Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Take on the thousand year egg

You travel nearly 30 hours door to door and the only food they offer is some weird soup concoction which tastes like clam infused bellow, your stopover is in an empty terminal with nothing open except one coffee place which won't take Amex. You get to the hotel so late that nothing is open and then spend the entire night craving anything edible.

Chinese cuisine is great, but it always takes some getting used to and day one is no exception. I can't complain about the fairly western themed breakfast but always confused as to why anybody would find the Thousand Year egg a delicacy. I mean the yolk is blacker than night, it smells like raw sewage and whether or not it's been sitting out for a week almost doesn't matter.

But at least they have this empanada thing which was amazing.

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