and it's usually thrown around to disparage the people who live there while there are probably very few instances where those people are the cause -not the victims- of the infestation. There is one place where this is not true, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. The president and all his cronies have infested the White House and our moral conscience for two and a half years and there isn't a rat trap big enough to catch him.
People ask if he says this stuff to signal to the bigots in his party that he's got their back but that gives him too much credit. Racist people can't help but let their racism slip out. It always happens, meet one of these guys who seems like an average normal dude and out of the blue he'll throw a comment out at you where you are just caught flat footed. But that's their game, they feel you out, beat around the bush and at some point just drop the N word.
People ask if he says this stuff to signal to the bigots in his party that he's got their back but that gives him too much credit. Racist people can't help but let their racism slip out. It always happens, meet one of these guys who seems like an average normal dude and out of the blue he'll throw a comment out at you where you are just caught flat footed. But that's their game, they feel you out, beat around the bush and at some point just drop the N word.
Friday, July 26, 2019
Take on the Obama AC unit
Trump blamed Obama for putting in a terrible HVAC system in 2017 which happens to be the year after he left office. Trump said on of the reasons he goes to Bedminster is to get out of the miserable heat in the West Wing because the AC sucks and then aid she would have gone to NYC but felt it would inconvenience regular people if he had to basically close down a 10 block radius, which honestly I appreciate
Stay out of the city, please. It would cost the city a fortune and would cost me many extra hours of commuting. It's the only time I'm happy this moron is playing golf
Stay out of the city, please. It would cost the city a fortune and would cost me many extra hours of commuting. It's the only time I'm happy this moron is playing golf
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Take on the dead duck on Rudy’s head
What the hell happened to Rudy's head? I saw a photo of him today during his divorce hearings and he went from that weird combover to the shave head to this new weird cut where he looks like a duck landed on the back of his head, a duck with Lou Dobbs hair coloring.
Nobody has fallen farther from grace than old Rudy, he's past wife 3 and onto wife 4 and apparently just spent $40k to help his new chick's son get dental work. I have to ask, what kind of dental work can possibly cost $40,000? Does this dude get a free out of breast implants with his implants?
Nobody has fallen farther from grace than old Rudy, he's past wife 3 and onto wife 4 and apparently just spent $40k to help his new chick's son get dental work. I have to ask, what kind of dental work can possibly cost $40,000? Does this dude get a free out of breast implants with his implants?
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Take on Mueller’s seven hours
Bob Mueller's seven hours of testimony gave fuel to the fire that Trump is a corrupt pig but did nothing to quell the confidence the Trump team had that they found virtually nothing in their two years of searching.
Of course we didn't expect it to end much differently especially after the release of his report which left more things unanswered than set in stone and left open too much for interpretation.
What was most disappointing and dissatisfying is that Mueller looked flustered and wasn't nearly as sharp and quick as we'd been lead to believe. That doesn't change his standing as Special Counsel but certainly didn't bolster his standing either
Anyway, Trump can't scream no collusion, no obstruction since that was the one thing Mueller did make clear and it's good to know that Trump will likely be charged when he is finally removed from office but it does beg the question, if the Special Counsel cannot indict a sitting president and really has no recourse, what is the point of this entire charade?
Of course we didn't expect it to end much differently especially after the release of his report which left more things unanswered than set in stone and left open too much for interpretation.
What was most disappointing and dissatisfying is that Mueller looked flustered and wasn't nearly as sharp and quick as we'd been lead to believe. That doesn't change his standing as Special Counsel but certainly didn't bolster his standing either
Anyway, Trump can't scream no collusion, no obstruction since that was the one thing Mueller did make clear and it's good to know that Trump will likely be charged when he is finally removed from office but it does beg the question, if the Special Counsel cannot indict a sitting president and really has no recourse, what is the point of this entire charade?
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Take on the five permanent members of the UN Security Council
Ok, let me scare the living hell out of you. I'm not doing this as a joke or a test of the emergency broadcasting system but rather to smack you in the face with some sobering news. The heads of five permanent members of the UN Security council are now Boris Johnson, Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinging and Emmanuel Macron. If that doesn't sound like we have signed our own collective death-wish, I'm not sure what I can tell you.
