Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Take on the Japanese boarding efficiency

You got to give it to these Japanese people. Not only are they innovative, courteous, friendly and great culinary procurers, as a society they thrive for overall better living
There is no garbage on their subway tracks which also means there are no rats, people move aside for old people and pregnant ladies and there are no mask protests. People wear masks to protect others because they care about society but what is truly amazing is how they board a plane. There isn't some irrational mad rush to board but instead everybody waits patiently for their zone to be called. People don't jump the line or try to sneak ahead but wait their turn like a civilized society but what is even smarter is they don't just board with courtesy, they actually board with efficiency. First they board window seats, then middle seats and finally aisle seats. So you aren't standing in the main aisle as some jackass tries to shove an oversized bag in the overhead while waiting for some other guy in the aisle seat to move his legs over so the first guy can rub his gigantic American ass on the guy's face. Is sadistic how we treat others so we can gain just the slightest advantage.

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