Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Take on Dianne Feinstein

It's time to end the Weekend at Bernie's charade and Chuck Buck Schumer as to step up and force Dianne Feinstein to resign. She's been a terrific senator, a warrior and a trailblazer. She's done incredibly well and fought on the right side on almost every argument but just like RBG, when it gets to this point, the right decision is stepping aside before the GOP gets their little claws all in it. When she can't recall where she was earlier this month, the writing is on the wall

The timing works, the state works and the need is there as the work she's not able to do on the Judiciary committee is too important to be left to an 8-8 stalemate

Please, for the love of god, somebody have some guts and break the news to her

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