When your quintet only has one trustworthy member, you know that you are in trouble, this is like asking four wolves to guard the henhouse with the only thing standing in their way a forty year old Frenchman and he's not named Napoleon
And if that concept alone doesn't scare the hell out of you, realize that the fifth Beatle might have been Le Pen
When your quintet only has one trustworthy member, you know that you are in trouble, this is like asking four wolves to guard the henhouse with the only thing standing in their way a forty year old Frenchman and he's not named Napoleon
And if that concept alone doesn't scare the hell out of you, realize that the fifth Beatle might have been Le Pen
Monday, July 22, 2019
Take on Trump’s genocide solution.
Trump likes to talk in what ifs and sends out these weather balloons where he throws out these completely ludicrous ideas like...genocide.
He proposed in his Trump non-proposal proposal method to carpet A-bomb the entire country of Afghanistan.
We know that he would totally do this, if he could just be allowed to do it. It's a ten million person joke joke
What's amazing is that he does have his finger on that button and he's crazy enough to do it.
He proposed in his Trump non-proposal proposal method to carpet A-bomb the entire country of Afghanistan.
We know that he would totally do this, if he could just be allowed to do it. It's a ten million person joke joke
What's amazing is that he does have his finger on that button and he's crazy enough to do it.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Take on the moral clarity of Mike Pence
Mike Pence will go down as one of the most courageous politician of all time. His Christian morals have been his guiding light and every decision he makes reflects the teaching of Christ in a way that people like Obama could never imagine. Pence stood up against Trump up in kind of certain and he'd hitting ways that few ever have, and I'm sure his backbone is reinforced with pages out of the Bible.
Just look at the morality in this quote of Pence about Trump and the chants. "If it happens again, he, he might, he might —he— make an effort to speak out". He announces in no uncertain terms that he and Trump will stand up against racial injustice because of Pence's certainty in his morality
Just look at the morality in this quote of Pence about Trump and the chants. "If it happens again, he, he might, he might —he— make an effort to speak out". He announces in no uncertain terms that he and Trump will stand up against racial injustice because of Pence's certainty in his morality
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Take on Rocky A$AP
Trump spent today not helping children out of
cages, not trying to bring healthcare to the country, or trying to bring equality but instead upon the request of Kanye Kardashian, he called the prime minister of Sweden to get Rocky A$AP out of trouble. I have absolutely no idea who Rocky A$AP is but I guess if he's a friend of Kanye's he's a friend of mine.
From what I can tell, this dude got into a street fight and charges have been pressed. I've never heard of that Sweden has some kind of archaic laws, so I don't think this dude would do long term hard time, so it's off that Trump would intervene. I mean if I were to get into a street fight in Belgium, I doubt any American official is coming to my defense but then again I'm not a celebrity and don't have rich and famous friends
Anyway, I can't tell you that I have any opinion of this dude getting out but tend to think that if Trump
Is on the case, it's likely not one built on anything worth fighting for.
cages, not trying to bring healthcare to the country, or trying to bring equality but instead upon the request of Kanye Kardashian, he called the prime minister of Sweden to get Rocky A$AP out of trouble. I have absolutely no idea who Rocky A$AP is but I guess if he's a friend of Kanye's he's a friend of mine.
From what I can tell, this dude got into a street fight and charges have been pressed. I've never heard of that Sweden has some kind of archaic laws, so I don't think this dude would do long term hard time, so it's off that Trump would intervene. I mean if I were to get into a street fight in Belgium, I doubt any American official is coming to my defense but then again I'm not a celebrity and don't have rich and famous friends
Anyway, I can't tell you that I have any opinion of this dude getting out but tend to think that if Trump
Is on the case, it's likely not one built on anything worth fighting for.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Take on Bug Huck’s replacement
Sarah "Big Huck" Sanders was one of the most miserable lying sacks of crap we've ever encountered, so our thought was that Stephanie Grisham could only be better if for no other reason than that she was NOT Sarah Sanders. She might be, it's hard to tell since she never gives a press briefing but she did go out of her way to speak about her opportunity meet the US Special Olympic team.
The funny thing was she signed it off as "leading the delegation was probably the highest honor I will ever have as @secondlady"
The funny thing was she signed it off as "leading the delegation was probably the highest honor I will ever have as @secondlady"
I'm not quite sure but maybe she's telling us that's she's banging Mike Pence?! Which you know mother will not be happy about. Or maybe she's moving in to become the fourth Mrs Donald Trump?
