But one thing that gets me is that my informal study has shown is that 75% of all cars have their gas tank on the left driver side. This is convenient when the drier has to pump gas but it makes for a cluster at the pump. I pull into a station yesterday and find that there is a huge line for gas on one side of the pump while the other side was as clear as day. Now I am impatient so obviously i swing around, make a three point turn and pull in facing the opposite way as everybody else I get my gas and then have to reverse out, do a backwards pony turn, wait for the other ahold doing the same thing before I am back on the highway. Now obviously you can't force GM, Chrystler and Ford to do anything but the next time one of them comes hand in hat looking for some tax payer handout we tell them that we would on the condition that they make their fleet right side gas pump accessible.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Take on the left side gas tank
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Take on the NJ transit ticket machine
Why I feel bad is that these commuters have to deal with the slowest ticket machines known to man. What should be a transaction which takes about the same amount of time as an ATM withdrawal easily takes 60 seconds. Now that may not sound like a lot but when you want to catch a 5:35 train to Manalapan it seems like an eternity
It's like they have a homing pigeon in the back of those suckers which has to literally fly back to the base station in Rahway to complete your transaction
Monday, November 28, 2011
Take on snail pace
So here is a big thumb-up for any restaurant which gets the snail-pace approval
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Take on the gift of booze
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Take on the tipping point
I believe in The Tipping Point concept and feel like most things Jump the Shark pretty much as they get 'discovered' by everybody. The one exception seems to be Facebook. I was speaking with a 20 something the other day and she admitted to checking Facebook at least 20 times per day, she posts, she lurks an she comments and asking her to get off of it for 24 hours is akin to asking her to chop off her left arm
The funny thing is that unlike a traditional Tipping Point, she was part of the original Facebook army having gotten her account with her .edu email address but the irony is that she like all the other early adopters never left Facebook when it got lame while basically everybody in my generation who joined late also saw how incredibly lame it was.
Although FB claims to capture about 25% of te world population it really only gets three demographic groups. Do a quick search of who is an active Facebook person and I am sure it is overwhelmingly women in their 60's, new (or wanna be new) mothers and the original FB kids crowd who are now in their mid to late twenties. Out of all my male friends I only know two guys who actively post and comment. Basically everybody in
My generation left in a Moses like mass exodus but the people who stayed are very much the original members.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Take on Friday bloody Friday
This year is mo different as there are already reports of a few injuries including some chick who started to pepperspray anybody who tried to come near the tablets in the electronic division at a Wall Mart
You gotta love it
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Take on the Thanksgiving game
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Taking on the cab to the sticks
But forget servicing all the boroughs, I think long trips are actually a great deal for these guys, especially at 10pm on a Tuesday. Our entire ride did not take more than 25 minutes and after a generous tip the guy put nearly $35 in his pocket. So even if it takes him another 20 minutes to get back into lower manhattan, he has already made $35 for the hour plus he has 15 more minutes to shuttle a couple people between wall-street and TriBeCa. This dude probably made $45 during the hour he had me in a car, I'd guess that $45 is more than he sees in an hour cruising Manhattan.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
taking on the power of a win
I have a friend whose life seems to be turned upside down lately. His wife went up and moved out of NYC to some Midwest town, his hairline went up and moved about 3 inches up his scalp, his gumline is creeping into his mustache and for the last few months he has been in total depression. I called him a few weeks ago and felt like I was talking to somebody taking a call in a library, his voice so soft it was barely audible and honestly I am getting a bit worried. He's a good guy with a ton of life but he also goes through these episodes where things don't seem right. I check with mutual friends and honestly nobody has heard from him in 3 months eventhough he's got more time on his hands than anybody. The last time I saw him was at a wedding when he looked like he was ready to plunge either his unit or his fist into the first thing that moved. He used to be a pretty regular member of a small online forum and chat-room but even that has stopped…until
Monday, November 21, 2011
Take on the Indian guy
Long story short is that when I was discussing it, one guy mentions that the IT guy at work could do it for me. I say "oh the indian guy Jinesh" the third guy we were talking to looked at us like we had two heads each I know he was seething and was just dying to say something like 'not all IT guys are Indian you bigot'
Except for the fact that this guy is in fact an Indian. I have known him for 10 years, seen pictures of his kids and wish him a happy Diwali so although my acquaintance thinks I paint with too broad a brush I actually just being descriptive
If I said the Russian ballerina nobody looks twice, the Japanese sushi chef is completely acceptable Now tell me why you can't refer to the Indian IT guy or the Jewish Lawyer.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Take on the Kindle app
So here I am sitting in an airport waiting to take off and what should be a 2 click process becomes a complete ordeal
Thanks Kindle
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Take on the running late vendor
Friday, November 18, 2011
take on the airplane stub snub
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Take on Occupy Subway
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
take on the 'you'll never guess where I'm at' guy
From the responses he was getting it didn't seem like anybody gave a crap especially when you consider the guy wasn't exactly calling from downtown Tokyo at at Sumo wresting event or at some awesome temple but was calling as he was waiting for a connection in the terminal.
