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media won't say tomorrow re: #Charleston: 1) This was domestic terrorism 2) Gun violence is out of control 3) Black lives matter
There are some events that we can't just let pass by without a comment. Nobody decides that this is the year they need to repaint the Sistine Chapel, nobody remakes The Beatles Revolver with the expectation that they will improve it, nobody decides to Beethoven's 7th sonata needs a redo but somehow Hollywood has decided that it alone has to right to try to recreate great art..
Whether it's Mad Max, Planet of the Apes, Dawn of the Dead or the Longest Yard, it is so apparent that the screenwriters in Hollywood are so untalented and the producers so unimaginative that every major movie is a redo. We could sort of live with those but we cannot live with the travesty that Hollywood is now threatening us with. They are talking about remaking The Greatest American movie of all time with The Rock of all people playing the part of Jack Burton, the toughest son-of-a-bitch who ever walked this fine earth played by an absolute goon. I'm sure they'll ruin it because, well, they will always ruin it..
I get that these no talent hacks are just looking to profit off of great theater but this super-fan will not spend his $14 on this travesty. You don't remake Mozart, you don't repaint the Mona Lisa and you don't fucking remake Big Trouble..
I hate Hollywood
TOR has found the following petition (http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/stop-the-big-trouble-in-little-china-remake) which we suspect was started by Baby Stu, we encourage you to sign it, log onto a different email address and sign it again, get a Hotmail account and sign it again and then send a flaming pile of dogcrap to The Rock's house..