It's hard to tell but one thing for sure, somebody better tell Ivana and Marla Maples because they should have rights to the First Lady and Second Lady titles
Sent from my iPhone
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Take on the soulless Lindsey
History won't look kindly upon this period and will see Trump for the race baiting bigot he is but nobody will be more complicit in the black eye of this presidency than Lindsey Graham who has proven over and over again that his morals lie with his master. He followed McCain around like a lapdog but McCain had morals and ethics and a heart. Somehow when he died, Lindsey's morals, ethics and scruples died right along with him because he's hitched his wagon to the Trump Train in a way that would make old John turn over in his grave
Either Graham has no soul...or Trump has some compromising photos he's dangling over his head
Either Graham has no soul...or Trump has some compromising photos he's dangling over his head
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Take on the Trump Dump
The president started his campaign rally by saying he could be there all night since he's got nothing to do which is encouraging. When he has nothing to do he sends out a bunch of tweets and gets himself into trouble but at least the trouble he gets into is all on him. When he actually gets to the executive functioning part, is when I'm most nervous because the policy he's willing to fight for is almost always something that will harm our nation or her people
But one thing is clear, when he lashes out like he has this week, it's because he knows there is a story that is about to explode and he's masters the art of taking the air out of the room...and filling himself up with it.
But one thing is clear, when he lashes out like he has this week, it's because he knows there is a story that is about to explode and he's masters the art of taking the air out of the room...and filling himself up with it.
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
Take on when George Met Kellyanne
George and Kellyanne have to having some phenomenal anger sex. I'm talking complete sexual grudge match that's like Sting and Trudy meets Hulk Hogan and Andre the Giant. It's the only explanation
George has proven himself to be a complete patriot and one of the lone shining stars in a black hole of "conservative" voices along with Bill Kristol and, well, nobody.
Kellyanne justifies Trump's tweets with a "where are you from" retort to a Jewish reporter and then trying to justify it by showing him exactly how white she is by proclaiming her love of her Italian and Irish heritage
Anyway, she is an awful human but I have to hope thy she's rocking old George's world on a regular basis to keep it all worth his while...although at his. blood pressure and cholesterol he might not make it much longer although maybe the animal sexy time is keeping him young.
Sent from my iPhone
Monday, July 15, 2019
Take on gutless Mitt
Ladies and gentlemen, playing the part of Jeff Flake for the next six years is Mitt Romney.
It took the entire GOP more than 24 hours to so much as sneeze in the direction of Trump's "go back....where you came from" tweet and they were so tepid they could have been confused for a "happy holidays tweet". Marco Rubio basically said nothing, a couple of swing district congressmen peed in the direction of the fire and Tim Scott reminded us that he is black. Of course we all know that they are all frightened to death of Trump and can't dare think of crossing him but you figure if there is one man who'd have some balls it's a man who has spent his life on the right side of these kinds of moral issues. Mitt Romney was not my choice for president but I never thought he would have made a bad one. He seems smart, is certainly eloquent and had that rare combination of business and governing experience but most of all, he felt like a person whose moral compass was certainly pointing to true north
He's about as accomplished an American politician as there has been but he still cowers in the shadow of Trump. Whether it's him groveling for the Secretary of State job or today when he tried to condemn Trump for a basically indefensible tweet by saying it went "over the line"
Romney always just looks like he is about to grab his sack but instead tugs on Trump's.
It took the entire GOP more than 24 hours to so much as sneeze in the direction of Trump's "go back....where you came from" tweet and they were so tepid they could have been confused for a "happy holidays tweet". Marco Rubio basically said nothing, a couple of swing district congressmen peed in the direction of the fire and Tim Scott reminded us that he is black. Of course we all know that they are all frightened to death of Trump and can't dare think of crossing him but you figure if there is one man who'd have some balls it's a man who has spent his life on the right side of these kinds of moral issues. Mitt Romney was not my choice for president but I never thought he would have made a bad one. He seems smart, is certainly eloquent and had that rare combination of business and governing experience but most of all, he felt like a person whose moral compass was certainly pointing to true north
He's about as accomplished an American politician as there has been but he still cowers in the shadow of Trump. Whether it's him groveling for the Secretary of State job or today when he tried to condemn Trump for a basically indefensible tweet by saying it went "over the line"
Romney always just looks like he is about to grab his sack but instead tugs on Trump's.
Sunday, July 14, 2019
Take on “go back..where they came from”
This really needs no commentary but it's so vile, it's so xenophobic and it's so inherently racist that had a fringe disc jockey used it, he's be out of a job but when our president does, it's just another day.
