Thursday, November 16, 2023

Take on George Santos

I gotta say if a screenwriter came up with the George Santos storyline it would be thrown out on being completely unbelievable. Between the game jobs at major banks, the holocaust survival, the blatant lies on his biography, he had audacity which we haven't seen.

The way a man come up with the kinds of stories he did and then sell them as facts to a huge audience without anybody noticing any of it until it was all too late is sort of impressive.

Add to that even when the lights were shining brightest, he couldn't resist the urge to continue his quest of peddling self falsehoods and spending campaign funds on various personal items just adds to the mystique.

But I gotta say the suckers who donated to this guy's campaign who now find out he spent it on Botox and OnlyFans has to be sweetest justice ever.

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