Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Take on classified info

We realize there is likely more than merely a nuisance difference between the classified papers that were found in Biden's office and the troves found in Trump's golf club but it proves again that the moral high ground we believe we have when it comes to Biden v s Trump is pretty limited. I know my ultra liberal friends won't like this but Hunter is a problem, whether Joe benefited from is or not is not as important as the fact Hunter peddled the relationship for personal gain. The classified documents are important if we think that they should never be found outside of official possessions like we said for Trump. The weekends in Delaware and the vacations to wherever shouldn't matter unless we made a big deal about Trump's weekly trips to Mar-a-Lago. It's time for a purity test for these Democrats or we have to accept that all politicians at their core are the same.

I'm all in for the democrats mostly because I think MAGA is dangerous but the moral high ground is a slippery slope

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