The GOP has been cowardly in their condemnation, or better yet lack of, when it comes to Trump. They've sold their souls for two justices and a tax cut and it doesn't seem to bother any of them that they are walking around without them. Our country's darkest days seem to still lie ahead because when we go from the beacon of hope, from the shining house on top of the hill to whatever this has become, we have lost.
We no longer can wave a moral flag when it comes to the rest of the world, we have that up that dark day in November..but now we must wear this period like a Scarlett letter.
I can only hope we only have a year and a half left of this, but knowing the dog whistle this kind of verbiage is to his base..I'm not holding my breath.
The GOP has been cowardly in their condemnation, or better yet lack of, when it comes to Trump. They've sold their souls for two justices and a tax cut and it doesn't seem to bother any of them that they are walking around without them. Our country's darkest days seem to still lie ahead because when we go from the beacon of hope, from the shining house on top of the hill to whatever this has become, we have lost.
We no longer can wave a moral flag when it comes to the rest of the world, we have that up that dark day in November..but now we must wear this period like a Scarlett letter.
I can only hope we only have a year and a half left of this, but knowing the dog whistle this kind of verbiage is to his base..I'm not holding my breath.
Saturday, July 13, 2019
Take on an interesting day.
Half of the executive branch stared at men in cages who haven't showered in two weeks while the other rolled around in dirty with a spineless weasel. Mike Pence -who will be out of a job in a year and a half replaced by Ivanka- toured one of the detention centers along with Lindsey Graham and seemed not all too upset about people being housed in a way we won't even let chickens be raised. The other half stood with a guy who looks like a chicken with a brush of pubic hair on top of his head after yet another day of golf.
This is how this administration should be remembered uncaring on one side and so aloof that he doesn't understand the implications on the other.
We have lost all moral standing as a nation after this debacle We'd need to elect a ticket of Mother Teresa and Princess Di at the next election to have any hope for redemption
This is how this administration should be remembered uncaring on one side and so aloof that he doesn't understand the implications on the other.
We have lost all moral standing as a nation after this debacle We'd need to elect a ticket of Mother Teresa and Princess Di at the next election to have any hope for redemption
Friday, July 12, 2019
Take on Trump’s revolving cast.
We always assumed Trump would have a hard time keeping people to work for him, mostly because he's a self centered sociopath who will throw anybody under the bus as quickly as he'll change his mind on policy decisions. Even knowing that, the fact that he's already had 13 cabinet members depart after Acosta resigned today, is shocking. Add to that the non cabinet members and the CNN graphic looks like Hollywood Squares on steroids. It's like every week is another episode of Bewitched and we have a new Darren...if Darren was a lying sociopath himself.
We're 2 1/2 gears into this travesty and traveling around Europe most people here believe we are going to be in this mess for another 5 1/2 years as populism is a hard concept to unseat. I have to believe we are better than that but then again I never imagined we'd be here today
We're 2 1/2 gears into this travesty and traveling around Europe most people here believe we are going to be in this mess for another 5 1/2 years as populism is a hard concept to unseat. I have to believe we are better than that but then again I never imagined we'd be here today
Thursday, July 11, 2019
Take on the Jeffrey Epstein’s balls.
Jeffrey Epstein has some balls..or at least his lawyers do. They proposed a bail package today to allow the accused kid touched to spend his pre trial time under house arrest in his $77million mansion, likely the same mansion they raided recently and found troves of kiddie porn.
I'd have to guess that the State of New York will not go Acosta on Epstein here and hopefully the judge doesn't have his balls wrapped around Trump's greedy minuscule hands and Little Jeff spends a fair amount of time hoping somebody had left some lube in the cell he's sharing with Big Biff
I'd have to guess that the State of New York will not go Acosta on Epstein here and hopefully the judge doesn't have his balls wrapped around Trump's greedy minuscule hands and Little Jeff spends a fair amount of time hoping somebody had left some lube in the cell he's sharing with Big Biff
Wednesday, July 10, 2019
Take on equality
I don't often agree with Andrew Cuomo but today I did when he said that the USWNT should not be paid the same as the USMNT but instead be paid higher because they actually produce
We spent the last week in France immersed in the excitement of the World Cup but there we two parts that stood out
- there were so many American families there, I'd guess that the finals were 80% Americans.