Each conversation went something like this
Fat Jerry"hey Jenny, you'll never guess where I am"
Disinterested Jenny "I don't know Jerry, in Columbus?"
Fat Jerry "I'm in Tokyo.. at the airport"
Disinterested Jenny "wow"
Fat Jerry "crazy right.. I'm waiting for a connection to Seoul"
Disinterested Jenny "oh"
Fat Jerry "log onto the webthing. so we can see each other on the computer"
Disinterested Jenny "Jerry it is like 11pm here, I got to go to bed"
Fat Jerry "alright..catch you on the other side of the international date line"
wash, rinse, repeat 10 times over again.
like they say to a young wide-receiver when he catches a touchdown, act like you've been there before.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
take on Penn State
What really gets me is that this boy is 10 years old.. NOT 17 but 10.. and had it NOT been a boy but instead a young girl might there have been more action taken against Dirty Sandusky?
well today Sandusky says he was just 'horsing' around with the boys in the shower as if this admonishes him from all evil because I know there were a number of times that I've horsed around with a bunch of prepubescent boys in a shower.. This type of behavior is sickening but what is almost more disgusting are the THON loving PennState fans who spent the last week overthrowing cars not because they wanted to show disappointment in their university's inaction but rather the fact that they finally took action. They claim that firing JoePa was criminal while the fact that JoePa didn't walk over to the Sand man and knock him out is when he learned of this is what is really criminal.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Take on French water
But out of all the water our there the one I least like is Evian. This stuff tastes stale and lifeless and drinking it makes me feel like I'm breathing air in Denver as there just seems to be something missing and the best way to describe it is that it has a flavor like it was filtered through my running socks
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Take on food
5 days in China for the second time in six months is always a challenge and although the country is interesting, the people are nice and the business is solid you realize very quickly that there is more to it than just that. See most everything is done around meals which means you do nothing but eat. You wonder how the hell these people stay so skinny if they constantly eat. It's not like the food (or anything else) in China is healthy. Everything is fried or at minimum doused in oil. There are never salads or true greens although because it hasn't been cooked you would have a hard time eating it anyway. But this is always the problem. Even when you go to some 5 star hotel you don't want to take take and it is torture as there are thousands of items that look very enticing to eat but as you want to avoid anything that is not cooked or cooked thoroughly you have to pass on salads, fruits, oysters, sashimi etc and you fill your stomach with tons of fried noodles and white rice at $50 per meal
Oh how i wish to be at home with a Big Mac in front of me
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Take in the master switch
For example the hotel I am staying at uses this system which i'm all for except for the slight design flaw which is that the hallway light doesn't have a light of its own so the only way to turn it off is to kill all the electricity in the room. Now that doesn't bother you much while sleeping except it also means you cannot turn on your bedside light. Now even if that is something you can live with what I can't is that it also means you cannot charge your cellphone or computer at night which I found out the hard way when I grabbed my phone off the plug this morning to find it was 29% charged
Friday, November 11, 2011
Take in the sign
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Take on phantom usage
As a person who both travels internationally a lot and uses his cell-phone often, I'm keenly aware of the international data plans offered by the cell-phone companies and am very vigilant when using my allotted data. This time before a 10 day trip, I signed up for a 125mb plan through AT&T for $49.99 which I figured should be more than enough being I used about 50MB the last time I made a similar trip but would always want to be safe and not feel limited as there are many dead hours in a day when checking in at home seems like the only thing you can do to keep yourself sane. I reset the usage statistics on my IPhone 4 before landing in Asia and go about my normal business during a 2.5 hour layover in Shanghai. When I get onto the next flight I check my usage and am stunned when it shows that I received about 7 MB but sent 136MB in the 2 hours I got to the airport eventhough I hardly used the phone since I was lugging my suitcase through the terminal, going through customs and finding the rest-room for most of the 2+ hours.
