Tuesday, January 31, 2017
Take on the game show presidency
Monday, January 30, 2017
Take on the first firing
But what is more bothersome is that the press release from the WhiteHouse reads like it was written by a fourth grader and a fourth grader I mean our 70 year old president. A new acting AG takes Yates' spot, somebody named Dana Boente who I'm sure has been well vetted by TeamTrump and will follow his wishes to the T.
Great job electing this guy, America.
Sunday, January 29, 2017
Take on the ghost of Christmas past
Just look at these fools. Giuliani admired it was a Muslim ban, Kushner has either had no influence or is as bad as the rest of them.
Rience Priebus can be seen in the back of the room probably trying to pull the atomic wedgie out of his five hole and Steve Bannon is probably lying in a corner with a forty of Olde English 800 and a garbage bag full of recyclables. And Kellyann Conway, she's probably plotting her revenge on Chuck Todd for calling her out for the lying wench that she is.
Saturday, January 28, 2017
Take on the protesters
Today is the first day in my life that I'm ashamed to be an American. This is not what we're supposed to be.
Friday, January 27, 2017
Take on the weird photoshop
Donald Trump is the only one I can think of that would be so concerned and his humongous ass and little boy hands that he would commission somebody to change it, this is what we are left with
Thursday, January 26, 2017
Take on Ms Bannon
Wednesday, January 25, 2017
Take on the party of anti-science
Hooray science
Tuesday, January 24, 2017
Take on Eric Trump
Glad to know we won't hear any that if from him again for four years.
Monday, January 23, 2017
Take on chivalry
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Sunday, January 22, 2017
Take on crowd size
Why Trump didn't just come out and say "we drew very well, maybe not as well as '09 but we all knew that was an historic event, one that was bigger than any standard inauguration. But with the amount of winning we'll be doing over the next four years, you can count on a crowd bigger than both the 09 and the 17 inaugurations combined. Now let's get to the important work of making this country great again"
But instead we get alternative facts
Saturday, January 21, 2017
Take on the inauguration balls
We're now one day into the next four years and so far the "first day in office" edicts he was rallying about for months came down to signing the waivers for a couple of generals to serve in the cabinet and making a new Patriotic Day holiday which I always sort of thought we had already with the 4th of July. He also started dismantling Obamacare but we'll see what they replace it with before commenting and he told some National Parks website to stop tweeting about his little crowd and little hands
Friday, January 20, 2017
Take on The Rest of Our Lives
This came down to a part of a country which has felt disenfranchised, a group of people who saw their government as disengaged and felt disappointed about the promises of hope and change. This is their right and their vote counts just as much as mine does, sort of. Actually their vote counts more because at the end of the day, it's an election about a few states, a way for the little guy to be heard and this election they were which is what you get when you don't have a true democracy but a representative republic but we'll leave that for another day.
I'm going in with an open mind for no other reason than that I don't want that very expensive car to crash because we don't have any insurance and we're all going to have to pay to fix it if it does
Don of a New Day it is.
Thursday, January 19, 2017
Take on Sally Jessie Perry
Wednesday, January 18, 2017
Take on t minutes two days
Trump who has always been fast and loose on facts and fuzzy on details will have to really start governing. Maybe the economy and world will move along just fine as is but at some point he'll have to make some tough decisions and the dismantling of a number of federal agencies might be first on the list. Putting a replacement in front of the senate for Justice Scalia is probably something that will happened rather quickly, too. But the diet thing he is likely to do is ask Melanie to pee all over the presidential bed
Tuesday, January 17, 2017
Take on Chelsea Handler's commutation
But whatever, I'm fine with it I guess because I imagine the sentence she's had while stuck in no mans land at E! Is a sentence worse than Gitmo.
