Saturday, August 5, 2023

Take on Big Water

I caught a story of a woman who died of water toxicity which is a scary thought especially since the push from Big Water to over hydrate us. Thirty years ago, nobody spoke about water intake, it just wasn't a thing. You drank when you were thirsty but now, everybody seemingly following some fad water diet. now some celebrity tells you it will improves your lifespan, your memory and your overall health It will allow you to lose weight, gives you extra energy and bone lubricity and can help impotence, incontinence and irritability.

But I'm not buying, Big Water sells Dasani for $4 a bottle when it's literally filtered water, they have convinced us that we need to drink water from Fiji, transported half way around the world in plastic bottles and god knows what kind of water infrastructure has been built around harvesting water, the entire industry can not be worse for earth.

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