Friday, October 31, 2008
Have you noticed that NYC restaurants all basically suck!
For the third time in a month I walk away from a new NYC restaurant thinking that not only was the food overpriced ($130 for two people), it's all gotten so bad that the entire dining out experience has lost almost all appeal to me. Today we sit down at some new Trendy Organic joint and after 2 hours I can review the place as follows
"The food quality could only be described as decent, the menu is uninspiring, the overall selection is limited, the waitstaff is just blah, the drinks are overpriced and my decaf was more burned than my steak, but honestly that wasn't the worst of it.. It is the basic atmosphere which completely turns me off, with the pumping bass, the dark lighting and the cramped seating I feel like I'm sitting at a Depeche Mode concert."
I cannot remember the last time I walked away from a NYC restaurant and thought, 'that was a worthwhile experience.' After some thought it all comes down to the decision they make when they can't decide to take atmosphere over the dining experience and when a restaurant but must be able to double for a club, I want to find the nearest window and jump. Why restaurants spend so little effort on the acoustics and lighting yet so much on their speakers and lights is beyond me, I mean if your food is going to suck at least let me talk with my friends. I spend the first part of the evening straining to make out the menu and the rest of the evening staining to make out the conversations. I find myself constantly asking others to repeat themselves and after 30 minutes of "excuse me?", "what did you say" and "huh?" I just give up trying. At this point I just smile and chuckle after it looks like the person completes a sentence..
If I wanted a distraction from the restaurant when I sat down for dinner I'd go to the ESPNZONE, where at least I can catch some Knicks highlights.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Fox and 'my' Friends
"Which of the two Presidential Candidates would not pass an FBI probe? You will be surprised"
As they tease this they add "Obama not able to get through an FBI probe?" To their ticker. I guess I know which candidate they were implying.
Also, why the hell are all bottom of the screen scrawls for these 24 hour news channel so goddamn slow? It feels like you are back at age 6 trying to learn how to read, as you sound out the words in your head (or out loud) as they peek from the lower right corner.
Good news is that spending two days in Michigan at least gave me an opportunity to see some of these political advertisements I always hear about, being in New York you don't ever get any of 'em. I get to see Obama and McCain ripped to shreds not in the context of an MSNBC special but actually by each other's ad departments
NY Times article mentions today that Michelle Obama does not do well when pollsters are asked about her by potential voters and the pollsters aren't sure why...
Although she's got the Harvard education, is well spoken, has been a successful lawyer, raises two seemingly great young girls there is just something that doesn't jive with voters...
I will give you three guesses...
Why do people enter chili competitions and offer a runny watery chili? I am not looking for a marinara sauce or a soup. Chili is supposed to be hot, have a kick, be full of beans, have chunks of beef, gobs of sauce, tons of gunk. served with onions and should be able to be eaten with a fork..
Anything less is unAmerican and serving it means the terrorists have won.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
God I love John Daly
n the latest chapter of John Daly's longtime struggle with alcohol abuse, he was held overnight in a North Carolina jail after passing out at a Hooters restaurant, according to a statement released by Winston-Salem police on Wednesday. Police officers were called to the Hooters at 120 Hanes Square Circle in Winston-Salem at 2:17 a.m. Sunday. When police arrived, Daly, who had passed out at the restaurant, was already being treated by emergency medical workers, according to police reports. Emergency workers said Daly refused to go to a hospital
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Live from Chicago it's Tuesday NIGHT!!!
Hey maybe the RNC knew what they were doing with that $150,000 clothing budget

A new study found that men find women sexier if they're sporting red colors rather than blue or green.
I remember a few months ago a newly single female friend of ours met us at some bar on a Friday Night and over the phone she told us that she was ready to hit the town and turn some heads. My wife turns to me and says, "bet she shows up wearing red" and 20 minutes later she showed up with a red top and skirt and fire red lipstick.
I mean, look at the way that McCain's been eyeing Palin recently, you know this is only helping show his vitality to the voters, I think that if they were caught in a romp that the country would be much more comfortable with him as POTUS.
what's next a study that concludes that women find men sexier if they are sporting a bigger dong
In breakinig new Palin speaking at Shippensburg University in Pennsylvania didn't go off script but apparantly had a hard time finding her husband afterwards.
All good except for this unfortunate event
After inclement weather led to the cancellation of a scheduled joint rally with John McCain in Quakertown, Pennsylvania, this morning, the bus carrying the Palin traveling press corps broke down along the highway between Hershey and Shippensburg later in the afternoon.
It was the second time in three days that a Palin press bus has come to a sudden halt on the way to an event. In Florida on Sunday, the bus briefly overheated, but through a combination of edge-of-your-seat weaving and accelerating, the driver was able to catch up with the motorcade.
My Life is Terrible
In addition to all the muscle pain I've had due to the marathon training , I've had some issues which may or may not be related to that pulled nut but let me tell you the pain was not nearly as bad as the doctor's visit. It all started when I was at the gym last week and after a 4 mile run, went to empty the hose and saw a color which was more Merlot than Chardonnay. This is when I knew I was in trouble, I mean I can deal with some discomfort but I don't even like to drink Merlot let along excrete it.
