I think Flavor Flav said it best with 311 is a joke. Mayor Bloomberg set up the 311 service a few years ago as part of his run a city like a business initiative to help with efficiency. Now I have used it a number of times and it is pretty helpful when it comes to parking regulations and to report a minor problem but when I dealt with them recently it hit me how ridiculously inefficient it really is
Two weeks ago I call 311 to schedule a pickup of a couple of broken air-conditioners and was told to put them out on Tuesday night for tagging so they can be picked up on Thursday. A few days later I realize that I wouldn't be able to put them out as I'd be traveling so I called 311 to reschedule.
Righetti. I have an appointment for an AC tagging tomorrow but I won't be able to get it out on the sidewalk in time so need to reschedule
311 lady. We cannot reschedule appointments
Righetti. I am in California and can't put in out what should I do
311 operator. Our system doesn't allow for rescheduling You could cancel and set another appointment
Righetti sounds good, please cancel my appointment
311 operator Sorry but since it is within 24 hours of your appointment it cannot be cancelled
Righetti :confused: what should I do since I cannot out them out
311 operator You can't cancel but you can call back and set up a new appointment later this week after the initial appointment
Righetti. That's odd, it is all computerized and it's still 22 hours away.
311 operator. Our system doesn't allow for it
Righetti what happens to the appointment for tomorrow?
311 operator. They will come out and mark it down as 'no appliance left on sidewalk'
Righetti. Is there a penalty
311 operator. No
Righetti. Thank you but that seems crazy. You will still send somebody out to check on an item which I am guaranteeing won't be out there?
311 operator. Yep
Righetti. And I have to call back another time to set up an appointment?
311 operator. Yep
So in a time where every city is desperate for money we send people out to pick up recyclables that aren't there and will now ensure that I have to make another appointment which means another operator has to take another call which obviously has a cost
Well last week I finally put out the AC's on Tuesday night for tagging after I set a new appointment just as I was instructed. Problem is that they were gone before i woke up at 7AM the next morning. I figure they were probably taken by one of those crazies who walk the streets collecting cans or those roving bandits who collect scrap metal. In other words those tagging guys came out another day to find nothing on the stoop.