Sunday, January 31, 2016
Take on the Iowa Caucus
I am not sure what to expect but since I nailed that ratings thing a few days ago I will go out and predict
For the donkeys
Hillary finishes in first
Bernie finishes in second
O'Malley finishes in last
For the elephants
Cruz wins
Rubio second
Trump third
Oh the horror.
Saturday, January 30, 2016
Take on property taxes
Righetti, on 29 Jan 2016 - 10:07 PM, said:
jabarony, on 29 Jan 2016 - 9:07 PM, said:
What the hell do you guys get for $10k+ in taxes? Gilded fire hydrants?
I have no idea, we do get a good school but I imagine there are tons of people on here with a good school paying 1/3 of what we pay.Other than that we get garbage pickup, police, (volunteer) fire department, (volunteer) ambulance, a library, snow removal, recycling pickup weekly, a community center and and light on the roads. Oh yeah we do get a couple of those nice blue recycling bins thrown in.
I other words, probably exactly what you get for $5000
F me
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Friday, January 29, 2016
Take on the Tumpless debate
Thursday, January 28, 2016
Take on the Trump Dump
All the word this week has been about Donald Trump sticking it to FoxNews and skipping this debate which might have been him acting like an impulsive wacko (likely), a petulant child (typically) or a calculated move to run out the clock with the lead (ballsy). We did get a kick out of Bill O'Reilly basically begging him to reconsider during Trump's visit into the no-spin zone and was even more entertained that Roger Ailes reached out to both Melanie Trump and Ivanka to beg him to come.
anyway, Trump's got his competing event on CNN today.. which will certainly draw some viewers away but I wonder how much the overall impact will be..and how Trump will spin it..
as a reference point..
1st debate on FoxNews got 25 million people
2nd debate on CNN got 23 million people
3rd debate on CBNC got 11 to 14 million people
4th debate on FoxBusiness got 11 to 14 million people
5th debate on CNN got 18 million people
6th debate on FoxBusiness got 11 million people
The ones on the channels that not everybody gets (CBNC and FoxBusiness) get around 11 million.. but the CNN and FoxNews ones get between 18 and 25 million.. Since this is a FoxNews production, I have to think Trump's people will compare it directly with the 25 million they got for that first debate which isn't totally fair since there was a novelty to that one. The truth is that the average American isn't going to turn off The Big Bang Theory to watch any debate, so 25 million isn't realistic period..
but with that said I have to think that anything less than 25 million viewers will be showcased by Trump as a gigantic win for him. We should probably compare it to the CNN one from December, so anything less than 18 million should be seen as a Trump dump (as opposed to a Trump bump for the rest of it)
I am predicting about 12 million.. and 2 million for Trump's CNN dog and pony show
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Take on those Oregonian ranchers
We were happy to see that Ammon Bundy and his brother Al got busted last night for being general weasels along with a bunch of their hillbilly cohorts. What was entertaining was the mug shots which looked like some incestial Brady Bunch meets alternative Big Love thing. What I couldn't quite figure out though was why there were these little sun icons on the bottom right hand corner of all their photos were, is this some kind of militia ranking like being a four star general??
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Tuesday, January 26, 2016
Take on the Trump debate bow out
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Monday, January 25, 2016
Take on the sitting governor running for president conundrum
He did make it back to Jersey just in time for the snow to hit but by Sunday he was back north again. We had a state of emergency, half the schools are still closed and there was record flooding down the shore and all the white Big Chris is drinking apple cider at a diner in New Hampshire with a bunch of retirees.
So if you want to run for office, suspend your day job because being an executive is a full time job or at least it should be
Sunday, January 24, 2016
Take on the weird exit door at JFK
I was leaving JFK on Friday after a cross country flight and as I went down the escalator I saw daylight, it was right there calling my name in all its 23 degree glory but I could not reach it. I was stuck on a line of fifty people trying to exit the terminal through some Jetsons type contraption because instead of just walking out, we were all forced to exit through this two door pod. I am not sure how to describe it but imagine a fully enclosed pod with back doors and separate front doors. The concept is that one side of the pod would open and five people would cram inside and after the back doors closed, the front ones would open releasing the sorry sardines. I have no idea what the reason behind this kind of half assed revolving door idea was other than just another reason to hate air travel.