I go in last week to see my doctor, you know the one who likes to play pocket pool with my cue-stick. The guy that makes you drop your pants if you have a sore throat or a runny nose. Well, now I come in with a real unit issue, so this dude's got a smile on his face from Lexington Avenue to the East River. I drop my pants, get in position and get told that I have a UTI!!!! He gets me onto some kind of antibiotic but after the full analysis comes back the lab, he thinks it may be a bit more than just a UTI and tells me to go see a urologist for a sonogram, fun fun fun.
A UTI, what kind of dude gets a UTI? I'm really turning into a chick, first I gotta run with a training bra to avoid bloody nipples, then i have to wear spandex so my fat thighs don't rub together, then I got these fat ankles and now I'm getting a sonogram and buying cranberry juice by the gallon.
I walk into this urologist office and now my life goes from bad to terrible... first he rubs some weird cream all over my gut and gives me that sonogram, luckily he didn't find a kid in there. Then he says "well nothing weird with that but since we gotta figure out what's wrong, we'll have to take a look inside with a camera. Now I know of only one way to get to my bladder and this is when I started sweating bullets. There I am on one of those chairs where your legs get locked into these weird things like I'm about to give birth. Your legs are tied in like one of those thigh machines that always rip my drawers with this Doc and his assistant staring down on poor little Righetti. Now the doc (not the hot assistant) rubs little righetti down with some kind of weird anesthesia, then he squirts some weird goo down the tube, this sensation I can only describe as reverse peeing. Finally they go InnerSpace on me and I feel like Martin Short when they send some telescope with a camera up my unit to get a peak around.. The doctor says "good news no major issues" and then smiles and goes away, I'm left feeling more violated than any man ever should.
Let me tell you it was NOT pleasant, I know I mention it often but my life is not just not very good, quite honestly it sucks
oh yeah, he wants to see me for a follow up in three weeks.
Monday, October 27, 2008
There are only a few things I ask for in a stripper
Just to be clear, I'm not against the caesarean in general, just for a chick who works under a blacklight.
I know these broads had some issues with not feeling like they were loved but this scar means that at least at some point you got some real loving and I like to believe my stripper is completely innocent..
Got an interesting comment to a TOR entry from a few days ago about the need to end a conversation before ending revolving doors. First of all this revolving door piece was actually brought to my attention by The Ryan Express and in addition to the original theory, regular TOR reader and occasional Relief Bitcher 'The Bump' mentions that this is the same rule as walking into the bathroom to use a urinal, all conversation ceases once cock is in hand.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Goodbye to Romance
So lets get an over/under for how many Sarah Palin costumes we're gonna see for Halloween this year? That has to be the most popular costume of the year and just about any brunette chick can pull it off. Add some square glasses, a mini skirt and one of those shirts with the high collar and you are money.
Anybody notice that the entire crowd at the Chargers-Saints game in London sings along with God Save the Queen, all 80,000 people singing in unison was kinda cool to see, although it's obviouly not a 'home game' for either fans and it looks like a sports bar in NYC with NFL jersey's from every team in the league represented. I guess it's just 80,000 ex-pats now living across the pond who happened to know all the lyrics to God Save the Queen
Who else thinks that the Giants might be slightly regretting the big money contract they just gave Plaxico? These prima donna receivers are all the same, when things are going well their antics are easy to swallow but get a bit of adversity and they are nothing but annoying.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
I've been busy carving a backwards B into my face
Maybe that chick should have used a knife to cut away half the food she consumes on a daily basis.

Friday, October 24, 2008
Did read a piece in today's Times about Palin and then it hit me, she always talks about being a small town mayor, a business owner and a governor and although all are true one part of it seems like just a bit of a stretch. I'm not 100% sure but the business owner part she speaks about I think is for a company for snow-mobile racing. I think Todd is the team's driver and they make something like $1000 per year in winnings.. I'm not exactly sure this qualifies as a small business owner as it seems more like a glorified hobby for her goatee having husband. That's like saying TOR makes me a small business owner cause I have a couple of banner ads up..
I know the US loves the underdog story and embraces the little engine that could but could there be less interest in this Devil Rays world series? Maybe I'm disenfranchised, maybe I'm disconnected or maybe i'm just disinterested but you couldn't pay me to watch this series.
So caught some kind of expose on Obama's grandparents yesterday and on the TV screen I saw the following picture and thought.. Jeeze maybe get a slightly looser pair of pants Grandpa
Thursday, October 23, 2008
$150,000 for a wardrobe?
Then again I buy most of my clothes at which probably explains why all my jeans look like they were designed for moose
Although the campaign did say that the clothes would be donated to charity after the campaign, maybe they can start with these guys!!!
I feel bad for McCain, his running mate drops that kind of loot on her wardrobe but he's the head of the ticket and he dresses like he got a two for one deal with Jack Cafferty. They both dress like one of those Chinese Guy at a wedding, you know the kind where the suit doesn't fit right and it looks like it was tailored by a blind child laborer or maybe Katie Tong. Then again looks shouldn't be that important but it almost looks like McCain sometimes leaves his house and forgets to brush either his hair or his teeth.