Monday, January 16, 2017
take on the Golden Boy
Sunday, January 15, 2017
Take on the American Girl Store
But don't worry, after waiting on the salon line, there will be thousands of $35 outfits to try on for little Isabella, plus a horse to ride and a dog to pick up after. It's like real life except worse
Saturday, January 14, 2017
Take on the Trump attack on John Lewis
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Friday, January 13, 2017
Take on the two creepiest men in America
God they are creepy
Thursday, January 12, 2017
Take on Mike and Mike without Mike
I'm not sure how the show survives without the Mike in Mike and Mike, maybe they go to another Mike or change it to Mike and Mic or something lame but I'm sure I won't be listening as hearing Golic utter "listen gang, this is not about the future but about the other future" is like poking yourself in the eardrums with a turkey leg
If there was only some blowhard about to retire from his gig who could fill their spot.
Wednesday, January 11, 2017
Take on Little Marco
Tuesday, January 10, 2017
Take on the Russian connection
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Monday, January 9, 2017
Take on the piss covered seat confrontation

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Sunday, January 8, 2017
Take on The End
Once upon a time not so long ago
I sat in my room last night feeling like Mickey Rourke in The Wrestler. My knees hurt, my back hurt but still I could hear the cheers, the roar of approval.
This was the first one where my kids were present, but at least the DJ was kind enough to wait till they were retired to the bridal suite. I kind of thought it wasn't going to happened but when they put on AC/DC shook me all night, kind of figured it was go-time. As the guitar strokes, I take a swig of Miller Lite as I make my way through a crowded dance floor, my wife b-lined to the sanctity of the bathroom, not wanting anything to do with any of it. She's seen it, she's bored of it, she knows me and thinks I'm a moron...and she's probably right.
I had all my extended family there, my boss was there, all my parents friends and of course my brother'a in laws, so without at least some booze it always seems like a terrible idea at about 9pm I gave up drinking heavily at weddings years ago, so this one was done basically sober but somehow just those first few notes of Livin' On a Prayer brings it all back
I can proudly say that I left it all on the dance floor even it wasn't as agile as I was in my prime. I certainly wasn't as quick or slim as before, as quickly I come to grips with my own mortality. I realize that I'm like that forty year old pitcher, 8 have 3 minutes in my body and then....I'm done
Years ago this was just the culmination of a crazy night, now it is all I have. I can't even make it past the big guitar solo, I do a few less push-ups, spend a little more time jogging around before I teeter out knowing the big finale is still to come. The jacket flies into the crowd, the shirt doesn't unbutton, so I tear off the top button knowing it'll cost me $20 from my deposit, slide goes off without a hitch, mostly because I have knee pads on under my tuxedo pants. It's not like it used to be but it's ok
like Joe DiMagio told a young Mickey Mantle when they were coming off a back field in spring training...jog kid, there is somebody out there who hasn't ever seen you, so although it isn't Mick Jagger in 1965, it's still Mick Jagger or maybe better yet, Meatloaf.
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Saturday, January 7, 2017
Take on the rented tux
Friday, January 6, 2017
Take on The Apprentice
I'd have to think that in today's world, with the issues we are facing that he'd be hard at work building walls and bridges but instead he's glued to NBC...God Help us
Thursday, January 5, 2017
Take on flying in style
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Wednesday, January 4, 2017
Take on the Beijing "fog"
I haven't been to China in about five months and I can't say I miss it but when the smog is as bad as it's been the last few days, you kind of wish you were there to see. Transport in parts of the country has stopped all together with the amount of pollutants in the air reaching some kind of critical mass. I get that every once in a while, the air is clean but the more you go to China, the more you realize that blue skies are the exception and never the rule. And they wonder why everybody looks like they have smoked two packs of unfiltered Pall Mall's while working in a coal mine and sleeping with Large Marge.
Tuesday, January 3, 2017
Take on the sign of the apocalypse
Impression but the accompanying photo is what got me (http://www.northjersey.com/story/news/passaic/hawthorne/2017/01/02/hawthorne-house-fire-displaces-least-two/96087902/)
In the photo, one firefighter is climbing out of a second story window while another one of New Jersey's bravest looks on below, nobody perished in the fire but still there seemed to be a Virgin Mary in a jar of peanut butter thing going on.
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Monday, January 2, 2017
Take on the easy European life
Sunday, January 1, 2017
Take on the pit bull
But when you see an attack coming after an owner provoked the dog by putting a Christmas sweater on it, I just see it as Darwinism at its best