- except for one family, we never encountered a family with more sons than daughters. The truth is most families there were just daughters which is such a sad state. When they came with a brother it was almost always a younger one (too young to complain??) but you had to say the estrogen to testosterone level of any household had to be 75/25 at best.
Not sure why a boy or a girl can watch the terrible NFL or the NBA but dad's are too insecure in their own masculinity to have their sons watch some world class futball
We spent the last week in France immersed in the excitement of the World Cup but there we two parts that stood out
- there were so many American families there, I'd guess that the finals were 80% Americans.
- except for one family, we never encountered a family with more sons than daughters. The truth is most families there were just daughters which is such a sad state. When they came with a brother it was almost always a younger one (too young to complain??) but you had to say the estrogen to testosterone level of any household had to be 75/25 at best.
Not sure why a boy or a girl can watch the terrible NFL or the NBA but dad's are too insecure in their own masculinity to have their sons watch some world class futball
Tuesday, July 9, 2019
Take on Trump’s Twitter blockage.
It's official...Trump cannot block you on Twitter. A three judge appeals court panel ruled that Trump blocking critics is unconstitutional and now Trump will likely have his timeline filled with more people telling him he's an incompetent fool. What is shocking is how he gets around to blocking anybody to start with. Why would anybody, let alone the President of the United States, engage with the trolls that inhabit the Twitter universe to the point they annoy him to the point of him blocking them.
He's so desperate for attention and positive reinforcement that he actually looks at the replies he gets with the hope that some of them are positive This is one of the most pathetic displays of a man who's made a career out of being a pathetic fool
He's so desperate for attention and positive reinforcement that he actually looks at the replies he gets with the hope that some of them are positive This is one of the most pathetic displays of a man who's made a career out of being a pathetic fool
Monday, July 8, 2019
Take on Jeffrey Epstein
Let's hope that this is the last chapter of the Jeffrey Epstein saga, one that is a complete black eye on our own judicial system. Not only has he run free for the last 10+years although we all know he was a kid touching pervert, he did so with legal impunity handed out by guys in big political positions including our labor secretary.
I have heard Republicans that they hope this sweeps Bill Clinton up and if he is at all involved, I hope they lock him away for life. The same can be said about Donald Trump who's on record as saying he's known Epstein for decades and that they sure a love of a certain kind of girl.
We hope this is some quick justice, with Epstein spending significant time in the kind of don't drop the soap prisons and not some posh white collar club-med setup.
What was amazing was that in the sentencing memo they explained his vast wealth and assets including homes in NYC, Florida, Paris and New Mexico as well as 15 cars, access to two private planes, a private island and three US passports
Can somebody explain how a guy like Epstein who is know to be a sex criminal have their passports, let alone one??
I have heard Republicans that they hope this sweeps Bill Clinton up and if he is at all involved, I hope they lock him away for life. The same can be said about Donald Trump who's on record as saying he's known Epstein for decades and that they sure a love of a certain kind of girl.
We hope this is some quick justice, with Epstein spending significant time in the kind of don't drop the soap prisons and not some posh white collar club-med setup.
What was amazing was that in the sentencing memo they explained his vast wealth and assets including homes in NYC, Florida, Paris and New Mexico as well as 15 cars, access to two private planes, a private island and three US passports
Can somebody explain how a guy like Epstein who is know to be a sex criminal have their passports, let alone one??
Sunday, July 7, 2019
Take on the White House invitation
We can't wait for Megan Rapinoe and the rest of her girls to tell Trump to shove it when they get invited to the White House.
Trump is such a petty man that he has yet to congratulate the team, and of course when Obama did it he immediately got more likes than anything Trump could ever drum up even when he has all his Russian bots firing.
I think it would be awesome if instead of going to the White House, the team goes and has dinner with Obama, W and Jimmy Carter at a TGIFridays
Trump is such a petty man that he has yet to congratulate the team, and of course when Obama did it he immediately got more likes than anything Trump could ever drum up even when he has all his Russian bots firing.
I think it would be awesome if instead of going to the White House, the team goes and has dinner with Obama, W and Jimmy Carter at a TGIFridays
Saturday, July 6, 2019
Take on the Wet TShirt contest
Somebody forgot to tell Melania that she was going out in the rain during Trump's self absorbed Fourth of July campaign event. First of all, the rain took all her makeup off, making her look like a wet chihuahua and exposing her for the wicked witch she really is. Her face looks like a catcher's mitt which is what happens when you are forced to take a lot of Trump's balls to the mug.