Got a stupid question, who the hell told me that Iron Man was going to be any good. Maybe I've gotten old, maybe I've gotten fat and maybe i've gotten lazy but come on, there was no suspense, no storyline and really no intrigue. The story line was terrible, the action was subpar and the acting was tired. Robert Downey Jr is shockingly miscast, Gwyneth Paltrow can't act her way out of a bag of wet socks and I really only like to see the Jeff Bridges with a white Russian in his hand.
Maybe it's just that I like to see my superheroes fight some inner demons, Tony Stark's character development looked like it could have been written by a guy who works at a camping store not produced by a major Hollywood studio.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
1994 was great!!!
When I turn on SNL in 2008 it feels like you are watching the Knicks in 2008, basically they have both sucked since I left highschool and when either was really good was basically sometime around 1970. Back in High School they had a lineup of Adam Sandler, Chris Farley, Chris Rock, Phil Hartman, Dennis Miller etc. and now i'm stuck with an untalented bunch including: that unfunny fat black dude, theWeekend Update guy who looks like the intern dude from The Office and Andy "don't call me Ryne" Samdberg
Come on:
Sandler, Farley, Rock, Hartman and Miller was like Oakley, Starks, Mason, Ewing and Derek Harper , Bring in a top coach/Alec Baldwin and you were off to the races. Although I guess you did have to deal with David Spade (Charles Smith).
Even the next few years there were some highlights with the addition of Will Ferrell (Sprewell), Jim Breuer(Marcus Camby) and Norm McDonald (Allan Houston), and you got yourself to another championship series although you know it was in a strike season.
Then you hit the post Ewing era you also had some real bumbs like Shandon Anderson(Chris Kattan) and Howard Eisley (Molly Shannon) intersperced with Will Ferrell.. But then Ferrell/Sprewell leaves the show/team goes to total crap and you aren't even selling MSG out anymore..
But even if you think about those Golden Times it probably doesn't compare to the time before you watched the Knicks/SNL. The 70's had absolute superstars like Chevy Chase, Steve Martin, Bill Murray, Belushi and Dan Akroyd.. that's like Willis Reed, Walt Frazier, Dave DeBusscher, Bill Bradley and Earl the Pearl. I know they were all great and I can only watch grainy highlights from when they ruled the stage. But the only times I saw these guys live was when they had bad knees.
It's almost worse now because you just don't care to even turn it on, but look at the crap they throw at you now
Fat Black dude -- Eddy Curry (fat and fat)
Darrell Hammon-- Stephan Marbury (old and annoying)
Seth Myers - Zach Randolph (a position held by greats before you and you just the suck)
Amy Poehler Jamal Crawford (when he/she is good, bring down the house but most of the time..egh)
Andy Samberg- Chris Duhon (who?)
Tina Fey- Nate Robinson (just doesn't get enough playing time)
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Ever Pull a Nut?
Well I had the stupid belt on and I had to tighten it a lot because those goddam water bottles bounce all over the place and it put a lot of pressure right around my belt line/blatter area. Well about 16 miles into a 20 mile run, I had one of those big sneezes that usually makes you feel so good but instead I got a sudden sharp pain in upper leg, lower abdomen, side of the groin area.
It hasn't hurt like that since that day although when I have a big sneeze it doesn't feel "right" down there either. Plus it kind of hurts when i pee, not in that STD way but more in that other way.
I'm not sure what all these symptoms add up to but my buddy Jimmy Ma once pulled a nut swinging a golf club and another buddy Tommy Conway pulled a nut trying to get into a very small car. Now you'd think any statement which involved "pulling" and "your nut" would sound like it could be a lot of fun but let me tell you.. It sucks and I'm kind of afraid that I might die.
I checked online for advice and was told there is something called "small scrotum disease", not sure what is worse: small scrotum disease or big ball disease.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Talk about a Revolution
Two guys walking on the street talking about all the hot chicks they've met and one is about to make a great point when they get to the front of the building they are about to enter and are met with a revolving door and the inevitable happens... the conversation comes to a grinding halt and can never come back again.
Since it completely NOT acceptable for two dudes to share one space in a revolving door, the conversation gets put on hold and by the time both are through any semblance of the joke or the eb-and-flow of the conversation completely dies. One guy could have just come up with the perfect solution for an Israeli-Palestinian peace plan but if he doesn't get the entire thought out before they come to that revolving door you may as well add 100 years of war to the possiblity of peace in the Middle East.
Somehow the 5 seconds between entering and exiting takes all steam out of conversations, maybe it has to do with an alpha dog situation since one guy has to go in first, maybe it has to do with two men locking horns in a time to come up with dominance or maybe it has to do with the fact that those doors just rotate way too slowly and between the first guy entering and the other guy finally exiting there has been way too much time elaped. Shoot maybe because you can only sort of look through the windows you get sick and the distration is just too much for anybody.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Why do old fat guys do this?
