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Friday, September 30, 2016
Take on the poorly placed logo
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Thursday, September 29, 2016
Take on the snoring bus rider

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Wednesday, September 28, 2016
Take on the fat beauty contestant
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Tuesday, September 27, 2016
Take on the debate
It's been about 24 hours since the most anticipated debate of all time and we're still reeling. It was certainly one which seemed to meet the massive expectations for any veteran political junkie even if it didn't give the casual fan the kind of fireworks they had hope for. I have read all the reviews, have seen a few polls and have discussed it in person with a number of people and although last night I felt that Trump had gotten the better part of Hillary, today I'm not so sure.
What was interesting was that for all the talk of stamina, it seemed that Trump was the one who ran out of steam late, while Hillary goaded him from one trap to another. Hillary wasn't great and was way too scripted early but she found her rhythm, playing against Trump to stick his foot in his mouth is like waiting for the Jets season to end, you know it will happened but you just don't know when.
Trump obviously had his moments, any time he can filibuster through a field filled with landmines, is a win but a couple of things stood out to us.. a few that he said and a few he did not.
- His prideful acknowledgement that he pays no taxes at all will not sit well with those trying to make ends-meet..
- The image of a 400 pound slob sitting topless in his parent's basement chugging diet-cokes while hacking Hillary's server is one which is now burned into the back of my brain.
- The thought of little Baron being that boy in a few years, is even more troubling, apparently he does have great computer skills.
- Hillary putting Trump on the defensive with his derogatory and sexists comments where a perfect response and put a nice bow on her campaign message which continues to be that he is just too unstable to be trusted
- Anybody who makes the argument that they have a great temperament is guaranteed to have a terrible temperament.. it's the kind of thing a guy does who brags about his business me, don't tell me about how great your abilities are..
- But to me the most telling thing about Trump's stamina was that when he was given a perfect volley by Lester Holt when he brought up the cyber warfare, he spit the bit. That was perfectly set up for him to hammer her on her server but instead he went to some convoluted argument about some fat kid... it was entertaining but he lost on substance, as usual.
Hillary wasn't perfect by any stretch, when she goes wonky, people turn to the Saints game, when she gets defensive, people look to see if there is an Apprentice rerun and when she gives you that weird chipmunk smile, people check their teeth for spinach. But I thought her weakest moment was not in what she did say but what she didn't
I thought the perfect response to the Trump sexist thing would have been the following.. 'Donald, you claim to respect women but you've spent the entire night shushing and interrupting me, how about a little bit of chivalry?"
Monday, September 26, 2016
Take on the Arnold Palmer and Jose Fernandez deaths
Sunday, September 25, 2016
Take on the crying Shark Tank contestant
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Saturday, September 24, 2016
Take on the $1.25 million dollar apartment
I always keep my eyes on the Real Estate section of the Sunday Times, there is this one part where they show about five houses in different areas in the metropolitan areaToday I saw this one, and thought to myself. If this isn't an indication of a new bubble then I have no idea. The one bedroom apartment featured has an asking price of $1.25 million, they want 50% down for a one bedroom apt
The location isn't interesting (54th and 5th) PLUS they have maintenance fees of $2500 per month. You may say that it's in the center of the greatest city in the world but it is also in an area which has no residential feel. There is an argument that the convenience of being a few blocks from some rich guys office makes it appealing, but why would a rich guy choose to live in a lifeless neighborhood. This doesn't mean it won't sell, as this apartment will get scooped up by a rich Chinese guy who won't ever live there...and that is where many of the top end NYC apartments are going because no New Yorker with half a brain would think about living in midtown, at any price.
The monthly carrying costs on this must be outrageous between the mortgage and maintenance although the silver lining would be that with a requirement of 50% down it's not too bad.

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Friday, September 23, 2016
Take on the Ted Cruz endorsement
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Thursday, September 22, 2016
Take on those wacky tourists rubbing the bull's balls
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Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Take on Bradgelina
This dude dated Gwyneth Paltrow, Jennifer Anniston and Angelina Jolie, something tells me that they are not interested in you, your weird cat and that extra 20 pounds you have been carrying around.
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
Take on the Big Bang Theory
I put sitcoms in two categories
-Ones that are classics like Seinfeld, Three's Company and All in the Family
- everything else
To me you are either great or you are a waste of space and it all started to fall apart when Friends became the number one comedy, at that point you just knew that this country was destined for mediocrity and so now we get How I Met Your Mother fives nights per week on channel 11.
Monday, September 19, 2016
Take on the Emergency alert
flooding or some 1995 Nissan Maxima. This was different as the entire tri-state area got the equivalent of a wanted poster sent to their cellphones.