Saturday, January 23, 2016
Take on Trump's 5th avenue threat
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Friday, January 22, 2016
Take on the blizzard of the century
1- NYC will not get 3 feet of snow
2- my local supermarket will be out of cheese
3- the world will not end
4- Poland Spring and Evian and Dasani are all going to do really well this month
5- Home Depot and Lowes too
6- advertising rates for the Weather channel will be at the highest point all year
7- I will shovel some snow tomorrow
That will kind of cover it but still I have to laugh because this is typical US mentality. Everybody freak the F out is winter. I get they it might be more snow than usual, I imagine it will be less than they are predicting and I am sure that if I need bread this weekend, I won't be able to get any because all of you crazies will have bought it all
So calm the F down and build a snowman
Thursday, January 21, 2016
Take on the smoker
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Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Take on the GOP Strikes Back
Trump. Han Solo, brash, loud, irritating and likes chicks in bikinis. In it for himself and will die alone having lost all his friend when Eric Trump stabs him on the catwalk overlooking the atrium at Trump Tower.
Carson. The easy answer would have been Lando Calrissian but he doesn't look Armenian enough, so the answer is... Yoda not because he is all knowing or because he has any hope of doing anything anymore (his time to shine was a long time ago) but because he speaks in such an odd manner that I forget what he is talking about almost immediately. The problem is that everybody tells you that he is this genius, you just don't really see it..
Cruz. The Emperor. There are two sides of the force and most struggle between dark and light, right and wrong, love and anger. Anakin fell to the dark side, Luke was tempted and Kylo Ren obviously fell too, so the distinction is not that clear even for the best Jedi...the one distinction is Darth Sidious, he is pure unadulterated evil, he has no redeeming values of good and his desires if ever fulfilled would destroy the Galaxy. He is that dangerous
Rubio. Darth Vader. He is a puppet for the establishment, mostly because he is not that bright. A Total hawk but somehow believes that he is doing right by turning far right even if it means leaving behind all that he should hold dear but in the end, you know/hope there is still good in his heart
Christie. This is too easy. Jabba The Hutt. Christie is a loud mouthed gangster who desperately wants to get the attention of the real warlords.
Kasich. R2D2. Nobody quite knows what he is saying and it all sounds wonky and weird but it is pretty certain that he is the smartest one in the room
Big Mike Huck. One of those silly bears from Return of the Jedi, he looks cuddly and sweet but he probably smells like a wet dog and really is just in for the merchandise
Carli. I won't go the easy route so will go with that Admiral Ackbar that weird fish looking commander who helps the rebels blow up the Death Star II, she is just that ugly
Rand Paul. That little rat thing attached to Jabba.
Lindsey. Nien Nunb. Total twins (
Scott Walker. Joe Skywalker, the lost brother with the weird eyes and the bald spot who dropped out of Jedi school after a week
Santorum, Jindal, Pataki completely faceless Storm Troopers
Jeb C3P0
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
Take on Palin...II

Somehow Sarah Palin has managed to wedge herself right back into the presidential race with an endorsement of one Donald J Trump and I am now convinced we should all move to Mexico.
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Monday, January 18, 2016
Take on the Great Wolf Lodge crowd
Why somebody would permanently ink their body is already something I'd probably never do but to do out and have some guy out a gigantic eagle smoking a pack of camels while humping a cartoon prostitute can't ever seem like it was a good idea, especially when the guy who did it to you was probably so far gone on $10 heroin, it's no surprise that the eagle looks like Ted Cruz, the camel looks like a donkey and the prostitute looks like Oprah but hey, at least it is discreet.
