Friday, September 15, 2023

Take on the Wendy’s Nacho Burger

I decided to indulge in some good old American cuisine before embarking on an 8 day trip to China, so instead of a sale or wrap, went all in on this new Nacho burger from Wendy's. The pictures in the ads made this thing look amazing and the idea behind a TexMex burger explosion sounded too good to be true, so I dropped $6 and waited with anticipation.
Sadly, the Nacho Burger of my dreams didn't show up and instead I got a culinary nightmare. Instead of a crisp binned burger with nacho flavors I got this soggy bun, a sorry patty with cheese and sauce spilling all over the place. There wasn't any distinguishable burger taste as the nacho thing sort of overpowered the burger thing. The entire thing was like eating something with the consistency of a plate of nachos after somebody spilled a Diet Coke on them.

Oh well. Maybe the food in China will be better

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