Maybe this dude can convince his buddies that he has a size 40 waste while Romeo who is obviously much lighter but has to claim a size 52 belt. Then again some dudes have that kind of gut that is all belly while other dudes have that weight in the place where you unit should be. I gotta say that if I ever get myself over 2 and half bills that I'm hoping for the former method of carrying the weight not the latter.
Now that I think about it, the high belt thing seems to be especially prevalent in football coaches.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
It's the end of the world as we know it
We are two weeks from the "most important election of our lifetimes" although I'd make the case that the "most important election" was held 8 years ago and we as a country failed in that one.
What is most frustrating is that 95% of people who will vote are strongly decided and the other 5% probably don't care that much.. Why this entire election comes down to the 5% of people who have basically lived under a rock is beyond me. Sadly these are the kinds of people who could be affected by policy decisions (welfare, tax breaks, abortion) but they are too occupied with the last episode of Family Guy to care... Stop pandering to the stupid and the lazy and start pandering to me!!!!
I won't tell you who to vote for but the more I think about the third debate the more 'presidential' Obama came across and the more whiny and petty McCain came across. I know we want our political leaders to show fight and be able to get scrappy but the way Obama handles criticism from McCain is how I want our nation to view itself, sort of above the fray. We are not North Korea or Somalia or wherever where the hope is to jab and get a reaction out of the guy on top.
The other point has to do with what I see as the biggest common theme between Jr. Bush and McCain,I'm not talking about Iraq, or their positions on abortion or any of this 90% voting crap but the fact that they both believe that they can judge a book or situation instantly, both have this tendency to believe that they have great intuition and both trust their gut. Obama is more cerebral and although this might make him dull or annoys people because he is not able to come up with a new plan on the spot, it also allows him to make a well thought out decision after putting real thought behind it, presumably after debating this with advisors.
This is where Obama's campaign shines and McCain's drops the ball and he differs from Bush. The inability of McCain to stay on message, not for the reasons the pundits complain about but because it doesn't seem like he has conviction.. For somebody who trusts his gut instinct he seems remarkably annoyed by the fact that people think his gut is wrong.. But at 72 it's hard for a leopard to change his stripes.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Friday, October 17, 2008
I wonder what McCain was thinking here?
The above picture was taken at the end of the debate when McCain couldn't decide which way to walk to greet Bob Schieffer, I remember the moment and thought it was pretty entertaining but I'm glad that Reuters got a picture of it.
Alessandra Stanley describing the bate basically came down to a pseudo court case of George Bush vs Joe the Plumber today with Obama as the smooth prosecutor and McCain as the personal injury lawyer.
Apparently being a plumber can get you a gig that pays a quarter million dollars a year, what the hell am I doing traveling from China to Germany to Belgium to Cleveland when I could be making so much more money as an unlicensed plumber?
Does it get much worse or better? Playboy facing the downturn in the economy is cutting 55 jobs, I just have to hope the jobs they are cutting means that we'll be getting a bunch of new secretary requests in our office building. There seems to be a lot of talk in Belgium about the new "film" Nailin' Palin which has hit the store shelves recently. I saw the DVD box cover and I wonder why they couldn't at least get a chick that looked slightly like Palin.
I want to know what happened to the David Brooks I know and love. First he throws Palin under the bus and today he all but endorses the Messiah for president. William F. Buckley must be turning over in his grave.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Joe SixPack vs Joe the Plumber
... how do you think does poor old Joe Lieberman thinks about this whole thing, he was the most popular Joe in the McCain world a few weeks ago and now he's #3
Man, does it get any better than this.. McCain takes the gloves off and attacks Obama and they finally found a real moderator.. Bob Schieffer did a fantastic job and put Brokenjaw to shame..
I have noticed that McCain starts every debate wishing a fellow 70+ year old fellow Washington regular good health in their time of need.
But the real story hear is the 15 minutes of fame for "Joe the Plumber" who seems to be everywhere and is probably on his way to do Jay Leno tonight.. Of course the interwebs got a hold of this guy and they found out that he is neither 1) an actual plumber or 2) anywhere near buying a plumbing business but those are just semantics I guess.
More importantly, what does Joe SixPack think of getting the air taken out of him by Joe the Plumber? The funny thing about Joe SixPack is that is't actually quite a negative stereotype but I guess you can't be insulted by it if you don't understand that it's really a joke on you. Nothing tells you that you are a good standing member of society as giving the entire world the impression that you down a six pack on most nights.. I wonder if Joe the Plumber hammers a Six Pack every night.. Let me tell you, I don't want an unlicenced plumber working on my pipes after downing a six pack of coca cola let alone Miller Lite.
now i'm sure I'll get killed on this some how but explain something to me.
When Oil was almost $150 a barrel gasoline was being sold at $4.50, now that oil hit a rate of $75 how come gas isn't $2.25?
I know they will say that the oil that is being pumped into your car right now was pumped out of the earthy about 6 months ago, so that it will take 6 months before you see a real savings..
funny thing is that when oil raises in price the price of gasoline jumps immediately.. I'm sure there is a reason but I'm just not sure what it is..
