Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Take on the no Wi-Fi on board

Stepping onto a cross country coach flight at 8am sucks for a million reasons mostly because I am reminded of the misery that is flying.

My alarm went off at 5am, my cab took a wrong turn, we hit terrible traffic as we approached terminal 4 at JFK, the TSA line was endless, the options at the snack bar were limited to melon and boiled eggs and my seat in row 35 doesn't recline. But that is all part of the gig, the real horror came after we departed.

I always scan my plane for that Wi-Fi symbol as I get on which by now is standard on just about any plane and once I see it, I can relax. I don't worry about downloading a bunch of podcasts or movies and I've long stoped bringing a newspaper or magazine with me so the real horror of my day wasn't the airport experience but the announcement they made about 19 minutes after departure that the Wi-Fi system was down and they would try to reboot it. The rebooting part is apparently pulling out the plug and sticking it back in which they have tried 6 times with no success and now I'm stuck for 5 hours staring at my seat like some king of mental patient

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