Thursday, April 6, 2023

Take on shady Clarence

Finding out that Clarence Thomas is completely corrupt is the least shocking thing I heard today but having unearthed his personal concierge service at a bunch of private resorts here and abroad was a bit much. Thomas hasn't disclosed any of the vacations he's received when he was gifted trips using private jets and private yachts yo get to private islands all paid for some some uber wealthy GQP donor.
What I'm most intrigued about is some weird private all male trip he's go on to some Luxurious hideway to a private all men's retreat which sounds a lot like a conservative judge needing to soak his wild oats…with a local cabana boy.

Just imagine this was Kagen going on jaunrs to the French Riviera on George Soro's dime. The GQP would have her head.

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