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Why do I spend $30 when it will look exactly the same
1) the guy handing out the fliers has the kind of haircut they give mental patients when they first enter the asylum and
2) the guy who hands out the fliers in the morning is the sometimes the same dude who cuts your hair in the afternoon
Now i'm all for working hard and it's only a haircut, but if my doctor used the same type of marketing scheme, I'd basically be going to Dr. Zizmore for everything from pimples to rectal warts.
Well.. I've been pretty unhappy with the crappy haircuts I get at the place with the fliers and the huge parrot, so decided as ago a few months ago to venture into unknown territories. I went to one of those Jean Claude Van Haircuts places. You know the type where you spend $30 and some chick with a german accent torments you with that Nietzsche inspired cold blooded gaze. I sit down and tell the German chick that I want it "short on the sides but leave it slightly longer on the top to go for that messy look that seems popular recently"
She tells me that she knows exactly what I want and shows me a picture on the wall which is completely not what I'm looking for. The picture she shows me if of one of those standard Long Island haircuts, you know the type where the dude puts all his hair forward except the front few strands which have to then stand straight up like it's a dam trying to hold back rushing water. I want the messy look which can be combed down when I'm at work and kept messy when I hit an Irish bar or a Mexican restaurant. Not the kind of look you spend 3 hours to get right when you plan to spend the night going to crappy B&T clubs down the the meat-packing district
Well $30 plus tip later I walk out of Jean Claude Van Haircut with basically the same crappy haircut I usually get from the parrot guy except now it cost me $35 total. The entire experience was miserable because the chick kept insisting I get that stupid Long Island thing and I kept insisting that I wanted more of George Clooney deal. Instead I look like I have wings cut into the side of my head, basically she gave me the Brian Bosworth.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
What is the equivalent to putting a big brick in my virtual mailbox like Kramer did his actual mailbox?
The “call me back when you have a chance” message is worthless since I already knew you called from my miss-call log.
It costs money for no real reason because I have to use minutes to call up to find out something I already knew (I realize the IPhone handles this differently but since I have Verizon the IPhone is not an option for me.)
Plus I’m forced to listen to that introductory message which is paced for a person in BSI math.
Maybe I'll just change my outgoing message to say.. "hey, you've reached my voicemail, please do NOT leave me a message, send me a text message instead"
Now my second complaint of the day is a bit different and might not resonate with all the TOR readeres, but honestly it's my party and I can cry if I want to.
Here it goes..why the hell did the Blackberry decide to not copy the layout of a normal computer keyboard? They put the Shift key where the Alt is supposed to be and the Alt where the Shift key is supposed to be, so everytime I try to type quickly my sentences the ones that start with a P start with an @ sign instead and all my emails go to
This is like telling somebody that when they drive a Honda instead of a Ford that they have to remember that the turn signals are reversed.
I hate my life.
Monday, October 13, 2008
So how many fantasy seasons ended today with Tony Romo's finger injury?
I’ll be in Europe when McCain vs. Obama three hits TV sets Wednesday night, will be interesting what the European opinion of these things will be. You just know that the guys across the pond wish they could have a vote in this election.
This ‘debate’ will have a slightly different setting after the last one had them wandering around a ‘town hall’ setting. Not sure about you but I have never been to a town hall or a ‘town hall’ but if this is what a town hall is all about, I’d rather not be invited.
For this one they are going to be sitting next to each other in a Meet the Press format, which will probably not lead to any fireworks. The best hope for some action might be watching the seething anger in McCain which for him might feel like the equivalent of being forced to sit next to the kid who beat you out for the JV basketball team when you were in 10th grade, f*cking Coach Auggie.
Gotta say one thing about Palin, I kind of like here with the hair down. With it up she looks like hot librarian reprimanding a bunch of white kids but with the hair down she looks like that same librarian strutting on stage to WhiteSnake.
Today we feature a new Relief Bitcher
Bump Bein is 3-4 with a 4.21 ERA but does strike out more than one man per inning. Mitch Williams has nothing on this guy
as special guest sports correspondent to the takeonrighetti, I can't stand this calling a time out as the kicker is about to kick a game winning/tying field goal. it's bush. you call yourselves professionals, practice all week, charge prices for a professional football contest, draw up and run intricate plays with many layers, watch film all week,... all so you can call this equivalent of a "psych" they should make a change to that rule and fine a coach if he pulls that bush league bullshit.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
how do you end a text conversation

Philthy makes the following point the other day, why a text message conversation can never end easily. Seems to annoy the piss out of me too cause the conversation drags for no real reason.
R: "hey what was the name of that movie you were telling me about?"
J- "Dark City"
R- "that's right, thanks"
J- "no problem"
R- "have a good weekend"
J-"you too"
R- "later"
J- "later"
at $0.05/message this seems like an awfully expensive way to drag on a conversation... I know we are moving into this tech world which is supposed to make communication easier but really do we have to be cordial in every possible setting? This is why that blackberry messenger thing is so good, because the assumption there is that the conversation never 'ends' it just pauses. You ask a question, get an answer and the next time you need something you start it back up again..