But what was better was the fact that she must have confused the National Mall with Daytona Beach circa 1998.
Glad she shows her American pride for the event..both of them.
But what was better was the fact that she must have confused the National Mall with Daytona Beach circa 1998.
Glad she shows her American pride for the event..both of them.
Friday, July 5, 2019
Take on the continental army take down off the airports
Nobody ever accused Trump of being well read, so it was no shock that he could mess something up as simple as reciting the star spangled banner. He spoke about ramming the ramparts, he spoke about the bitter of Valley Forge and the spoke about the continental army taking over the airports which would be a half funny SNL skit except they'd never make it sound believable
Trump's Fourth of July speech did everything to not instill confidence in our leadership although in fairness at least he didn't call our generals a bunch of snowflakes.

Sent from my iPhone
Thursday, July 4, 2019
Take on a real American hero
The king did it again..nobody has dominated his sport like this since Babe Ruth was in the heart of Murder'a Row. Joey Chestnut defines domination in a way that few athletes have and he proved again that shoving five dozen plus hit dogs down your throat is the best way to show your pride in the Stars and Stripes
I just wish somebody could superimpose his video next to that of Trump giving his stupid address tonight in front of the Lincoln Memorial. Both will make you want to puke but only Chestnut's will make you feel proud to be an American
I just wish somebody could superimpose his video next to that of Trump giving his stupid address tonight in front of the Lincoln Memorial. Both will make you want to puke but only Chestnut's will make you feel proud to be an American
Wednesday, July 3, 2019
Take on Mike Pence’s cancelled trip
Most people are thrilled when Mike Pence doesn't show up for a planned date. Mostly because he a horrible human but also because he looks like he has that old person rotten teeth smell to him
So when he cancelled his trip to New Hampshire after already boarding AirForce Two, there was an audible sigh of relief from the entire state but immediately there was speculation as to why
We're going with the theory that Mother wasn't comfortable with him spending time at a recovery house where he might lapse back into some previously unreported gay-sex meth rage he loved as a young man.
Either that or Trump was about to fire him and replace him with Ivanka. Rumor is that Trump wanted to do the same with Melania
So when he cancelled his trip to New Hampshire after already boarding AirForce Two, there was an audible sigh of relief from the entire state but immediately there was speculation as to why
We're going with the theory that Mother wasn't comfortable with him spending time at a recovery house where he might lapse back into some previously unreported gay-sex meth rage he loved as a young man.
Either that or Trump was about to fire him and replace him with Ivanka. Rumor is that Trump wanted to do the same with Melania
Tuesday, July 2, 2019
Take on filthy cities
Trump being interviewed by Tucker Carlson agreed with Tucker that American cities are filthy and said it's gotten worse in the last two years. The funny thing is that the last two years are also the years that Trump has been president. Nobody will
claim that a president has any connection or responsibility for keeping an individual city clean but it was a funny comment for a guy who likes to take credit for everything and anything
The truth is that a city like New York is way less filthy than it was in the 80's (and much less gritty) m. If anything American cities are probably cleaner than they ever have been, especially coastal ones
New York for one cleaned up a lot when Trump and his ilk left two and a half years ago
claim that a president has any connection or responsibility for keeping an individual city clean but it was a funny comment for a guy who likes to take credit for everything and anything
The truth is that a city like New York is way less filthy than it was in the 80's (and much less gritty) m. If anything American cities are probably cleaner than they ever have been, especially coastal ones
New York for one cleaned up a lot when Trump and his ilk left two and a half years ago
Monday, July 1, 2019
Take on the bruised President
Our president so badly wants to be loved and is so blatantly unsure of himself that he's throwing himself a party and he wants everybody to come. The issue is that he isn't throwing a big soirée at his own expense, he's making us all pay for it. Of course we won't get good seats (the VIP seats are reserved for friends and family), we won't get any good snacks and we won't be inspired to be better people or a better country (Trump is only concerned with himself and he has appointed himself both the guest of honor and the one who makes the speech about the guest of honor)
He is also bringing the military, under the guise that this is actually about them and not about him and sadly they are falling in line behind the chubby one. Thus will cost us millions for his entertainment.
I'm not planning on watching this show of self love, I'm hoping nobody else will either
He is also bringing the military, under the guise that this is actually about them and not about him and sadly they are falling in line behind the chubby one. Thus will cost us millions for his entertainment.
I'm not planning on watching this show of self love, I'm hoping nobody else will either
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