Sunday, January 17, 2016
Take on a sold out Las Vegas
I have no clue why it is so expensive until I looked and noticed that this week are the AVN awards. Oh. Baby
Saturday, January 16, 2016
Take on the horrible suit
McAdoo was dressed like he was wearing his dad's suit, a look I'm all too familiar with. I have no idea if he will make it as an NFL head coach but as the head coach of a team in the biggest media market who wil be the face of that franchise.. this was not a great first sign...the guy is about as metropolitan as The Olive Garden. He has a terrible goatee, no fashion sense and a haircut like he just walked out of Supercuts..I would not be surprised if he had one of those cellphone holsters on his belt.
Maybe Giant fans will find solace in the thought that all maybe all he cares about is football, or the entire idea is now as frightening as bringing back Ray Handley
The again maybe the fanbase is happy that they finally got a coach who has the same fashion sense as most of them.
Friday, January 15, 2016
Take on the Debate
Television has never been so good. Trump vs Cruz, Cruz vs Rubio, Trump vs Bush, Christie vs Rubio, Rand Paul vs some guy sitting next to him at TGIFridays, this had all the fireworks and was probably/hopefully the last time we saw a few of these guys on stage. Some observations
This debate misses Rand Paul, they could easily dump Carson or Kasich or even Christie but Rand Paul actually does bring something to the table.
Trump was his usual brash self, but with a little more juice. He smells victory and now that the gloves are off with Cruz it could get ugly and that's great!!!. Cruz got the better of him with the Clearly Canadian thing but Trump hit back hard with the New York thing.. although at the end, in his closing statement, his line about how those 10 sailors being released because of the horrible Iranian deal was a bit of a head scratcher. So was it a bad deal or a good one which got the sailors released quickly??
He was well prepared for the Goldman Sachs thing although a million dollar oversight is a bit hard to swallow but, for today, he quieted the crowd. Was also good on the Clearly Canadian thing deflecting that but Trump is right that there will be a lawsuit brought come a national election but then he got cocky and got hammered by Rubio on his record.. Overall Cruz continues to cruise.
It is shocking but he never goes off message, he is so rehearsed it is frightening and I can only imagine this guy stands in front of his mirror reciting the lines over and over again to the point it is all he can say. Ask him about the trade pacts and he tells you how Obama is killing the American dream . Ask him about Wall Street and he tells you how Obama is killing the American Dream.
Big Chris we get it, you were a US attorney general and you are a governor of a state that hates you but without Rand to pick on he seems out of place. He threw all his weight to go extra tough on Obama which is a bit lame knowing you two sip cocktails with little umbrellas in it at Point Pleasant on the weekends.. He's hard to imagine as the Commander in Chief because he just never looks like he is calm.. the guy is going to have a heart-attack on stage one day...
Thursday, January 14, 2016
Take on the turn only lane
So Bill, get your cops know...cop stuff instead of checking on their fantasy basketball teams.
Wednesday, January 13, 2016
Take on the State of the Union
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Tuesday, January 12, 2016
Take on the USPS
We call up and they tell us it was delivered incorrectly and that they would pick it up and redeliver it. The problem is that the tracking number continues to say delivered, so for three days there is nothing new that it shows online
Fast forward a couple of days and hours on the phone and still no package. Eventually we are told to head to the Times Square post office to pick up the package, i head over this morning and am told that it isn't there. What is more frustrating is that she tells me that even before they look at my tracking number and am told I have to file a claim. I tell them that i was told here to come and get my package and they say that there are only residential deliveries there. I tell them that the USPS told me to come to that location specifically, and they ask who I spoke with. I tell them that it was their customer service and he says that those guys don't know. I ask him what I should do and I immediately feel he gets annoyed with me for asking. I have gone through every one of their steps and cannot get an answer and am told that why they tell me isn't valid as I didn't speak with that specific facility. I tell them that there is no phone number for that facility which he acknowledges is unfortunate but leaves it at that. I ask what they will do and he says "nothing". No apology, no solution, nothing
So I spend hours on the phone, 45 minutes in person and my blood pressure is through the roof for what??