The reason that blackberry messenger works for me but AIM or MSN messenger doesn't has to do with the fact that the BB messenger is on your person and somehow the expectations are different that the CPU based messenger programs. People (at least of my generation) also don't expect you to hold a prolonged conversation over this thing.
This is primarily a problem when you get into a MSN messenger conversation with somebody you have no real interest in talking to. I'm sitting at work, you know minding my own business when all of a sudden right on top of my excel sheet a window pops open with some inane message like
"what you doing?"
the rest of the conversation goes something like this
"not much, what's up?"
"what are you up to?"
"running you know, keeping busy"
I then minimize the window and go back to work when 2 minutes later the stupid window blinks orange again with the message
"you are not very good at this"
WTF, i didn't ask to get into this conversation and I can't be asked to be a dancing monkey at a moment's notice. I hate my life sometimes.
end rant
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Big Trouble with a little Chinese food
I sit down last night at the best/worst Chinese restaurant in NYC and my eyes and stomach is met with the best and worst of New York's Chinese cuisine.. One dish more flavorful then the next and with each bite my stomach does another round of jumping jacks.. The ulcer growing exponentially in my stomach.
It is now 15 hours later and I am standing on line for the crapper at some shitty deli and the chick who decided to lock herself in the can right in front sounds like she is giving birth in there..
The Prospect Park janitorial crew must be thankful that I'm not running today.
My life is incredibly bad
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Friday, October 10, 2008
with the Dow back to 2003 levels is there any chance I can get my 2003 liver back?
We might have a chance to see it that's true since is reporting that Palin has close ties to an Alaskan group looking to secede from the USA, so there are a ton of skeletons in every one of their closets..
And now Cindy McCain is on the warpath, calling out Obama for voting against funding the troops (his vote was not against the troops but instead was because it did not have a timeline for withdrawal).. McCain also voted against funding the troops (when a measure which DID include a timeline came before the Senate but Bimbo McCain might have forgotten that.
What is most obvious is that Cindy seems to be a bit jealous of Palin and is trying to show her manthat she is also not afraid to get nasty. You know the old rule, you can't put two pussies in a room and not expect a little scratching. These two chicks are basically peeing all over the carpet trying to lay claim to parts of this campaign and McCain's gotta be loving it. Hot wife and a hot running mate, lets just hope he can get it up.
Bush is trying to add certainty to the markets but every time he opens his mouth, the dow drops again. What is dropping quicker, Bush's support amongst his base or the DOW?
Just look at this
"Over the past few days," Bush said, "we have witnessed a startling drop in the stock market, much of it driven by uncertainty and fear. This has been a deeply unsettling period for the American people."
Read a great response to this on the interwebs today
Yeah...their is a lot being driven by uncertainty and fear....maybe...just maybe...that uncertainty and fear is being driven by a President that said "we have to have a $700 billion bailout....and MY GOD WE NEED IT RIGHT NOW!!!"The good news (sort of) is that all the great Wall Street Crashes have happened in October and most of the time it rebounded a bit in November. The bad news we still have about 3 weeks to go till Halloween.
How god-awful is Saturday Night live other than the couple of skits that Tina Fey does, this show is almost completely unwatchable.. Weekend Update desk would be more funny if they just showed an empty desk for 10 minutes... terrible
On a slightly different note, Francessa and Benigno working together today might very well be the future of WFAN, love the combo. Joe B seems like a natural fit in place of Russo cause at least he watches sports. I'd love to see Mike and Joe together for a while, maybe bring Sidney Arthur back to do the middays and get rid of Screetch all together
Thursday, October 9, 2008
You know we are F’d when the National Debt Clock runs doesn’t have enough numbers
NEW YORK (AP) -- The National Debt Clock in New York City has run out of
digits to record the growing figure. As a short-term fix, the digital dollar
sign on the billboard-style clock near Times Square has been switched to a
figure -- the "1" in $10 trillion. It's marking the federal government's current
debt at about $10.2 trillion. The Durst Organization says it plans to
update the sign next year by adding two digits. That will make it capable
of tracking debt up to a quadrillion dollars. The late Manhattan real estate
developer Seymour Durst put the sign up in 1989 to call attention to what was
then a $2.7 trillion debt.
Listening to Rush (the wacky right winger not the terrible guitar jackoff band) yesterday I did think he made a great point when he was talking about how ridiculous these elections get as they grovel for the undecided votes. His point is basically that these entire campaigns throw away everything they stand for, just to try to appeal to the 10% of the people who obviously haven’t paid any attention so far.
Honestly, how many people do you know who are truly undecided and not just un-interested? Most everybody at this point has made a decision and if you haven’t you are probably listening to way too much Rush.
Look at the audience at the 2nd debate, these were a group of people who claim to be truly undecided, what did they have in common? They all looked and sounded it was like they should be locked up in strait-jackets. These people will be the ones who decide who the president is, not the people who are truly informed, read the newspaper, pay attention and have true political conviction. This is like giving me the final decision on an American Idol championship and I decide that I like Carrie Underwood’s t*ts better than Kelly Clarkson’s.