Now I use on average about 600MB per month when state-side when I use my data-package without abandon since I have more than 2gigs per month at my disposal so the thought of having used roughly 1/4 of a 30 day period in less than 3 hours seemed ludicrous.
I called AT&T and they confirmed the usage but could not state how it happened. I assured them that I did not actively send out 136MB but that there might be something wrong with a setting. Maybe there was something in an application which was constantly pushing out some data which some-how added up to 136MB but since this would also be occurring while I was home, this didn't exactly make sense. In order to send out this much data I would have to send out about 70 high-resolution pictures and as you can only send out about 1 per minute it would have meant I spent nearly my entire time sending out pictures.
Anyway after 20 minutes, I am able to move to a 250MB plan although I'm still really shuked about this entire episode mostly because there was a free WiFi connection at the airport....
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Take on the JFK Delta customer service rep
Now I get that with a plane of 400 people it is not easy to reschedule people but this is where having some friendly customer service reps might be a bit helpful. The lady at the Delta desk sitting on her throne stared down at me looking more like she was fighting through constipation than fighting to help her customers. This is where Delta makes a huge mistake by putting a woman with a terrible NY attitude in front of your customers during a time of desperation. This woman spent the entire episode making me feel like my inconvenience was a complete inconvenience to her and helping you was going to take every bit of energy she was willing to use. She refused to bring her voice above an audible level making me feel like I was the one straining to make any sense out what she was saying through her constipated breaths. Buy even that I can live with what i can't is being forced to deal with a completely incompetent rep while figuring out a creative way to get me to where I needed to get. She finally came up with something which sounded great until i had to point out to her that this involves a 20 hour layover became obviously the concept of the International Date line was beyond a airline reps comprehension. Every option I gave her with what seemed a sensible connections she shot down in between her ass pushes. She though it was completely unreasonable that i didn't want the LAX connection and when I asked her to route me through Detroit (a Delta hub with many direct flights to Asia) she complained that I was asking her to do too many thing meant 'I can only do this now.' Eventually I asked her to get me on the same flight I was on the next day as she rolled her eyes with an air of 'why did you make me try to book this another way if you were going to take that option'. Obviously she had never had an entire business trip upended although I could see her being PO'd if McDonalds ran out of fries. After a lot of fumbling, groaning, a little typing, a little laughing with a colleague from the maintenance department who sat next to her the entire time she finally got me on a flight.
Obviously the nearly 100,000 miles I fly with Delta, the platinum status I have or the business class ticket I bought doesn't allow for a competent customer service rep at the airport during your most desperate time.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Take on the delay
now mind you this is not a flight to Boston but a flight to Tokyo and being a seasoned traveler (or somebody with common sense) I realize that finding this pilot is not exactly going to be easy. As I am not 100% sure I will miss my connection I decide to deplane and as I walk off an announcement comes on to say that all passengers should get off. I run to the transfer desk and spend the next 2 hours fighting with them to try to get me to Asia.... the problem is that it's now well past 5 and there are no more flights that leave on Monday that will get me into Asia on Tuesday. Now I am very glad that there are regulations so that pilots must be well rested, but I do get annoyed when this all seemed very predictable 5 hours earlier...