This is why I use UPS or FedEx because there is some accountability in private business and probes again that any government agency cannot operate efficiently
Instead of feeding this horrible beast with bailouts and assistance they should starve it and kill the entire postal service. God forbid I didn't get all this junk mail
Monday, January 11, 2016
Take on bad math
Sunday, January 10, 2016
Take on the Redskins
Saturday, January 9, 2016
Take on the chip
Friday, January 8, 2016
Take on Ted Cruz's Hillary obsession
Campaigning in Iowa he said of Hillary Clinton. "In my house, if my daughter says something she knows to not be true, she gets spanked". I get the metaphor but it just comes across as a little bit too literal and after getting schlonged by Trump, Hillary has come across as the dirtiest little secretary this state has ever had.
But what is most bizarre is that on this day and age, I am not sure anybody still thinks spanking a kid is acceptable anymore. Somebody should tell Ted that although he loves Reagan, the 80's are long gone. I was spanked but I would not spank my own kid, even if they say something they know not to be true.
Thursday, January 7, 2016
Take on presidential fashion
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Wednesday, January 6, 2016
Take on North Korea
Tuesday, January 5, 2016
Take on the new Twitter
I have no interest in reading long-form @realdonaldtrump discuss politics, paid by the word @buster_espn discuss some random middle reliever trade, macro letters from @ninjaeconomics discussing income inequality in zoo keepers or self promotion from @joshgondleman describing a world where wolves are preferred to people in anything but 140 character spurts. I like the easy to read, ready bits of relevant news information in the same amount of time it takes me to wipe my nose. If I'm interested in more (and I often am) I can click on an easy to click link for the full article
Monday, January 4, 2016
Take on the text and walk lane
Sunday, January 3, 2016
Take on the Netflix Original Series problem
They need to start releasing these things one episode at a time and let us go back to enjoying TV like we used to
Saturday, January 2, 2016
Take on the IPhone freeze
I thought the entire thing about the apple universe was that you got some kind of viral immunity in exchange for them holding you active in their entire Jobs ecosystem, WTF
Friday, January 1, 2016
Take on A Force Awakens
I have not been to a movie in a decade, the last one I saw was one of those terrible Lord of the Rings thing which made me want to kill myself (and the little Chinese guy who organized it)
So here I went, $20 in hand to watch the next installment of one of my true loves as a child.
Forget the backdrop, forget my review, forget it all. Here is what I got for you
- Rey is not Luke's daughter (a Jedi can't marry, remember) she is Leia and Han's daughter and she is a total badass and quite possibly the best SW main character next to Vader.
- Ben was brought to Luke to become a Jedi but he was just not good enough and his little sister was easily surpassing him, he becomes angry and needs his father's approval but can't get it, so he seeks out his grandfathers and ultimately falls to the dark side and destroys the entire Jed academy except for his sister
- the Ben character kind of sucks because he is played by some kid who would have been in the Thespian society and they should have waited till the bridge scene to take off the mask and even then maybe add some more dark and less light to obscure that rooster nose on the kid. No way does the next great with lord look like a cross between Andy Samburg and Joey Ramone
- anybody who had hoped for Luke to come and help Rey would have been disappointed for even if he did, he does not look like he is in fighting shape...except if he is fighting a pumpkin pie
- Han is still great but they should have killed him off in ROTJ like Harrison Ford requested, one of many mistakes that doofus George Lucas made.
- nice job getting a lot of the old crew back together but thank god they didn't have any of those bears this time, those things were awful
- I like the fact they didn't go the villain of the week thing, Kylo Ren will be a badass, just hoped he keeps his mask on
-and here it is..when Luke finally meets Kylo Ren in battle, he will reveal to him that he, not Han, is his father. He will have had him out of wedlock (showing his weakness and his ultimate downfall) and asked his sister to claim him as her own. He will be revealed to be the Sith Lord behind that big hologram thing that Kylo Ren has been bowing before, history will repeat itself. The force that awakens in Luke's, sadly it will be the other side of the Force he embraces