I also watched the Palin interview with Greta Van Susteren. If there is a more hideous looking human than Greta Van Susteren show her to me because I think they are showing little kids pictures of her mug the same way they showed us Nightmare on Elm Street.

This woman’s face looks like it’s been beaten with hammers filled with collagen. I saw her on the street once and thought she could easily be one of those hobos who make money by standing on a box in the middle of Times Square completely frozen. This interview was about as in-depth as an US Weekly feature which revealed NOTHING about her views and just allowed her to go back to her stump speeches. At what time can we see some guts in journalism? O’Reilly is nuts and a right-wing nut but at least he’s not afraid to get in your face, Greta should be put out to pasture or at least be set out on some farm to scare away the crows.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Those Stupid red-yellow-green lights were very disturbing
Now to the debate..
Was it just me or did you sit there the entire time, not paying attention to what either McCain or Obama was saying but instead staring at those light? It was completely distracting and obviously served no practical purpose as both candidates, but Obama in particular, would speak for full minutes after the red light went off. I like to hear myself talk but Good God, I would hope somebody put me out of my (or their) misery if I would ever have the stamina to go at this for the lengths they did.
Regular TakeOnRighetti reader Zeke sent me a text message half way through saying "they need to run this thing like PTI", add the categories they will be discussing on a bar on the side and then sound a loud bell when the time was up. Adding the question to the bottom of the screen might be helpful too but I don't think it would have made much difference to the candidates.
Oh yeah, the funniest thing about this debate was that to call it a debate is really an insult to the term debate. This idiotic restrictive town-hall format, , completely goes against the entire concept of a debate. They don't interact, Brokaw never calls either one out when they avoid the question, there is no follow up, no follow through nothing..
This thing was no better than watching two campaign stump speeches spliced together on YouTube. Why waste everybody's time if this is what we are going to get??? The entire thing moderated by a guy who sounds like the Godfather or Weird Al in the Nirvana spoof.
and honestly, can they get a more unattractive bunch of people for that studio audience. These must me the hobos living out of garbage cans or people they've gotten straight from the mental institution because these people do not represent my views. The TOR view is the following "you are going to be on National Television, broadcasted live by 10 different stations to 100 million people worldwide, put on matching socks, wear a clean shirt and comb your hair" This is what the rest of the world thinks the American public is, a bunch of indecisive slobs.
Also. Michelle Obama take a lesson from your Republican counterpart. not only was that red dress dreadful it makes your ass look like one of those bean bag chairs.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
I need a cold Beer
"It's amazing, every time that Paulson or Bernanke speaks the DOW drops another 200 points"
CNN has one of those 24 hour DOW tickers in the corner now, and I noticed that during Bush's press conference it dropped 300 points also.
Monday, October 6, 2008
I knew my water tasted funny
Read the following in the NY Times today
But some of those spots are being lampooned by people who point out that water filters cannot be recycled, at least in the United States. “In order to give up bottled water, you have to switch to another plastic product that’s not recyclable,” said Beth Terry of Oakland, Calif., who has started an online campaign to try to persuade Clorox, the company that owns Brita, to start recycling the filters.
Now I'm not nearly as uncomfortable with the fact that these filters are not recyclable as I am with the fact that they are made by Clorox.
Four years ago the DOW hit 14,000.. As i'm typing this it sits at about 9900.. somebody see if we still have that empty bottle of champagne from 4 years ago and try to wring the mop used to clean up the mess back into the bottle.
Is it just me or does it seem that Williams Kristol seems to have lost all his bite, like when we took our beagle and cut off his balls and now he has no sex drive at all. If I needed to hear this kind of lame conservative writing I'll check out Lou Dobbs.

Sunday, October 5, 2008
How can something so bad in one state be so great in another?

For all of this country's military might, for all our manufacturing prowess, all of our grit, our heart and our greatest resource our people why when you drop $2.49 at a Supermarket which is truly Americano are you you disappointed? Why is title track of our cuisine taste like somebody scratched toe fungus into a bowl and somehow mush it together to get it stretchy. Why the hell can't we make a decent cheese? It's an embarrassment when you go to Europe and you see that the French have 60 types of cheese and the one cheese that carries our country's name gets served in single wrapped slices of totally processed yellow gunk.
This is kind of like the American people, at first taste people might be a bit disgusted but for all its detractions, a slice of American Cheese is absolutely the ONLY choice you when melted as part of an egg and cheese, melted on a grilled burger or best yet melted between two slices of bread for a grilled cheese.
So maybe Palin would be easier to swallow if we melted her?
Saturday, October 4, 2008
How can you tell if your city will vote Democratic or Republican?
Posted by
Friday, October 3, 2008
I'm looking forward to Saturday Night Live for the first time since I was in the 10th grade.
Expectations for Palin were about equal to what your expectations should be if you decide to start Mewelde Moore against the the original Steel Curtain but that is what this election is all about.... low expectations.