Monday, November 7, 2011
Take on the lounge

Years ago part of the beauty of international travel was the well stocked business lounge but like extra pillows and anything other than pretzels on a flight, the lounge is going the way of the birds. I walk into ye Delta Lounge today and the only food they offer are stale carrots, tasteless celery and some prepacked hummus. The lounge is packed, the chairs are straight up and you can't find an outlet anywhere. If it wasn't for the WiFi you might as well be in the rest of the terminal. I get airlines are cutting costs but when you can't even get an import beer or a turkey wrap then all the glamor is gone.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Take on the marathon

There is nothing that makes you appreciate NYC more than marathon Sunday, 40,000 runners, a million spectator and thousands of cleanup crew. As a two time participant, I love how much the event means to the city and how much the city means to the marathon but the thought of making this a two day event is too much. Not because I don't think it'll pay for itself, not because I want to deny anybody the opportunity and not because shutting the city down for an entire weekend seems a bit ridiculous. The reason I don't want to see this thing swell to 100,000+ people is because applying for the lottery to get entry is part of it and I like the selective nature of it. I know that anybody can probably walk up and run the Kansas City marathon but that is why it's the Kansas City marathon.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Friday, November 4, 2011
Take on tooth pain

I'm not entirely sure if is possible but last week I blew my nose so hard I think I dislodged a filling in my mouth. Now you would think that a filling could wear down over 10 years of wear but to have it pop out while blowing your nose seems hard to believe but then again I have met two different people who dislocates their retinas from their eyeballs during childbirth.....well to be quite honest they weren't both caused by childbirth as one them actually happened while taking a shit but you must understand he was quite constipated Anyway for a full week my mouth hasn't quite felt right but the weird thing is the discomfort is worse when I'm running as if each time my foot hit the pavement it shoots a sharp pain into my mouth.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Take on the smoking booth
Unlike smoking sections, these places are completely enclosed so there is virtually no residual smoke that enters they terminal
Unlike a typical dark back room these smoking booths are all glass so the nicotine addict is publicly shamed for his indiscretion.
Although these whiny Europeans are usually wrong I can put the TOR weight behind this concept because I do not believe in infringing on a right as long as by your right does not in turn infringe upon mine. In this case you can smoke all you want just don't do it in my air (and by the way don't expect me to support your healthcare costs)
But this gets me to thinking about NEw York's rules about smoking in public places which will always be incredibly difficult to enforce also seems a bit totalitarian if it's done on some lonely beach. I actually think it would be better served as a law on the crowded streets of the city where I feel like I'm often caught behind an 18 wheeler with the amount I secondhand smoke as opposed to not allowing it on some empty path of Prospect Park at 7AM
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Take on a deal
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
take on the greeks
This Greek bailout disaster really has me PO'd. not just because I don't care that much about any of this stuff but mainly because the defiance these joe schmo-opolis' have when it comes to making any austerity cuts. These guys have been living on easy-street too long, with their 50 year old retirement age, their 32 hour work-weeks, their monopoly on body hair and their laissez faire attitude about having to ever work harder. First the entire continent bends over backwards to give you a handout and then you shoot the idea down dead on arrival by putting it in the hands of the same lazy folk who have already proven over-and-over again that they don't like paying their taxes. If this thing was just about a bunch of gyro eating dudes with bad BO, that would be one thing but this entire mess has my 401k looking like crap again. I get exactly that no public referendum will ever vote to cut pension funds which are the reason you can't leave this in the hands of the average guy.
you can't imagine how little these Europeans work. My European family -who all live in a country without any debt fear - all work 30 hours per week and that's considered full-time.
ontop of the 30 hour workweek they get 6 weeks of vacation, tons of holidays and a million personal days... it's a shock this thing has lasted as long as it has..