Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Take on the Giant Blob of Seaweed Heading to Florida

I've always thought that we'd all be better off if Florida just sunk into the ocean and we may be getting closer to that scenario. The Pacific Ocean has that giant barrier reef of plastic which has grown to be the Sue dog a small country but I believe it's sort of a stagnant island that collects more plastic but doesn't really move.

The Atlantic Ocean has its own problem and it seems to be a giant blob of seaweed which will wash onto Florida's shores shortly
Two things we are assure of. The volume of lame jokes that will come from this are going to endless and Meatball Ron is going to get critiqued mercilessly on his handling of this, it's going to be a no win situation when his beaches all smell like the bottom of a korean dude's feet.

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