I heard a great analysis on this thing by a guy from the conservative NewsMax, he made a great point. What she did here was re-energize her base; she did not bring any independents or undecided voters into her camp. His point was that after the convention, your base should already be energized but that she has wasted the last 4 weeks losing support and this might have only gotten the wayward followers back into the fold. That is like saying the market is up today and celebrating!!!
The Times put it best when they basically called her entire 'debate' a prolonged stump speech, she couldn't even stay on topic. Ifill asked about health care and she answers about energy. With all of that said, Palin does have the ability to connect with those "average Americans".
Gwen Ifill is absolutely terrible, although to be fair she was fair, I was looking for more than just fair. I didn't want somebody to just read questions, rather somebody who could engage the candidates; she treated the moderator gig like she was reading questions at a couple trivial pursuit night.
She should be put out to pasture.
Biden was decent although all the women I have discussed this with were disappointed he didn't go on the attack more than he did.. He does lose me completely at times when he gets into nuance like when he tried to explain McCain's tax credit for health-care and how that would be offset relative to having your employer covered health care taxed as part of income. Something about $5000 and $12,000// He would have been better off saying "McCain plan gives you $5000 but will tax you $12,000, a net loss to American people of $7000", remember you are talking to "average Americans"
also.. the Times reported today that his big proclamation of 3 Weeks in Iraq = 7 years of Afghanistan doesn't fly. The numbers are something like $7.5 billion for Iraq in three weeks and $17.2 billion in total for Afghanistan. His point would have resonated the same way if he had said "less than 2 months in Iraq = total cost of Afghanistan" and then he would have been right. Why open yourself up for unneeded criticism.
There were a few times I really wanted him to interrupt that ditz Ifill and ask Palin straight up to answer the goddarn question. When she winked at the screen, I almost made a mess of my workpants.
My biggest problem with her isn’t that she doesn’t come across as genuine in her persona. She’s a chick who tells you that she is from small town America, went to 5 colleges in 6 years to get a Bachelors degree in communication, who goes to PTA meetings and gets her opinion on Israel changed, doesn’t read the newspaper and if she does she reads nice colorfull ones like the USA Today, who married a guy who keeps his cell phone clipped to his belt, has a daughter who got knocked up in high school, who doesn’t care much about foreigners, who shoots bison or moose or something and she’s unapologetic about all of it. I think this all has a bit of charm to it but just because you are average doesn’t mean you should run the country. If you are average you shouldn’t even run the marathon
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Lets get ready to rumble!!!!
It's bound to completely dissapoint, I'm sure..but at the end of the day we all rubber neck when there is an car wreck and the chance that this could be a 40 car pile-up will get the entire country watching. Or maybe you'll be watching Rays vs WhiteSox baseball. Best call of the morning is that Dennis Eckersley now looks exactly like Steve Perry with his crappy haircut
Gotta love one thing about Obama, he was on Mike and Mike this morning and said that if elelected POTUS he would get rid of the BCS and use an executive order for an NCAA Football playoff system. That is the most concrete position that he's ever taken on anything.
Rumor is that he kicked the crap out of Stuart Scott in a game of one-on-one also.. Maybe we can get him to be the next anchor for MNF if he doesn't become POTUS.
I have been thinking of this for a while but have you noticed that every one of Palin's suit jackets looks the same, just different colors.. They always have this high collar that sort of frames her head like a circumsized penis.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
After Yesterday, maybe God Hates Me!!!
I walk out of the house and I saw something I have never before seen. I take two steps out of the front door and all of a sudden BOOM. I'm shocked partly because it is 6:30 in the morning but mostly because something apparantly fell from a window or roof or something.
I don't have much time to think because the item that fell right at my feet, gets up and runs away. I guess squirels are not like cats as they don't always land on their feet. This thing basically did a belly flop right on the sidewalk. I still find them disgusting.
Gotta love/hate Palin's answer to Couric's question about the Newspapers she reads.. She comes back with "all of them".. Sorry toots, the chances of you reading even one of them all the way through on a day is hard enough to believe. I'm not sure on a Sunday morning her goatee having husband rips away the sports section for local hockey news while she digs deep through the comics.
Here's a new rule. "If your newspaper comes with a comic section on Sunday, it's probably not a very good paper to start off with"
Today, my friend Rachel hits the mound as our Relief Bitcher. She's got a record of 4-3 with a 3.84 ERA and a WHIP of 1.80, so you don't know what you are getting expect..
"Boston.Com reported the following
A majority -- 51 percent -- say she is not qualified to be president, a reversal from just after the Republican convention a month ago when 52 percent said she was qualified, the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press reported. Palin has lost ground among independents, and that is hurting John McCain, who made her his surprise running mate.
Is that really something to write about? Without the actual data (which actually does support the idea and is quite heartwarming to us crazy liberals), you are left thinking --- well, 49 percent now thing she's qualified, compared to 52 percent before. Ooohhh, how significant?! At least, that's what those of us can do math are thinking!"