Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Take on the Sitcom neighbor

I've been trying to figure out what Ronny is and have finally come up with it. He's not a headline star, he's not even a n important supporting character. Ron DeSantis is the sitcom neighbor.

We know Ron DeSantis is a complete weirdo and there is no doubt that the longer he is testing the waters, the more dirt that Trump will release but most of Ron's issues are unforced errors like his denial about being a candidate. It's not that the denial wasn't expected, it was the fact he looked like a complete unserious loon while doing it and it it's reminiscent of him in those stupid waders. It's like he's there for 30 seconds of yuks.

And like a sitcom neighbor, getting him in short spurts is sort of entertaining but the GOP is quickly learning that you can't base an entire series around him.

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