But the weirdest thing was not the message itself, it was quite effective considering they had Ahmad Khan Rahami in custody with hung about four hours of it going out but still it felt odd that they never gave us a photo, instead saying we should check out media for a picture
It did turn out that Ahmad, the son of a guy who sold fried chicken, enjoyed his fair share of fried chicken as he looks like he has brushes his teeth with chicken legs and gargles with chicken soup, he is one big boy
Sunday, September 18, 2016
Take on the donut ice cream sandwich
Saturday, September 17, 2016
Take on the rigged two party system
Neither the Green Party or the Libertarians will be participating in the debates which will virtually ensure a status quo come November. More than anything, anybody with half a brain will have to vote for Hillary as the alternative is unthinkable and nobody in their right mind wants that on their conscious
Friday, September 16, 2016
Take on Sky magazine
Thursday, September 15, 2016
Take on the Ryan brothers
As a Jet fan, nothing pleases me more than when the Bills decided to bring Rob along for the Rex show and it was not because they shared that tandem bike. Why I was happy was that for all of Rex Ryan's defensive scheming and prowess, his fatter identical brother has picked up almost none of it. It's like when they were in the womb, all of Buddy's genius went into the gut of one and the other just got stuck with a gut. Rob flamed out in Dallas and New Orleans and nobody thought he'd deserve another job. His defenses in his last two stops were historically bad yet his big brother decided to give him another shot and we can only hope this thing ends with one Ryan brother bodyslamming the other into a foldable table during this week's tailgate.
I feel badly for that table
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
Take on Plump Trump
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Tuesday, September 13, 2016
Take on the long day on your feet
Thee issue is that the trade show is all concrete with only a think crappy rug on the top and it has absolutely no give, so you can just feel you feet getting fatter and fatter with every step you take. Two more days left
Monday, September 12, 2016
Take on the meme
F you Mrs Moser
Sunday, September 11, 2016
Take on Hillary's stumble
Hillary was being escorted to a waiting van when she stumbled like a drunk 25 year old girl getting into an Uber and immediately the odds of her winning the election dropped 5%. TeflonDon is already calling her out for her low energy and stamina and this won't help any
We need her to rest her mind, body and soul but sadly, now she needs to be out there tomorrow assuring is all that she isn't going to croak on Day 1
Saturday, September 10, 2016
Take on the basket of deplorables
Trump knocks her on her strategy to not say anything to anybody but honestly that is exactly what she should be doing. Let him shove that gigantic foot into his gigantic mouth and then watch him try to pry it out using those little fingers
Friday, September 9, 2016
Take on the soccer coach
I'm coaching youth travel soccer this fall, I don't know anything about soccer. I wanted my daughter to play some more competitive soccer which meant that I got roped into coaching it.
First of all, it is a heck of a commitment with two practices per week (albeit one of those is done by some British trainer the league hires) plus a game every Sunday. I've coached a bit of rec soccer and had a blast but that was more or less letting the kids scrimmage and wearing them out so they'd be good for their parents the rest of the day but now I'm in the big time and I don't know a forward from a halfback. I know the very basic rules of soccer (can't touch the ball with your hands, corner kicks, throw the ball in with two hands without leaving your feet) but don't know a thing about strategy, formations, substitutions etc. I can't figure out when a player is off sides, up until today I thought a tackle was..well a tackle and I can't tell you what the hell a fullback is and why he isn't blocking the halfback. Obvious in have no clue about any real soccer skills or drills, and so far my strategy is to let the British guys do all the heavy lifting (assuming they don't show up loaded) and I just sit back and reap the rewards.
Any help welcome and schtick suggested
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Thursday, September 8, 2016
Take on #TeflonDon
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
Take on the AirPods
Luckily when you do have AirPods (identified as he first five days after buying the new siphoned and that week ibetween buying a new pair and losing said new pair, you will get beautiful interference free bluetooth music... Oh wait
Tuesday, September 6, 2016
Take on the receiver less pay-phones
Monday, September 5, 2016
Take on the 14 hour flight
Sunday, September 4, 2016
Take on those weird Trumpletts
The three of them have this weird glaze I've their eyes and I've been looking for clues that they are, in fact, there willingly which is hard to tell. What I can tell is that Ivanka is starting to look weathered, Little Don looks like he might be the kind of guy who tells a chick he's not wearing underwear and Eric looks like he might have been caught stealing an Easter peep and is using his five hole to hide it from his mom. He just looks like he is quenching his ass cheeks together so incredibly hard
Saturday, September 3, 2016
Take on the Sam Bradford trade
What shocked me though is that Sam Bradford was trade for a top draft pick for the second time in two years. This is a guy who last year in a Chip Kelly offense threw for only 19 touch downs and still managed to throw 14 picks. Yeah he has a good completion percentage but his QB rating is in the low 80's. Why the hell would the Vikings give up a first round pick for this guy, he's not any better than Josh McCown who is probably sitting on his couch waiting for anybody to call.
Friday, September 2, 2016
Take on the Hillary email Investigation
This won't change my vote, but I certainly wouldn't be unhappy if Clinton resigned the day after she is elected and Tim Kaine takes over, his crooked Joker smile and all
Thursday, September 1, 2016
Take on the Citibank ATM
Just let me insert the chip card from the first screen and we'll be good but this double insertion this is madness